

词汇 lapse


  • lapse
  • lapses
  • lapses
  • lapsing
  • lapsed
  • lapsed


  • ① 过失;失策;失误,差错<of>
    • a lapse of tongue失言
    • His testimony was marked by many lapses of memory.他的证词有许多记错的地方。
  • ② 堕落
    • a lapse into crime犯罪
    • a lapse from faith背信
  • ③ 1(时间的)经过,推移,流逝2(过去的短)期间,时间
    • a long lapse of time一段很长的时间
    • after a lapse of ten years过十年之后
    • She was not conscious of the time lapse.她没有察觉到时间的流逝。
  • ④ (自信等的)丧失;(习惯等的)衰退,废除<of, from>
    • a lapse of conscience良心的丧失
    • a lapse from grace失宠
  • ⑤ 【法律】(权利、特权的)消失,失效
    • The lapse of his claim to the land was his own fault.他丧失对那块土地的要求权是他自己的错。


  • ① 陷(于罪恶中);堕落;犯罪;后退[衰退](至某种状态)
    • lapse from diligence into idleness从勤勉堕落为懒惰
    • She lapsed into silence [coma].她陷于沉默[昏迷(状态)]。
    • She closed her eyes and lapsed into sleep.她闭上眼睛睡着了。
    • The castle lapsed into ruin.城堡荒废或废墟。
  • ② 【法律】(因条件不合或无继承人等使财产、权利等)转归(他人)<to>;失效,消灭;(任期)届满
    • His claim to the land lapsed because he forgot to pay the rent.他因忘了交付地租而丧失对那块土地的要求权。
  • ③ (时间)流抓<away>
    • The days lapsed away.日子不知不觉地过去。


  • breachn.失误
  • declinev.衰退
  • deterioratev.退化
  • errorn.错误
  • expirev.到期
  • failuren.失败
  • fallv.陷入
  • faultn.错误
  • sinkv.沉没
  • slipn.错误
  • slipv.滑落
  • terminatev.中止
  • abate
  • backslide
  • backsliding
  • bate
  • die
  • ease
  • ebb
  • elapse
  • erratum
  • fall off
  • fluff
  • glide
  • glissade
  • go
  • inaccuracy
  • incorrectness
  • let up
  • miscue
  • misstep
  • mistake
  • moderate
  • pass
  • recidivation
  • recidivism
  • regress
  • relapse
  • remit
  • retrogress
  • revert
  • run out
  • slack off
  • slacken
  • slide
  • slip-up
  • slither
  • subside
  • trip
  • wane
  • fall back
  • glide by
  • go along
  • go by
  • lapsing
  • oversight
  • recidivate
  • relapsing
  • reversion
  • reverting
  • slide by
  • slip away
  • slip by


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • nonaccomplishment
  • nonachievement
  • mistake
  • error
  • fault
  • oversight
  • lapse


  • break
  • error
  • failure
  • fault
  • intermission
  • interruption
  • mistake
  • pause
  • suspension


  • recidivism




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