

词汇 drift


  • drift
  • drifts
  • drifts
  • drifting
  • drifted
  • drifted


  • ① 1漂流;飘走2(群众等)逐渐散开
    • A fishing boat is drifting slowly along [down the stream].一条渔船正慢慢地(顺流)漂下去。
    • White clouds drifted across the sky.白云飘浮过天空。
    • The crowd drifted away [off].群众逐渐散去。
  • ② 盲目前进;时常转业;居无定所;无目的地生活;不知不觉地陷入
    • Let things drift.让事情自然发展[听其自然]吧。
    • He drifted from job to job.他时常转业。
    • drift into war渐卷入战争
    • Some people just drift through life.有些人只是随波逐流过一辈子。
    • He drifted off to sleep.他逐渐睡着了。
    • He was drifting toward disaster.他正走向灾难。
  • ③ (雪、落叶等)飘积
    • The snow drifted against the house.雪飘积在屋边。


  • ① 使漂流
    • The boat drifted downstream on the current.水流使那条船漂往下游。
    • They drift the logs down the river to the sawmills.他们使那些木头顺着河流漂到锯木厂。
  • ② (风)使(雪、落叶)堆积
    • The wind is drifting the snow.风使雪飘积起来。


  • ① 冲流;漂流
    • a drift of cloud across the sky飘过天空的浮云
  • ② 放任
    • a policy of drift放任政策;观望政策
  • ③ 倾向,趋势;流动
    • a drift of population from rural areas to urban areas入口之逐渐由乡村地区流到城市地区
    • a drift toward decentralization地方分权化的倾向
  • ④ 1(雪、土沙等的)吹积,堆积;漂流物2【地质】漂积物
    • There were two-foot drifts in many places.在很多地方有两英尺的积雪。
  • ⑤[用单数形](发言、行为等的)主旨,要旨,大意
    • I can't follow the drift of his argument.我不了解他的议论的主旨。
    • I got the drift of what he said.我明白他的话的大意。


tendency: 指生下来的性向,或习惯上朝向某一方向,或有采取某种方法、行动的趋向

He has a tendency toward carelessness.

trend: 旨在某一个领域中,被当作一般的潮流而遵行的方向

a recent trend in art

current: 指在某一时间、某一地方的思想等的明确方向或目标

the current of public opinion

drift: 指思想等自然而然随波逐流的趋向

a drift toward fascism

tenor: 指有关人生的明确方向或目标

the tenor of his life


  • drift apart
    • ① 流开;漂离;疏远
    • We have drifted apart over years.我们己疏远了好多年。


  • accumulatev.累积
  • aimn.目标
  • coursen.行径
  • directionn.方向
  • gatherv.聚积
  • heapn.
  • meaningn.意义
  • movementn.移动
  • objectn.目的
  • pilen.
  • pile upv.堆积
  • ramblev.游荡
  • wanderv.游荡
  • agglomeration
  • amount
  • bank
  • burden
  • coast
  • cumulus
  • current
  • float
  • flood
  • flow
  • flux
  • gad
  • gallivant
  • hill
  • import
  • intent
  • lump
  • mass
  • meander
  • mess
  • mound
  • mountain
  • peregrinate
  • purport
  • range
  • roam
  • rove
  • rush
  • shock
  • slide
  • spate
  • stack
  • stray
  • stream
  • substance
  • surge
  • tendency
  • tenor
  • thrust
  • tide
  • traipse
  • tumble
  • wash
  • be adrift
  • blow
  • cast
  • err
  • freewheel
  • gallery
  • heading
  • impetus
  • impulsion
  • roll
  • swan
  • tramp
  • trend
  • vagabond


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • process
  • physical process
  • phenomenon
  • natural phenomenon
  • physical phenomenon
  • force
  • drift
  • impetus
  • impulsion


  • action
  • activity
  • disposition
  • force
  • inclination
  • linguistic process
  • mass
  • natural action
  • natural process
  • passageway
  • strain
  • tendency
  • tenor


  • drumlin
  • evolutionary trend
  • gravitation
  • leeway
  • melioration
  • snowdrift




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