

词汇 film


  • film
  • films
  • films
  • filming
  • filmed
  • filmed


  • ①[或作a film]薄皮;薄膜;(表面所生的)薄层<of>
    • a film of oil on the surface of the lake湖面上的一层油
  • ② 细丝;(空中飘浮的)蛛丝,游丝
  • ③ (眼睛的)角膜翳;霭;薄雾
  • ④ 【摄】软片,胶卷
    • a roll of film一卷软片
  • ⑤ 【英】1电影,视频2[the films;集合用法]电影业,电影界
    • a recently released film新发行的视频
    • a silent film无声电影,默片
    • a sound film有声电影,声片
    • shoot a film拍视频
    • She's in the films.她在电影界工作。


  • ① 电影的
    • a film actor [actress]电影男演员[女演员]
    • a film fan电影迷
    • the film industry电影业
    • a film version(小说等的)电影化之物;电影版


  • ① 生薄膜;变朦胧
    • The landscape filmed over.景色变得一片朦胧。
    • The lake filmed over with ice.湖面上起了一层薄冰。
  • ② 可拍成电影
    • This novel will film well.这部小说很适合拍成电影。


  • ① 覆以薄膜<with>
    • The lake was filmed with oil.湖面覆了一层油。
  • ② 【摄】拍摄;【影】拍成电影;把(小说等)电影化
    • They have filmed one of her novels.他们把她的小说之一拍成电影。


  • coatn.一层
  • make a movie ofv.拍电影
  • mistv.使朦胧
  • motion picturen.电影
  • shootv.拍电影
  • thin layern.薄膜
  • veilv.遮盖
  • celluloid
  • cinema
  • flick
  • motion-picture show
  • movie
  • moving-picture show
  • moving picture
  • photographic film
  • pic
  • picture
  • picture show
  • plastic film
  • take


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • creation
  • product
  • production
  • movie
  • film
  • picture
  • moving picture
  • moving-picture show
  • motion picture
  • motion-picture show
  • picture show
  • pic
  • flick


  • flat solid
  • medium
  • object
  • photographic material
  • photographic paper
  • physical object
  • product
  • production
  • sheet
  • show
  • wrap
  • wrapper
  • wrapping


  • 3-D
  • 3D
  • Polaroid
  • X-ray film
  • cine-film
  • cinema verite
  • collage film
  • coming attraction
  • docudrama
  • documentary
  • documentary film
  • episode
  • feature
  • feature film
  • film clip
  • film noir
  • final cut
  • footage
  • home movie
  • infotainment
  • microfilm
  • motion-picture film
  • movie film
  • musical
  • musical comedy
  • musical theater
  • negative
  • orthochromatic film
  • panchromatic film
  • positive
  • reel
  • roll
  • roll film
  • rough cut
  • scum
  • sequence
  • shoot-'em-up
  • short subject
  • shrink-wrap
  • silent movie
  • silent picture
  • silents
  • silver screen
  • skin flick
  • slick
  • slow motion
  • soap film
  • talkie
  • talking picture
  • telefilm
  • three-D




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