

词汇 drink


  • drink
  • drinks
  • drinks
  • drinking
  • drank
  • drank/drunk


  • ① 饮,喝;喝完
    • He drank a whole bottle of milk.他喝了一整瓶牛奶。
    • I don't drink coffee at night.我晚上不喝咖啡。
    • drink the cup of joy [sorrow, pain]备尝欢欣[忧愁、痛苦]
    • He drank off a whole bottle.他把一整瓶都喝掉了。
    • Drink it up.把它喝干。
    • Drink up your tea.把你的茶喝完。
  • ② 把(薪水等)耗费于饮酒;以饮酒虚度
    • He drank (up) all his earnings.他将薪资全部花在饮酒上。
  • ③[drink oneself]使喝至(某种状态或程度)
    • He drank himself to death [into unconsciousness].他喝酒到死[不省人事]。
    • Don't drink yourself out of your job.你喝酒别把工作都喝掉了。
    • He drank himself stupid.他喝酒喝到笨头笨脑。
  • ④ 举杯祝贺
    • drink a person's health举杯祝某人健康
    • They drank the health of Tom and his father.他们举杯祝汤姆和他父亲健康。
    • drink success to a person举杯祝某人成功
  • ⑤ 1将(空气等)吸(入肺部)<into>2吸收(水分)<in>
    • drink air (into one's lungs)(喘气时等)深吸空气(进入肺部)
    • The dry ground drank in the rain.干燥的土地吸收了雨水。


  • ① 喝东西;(自容器、泉水等)饮
    • He drank from a fountain [the pool].他由喷泉[水池]饮水。
  • ② (习惯性)饮酒;纵饮;酒纵饮
    • You shouldn't drink and drive.你不可以喝酒开车。
    • drink hard [deep, heavily]大量饮酒,纵饮
    • Don't drink too much.不要酗酒。
    • He never drinks.他从不喝酒。
  • ③ 举杯祝贺
    • drink to a person's health [happiness, success, victory]举杯祝某人健康[幸福、成功、胜利]


  • ①[指个别之物或种类时为[C]]饮料
    • food and drink食物与饮料,饮食物
    • bottled drinks(啤酒、汽水等的)瓶装饮料
    • cold [hot] drinks冷[热]饮
    • make a drink做(鸡尾酒等)饮料
  • ② (饮料的)一口,一饮,一杯
    • I'll get you a drink of water [milk].我来给你弄一杯水[牛奶]。
    • have a drink喝一杯(尤指酒)
  • ③ 酒类;饮酒;纵酒
    • Too much drink is harmful to your liver.太多的酒有害肝脏。
    • He was fond of drink.他爱喝酒。
    • be in drink=be the worse for drink醉酒
    • He was given [addicted] to drink.他纵酒[酗酒]。
    • He took to drink because of domestic problems.他因家庭问题而耽于饮酒。
  • ④[the drink]【口】海
    • He fell in the drink.他坠落海中。


  • drinkern.饮者;喝酒的人
  • drinkingn.喝酒


  • drink a person under the table
    • ① 灌醉某人;使某人喝到醉倒
    • Jim drank Fred under the table.吉姆将弗雷德灌醉了。
  • drink away
    • ① 喝得失去(理性、财产);以饮酒度过(时间)
    • We drank the night away.我们饮酒度过夜时;我们一夜喝到天亮。
    • He tried to drink his troubles away.他试图饮酒解愁。
  • drink in
    • ① 吸入,吸收
    • ② 欣赏;陶醉于
    • She drank in the beauty of the scene.她陶醉在美景中。


  • alcoholn.
  • beveragen.饮料
  • gulpn.一口
  • sipn.一口
  • the bottlen.
  • absorb
  • belt
  • booze
  • draft
  • drinkable
  • guzzle
  • imbibe
  • liquor
  • lush
  • nip
  • pledge
  • potable
  • potation
  • pull
  • pull on
  • quaff
  • soak
  • sop up
  • sup
  • swig
  • swill
  • take up
  • tank up
  • tipple
  • toast
  • toss down
  • boozing
  • crapulence
  • deglutition
  • drink in
  • drinking
  • drunkenness
  • fuddle
  • salute
  • swallow
  • tope
  • wassail


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • measure
  • quantity
  • amount
  • indefinite quantity
  • small indefinite quantity
  • small indefinite amount
  • helping
  • portion
  • serving
  • drink


  • body of water
  • consumption
  • food
  • helping
  • ingestion
  • intake
  • intemperance
  • intemperateness
  • liquid
  • nutrient
  • portion
  • serving
  • uptake
  • water


  • ade
  • aerophagia
  • alcohol
  • alcoholic beverage
  • alcoholic drink
  • chaser
  • chocolate
  • cider
  • cocoa
  • coffee
  • cooler
  • cyder
  • draft
  • draught
  • drinking bout
  • drinking chocolate
  • drinking water
  • eye opener
  • fizz
  • float
  • frappe
  • fruit crush
  • fruit drink
  • fruit juice
  • ginger beer
  • gulp
  • hair of the dog
  • hot chocolate
  • hydromel
  • ice-cream float
  • ice-cream soda
  • inebriant
  • intoxicant
  • java
  • libation
  • mate
  • milk
  • milk shake
  • milkshake
  • mixer
  • near beer
  • nightcap
  • oenomel
  • pledge
  • posset
  • potation
  • potion
  • refresher
  • sangaree
  • sangria
  • shake
  • shandy
  • shandygaff
  • sillabub
  • sip
  • smoothie
  • soft drink
  • stirrup cup
  • sundowner
  • swig
  • syllabub
  • tea
  • tea-like drink
  • tipple
  • toast
  • whiskey neat
  • whiskey on the rocks
  • whisky neat
  • whisky on the rocks
  • wish-wash


  • booze
  • drink
  • fuddle




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