

词汇 level


  • level
  • levels
  • levels
  • leveling/levelling
  • leveled/levelled
  • leveled/levelled
  • level
  • leveler/leveller
  • levelest/levellest


  • ① 1水平;水平面,平面;水平线2平地,平原
    • out of the level不平坦
    • the water level of the Yangtze长江的水平面
    • a dead level完全没有起伏的平地
  • ② (水平面的)高度
    • The water reached to the level of his chin.水高到他的下巴。
    • at eye level在眼睛的高度
    • at the level of the sea在海面的高度
    • 1,000 meters above sea level海拔一千公尺
  • ③ 1(地位、能力、品质等的)水准,程度;阶级2同等的地位[水准]
    • They have increased the level of their production.他们已增加了生产水准。
    • the level of living生活水准(★一般用the standard of living)
    • on an international level在国际水准
    • Our education has risen to a higher level.我们的教育已升到较高的水准。
    • students at college level大学程度的学生
    • a meeting at ministerial level部长级会议
  • ④ 水平仪→spirit level
    • take a level用水平仪测定


  • ① 平的,平坦的,水平的
    • Add three level tablespoonfuls of sugar.加三平匙分量的糖。
    • A table top must be level.桌面必须平。
  • ②[无比较级]同一水准[高度]的,同等的,同一程度的
    • a level race不分胜负的赛跑
    • the fence is level with his chest.那道篱笆与他的胸部同高。
  • ③ (声音、颜色等)平板的,均一的,无变化的
    • a level life平淡单调的生活
  • ④ (语气等)沈着的;(判断等)冷静的
    • He answered in a level tone.他用沉着的语气回答。
    • keep a level head (in a crisis)(面对危机时)保持冷静


  • ① 1使平坦,弄平;使成水平2使平均;使齐平;使平等
    • level a road up [down] before building在开始建筑工程之前,先将马路填[铲]平
  • ② 瞄准,对准;针对,指向
    • level one's gun at a target举枪对准目标
    • level a criticism against a person针对某人加以批评
  • ③ 拆毁
    • level a building to [with] the ground=【文】level a building in the dust将一栋建筑物拆毁[夷平]


  • ① 1成水平,变平<out, off>2(飞机、火箭等)作水平飞行<off, out>3(物价等)平稳下来<off, up>
  • ② 瞄准,对准<at>
    • The ship's guns were leveled at the castle.那艘船的大砲瞄准那座城堡。
  • ③ 率直而言
    • I'll level with you. I'm not a professor.我要跟你说实话,我不是一位教授。


level: 是表面呈水平状态而无起伏

The floor is not quite level.

flat: 指表面没有大的凹凸或起伏等,但未必是水平的

a flat slope

even: 指表面无高低,而是一样平的,或是水平的,或指面、线等具有同等高度的

an even surface

smooth: 指用手触或眼视时,表面不粗糙,而是平坦光滑的

a smooth floor


  • levelern.使成水平之人或物
  • levellyadv.平坦地;同一高度[水准]地,同等地
  • levelnessn.平坦;同等


  • do one's level best
    • ① 【口】尽全力,尽最大努力
    • He did his level best to help her.他尽最大的努力去帮助她。
    • He promised he would do his level best to help.他答应会尽力帮忙。
  • find one's level
    • ① 获得与自己的身分、才干等相称的地位
    • After coming up through the ranks, he found his own level as one of the directors of the firm.他从小职员一步步升为公司的董事之一,总算获得一展长才的机会。
  • level off
    • ① 弄平,整平
    • ② (上扬后)平稳下来
    • ③ 【空】(上升后)作水平飞行
    • The plane leveled off at 35,000 feet.那架飞机在三万五千英尺的高度作水平飞行。
  • on a level with ...
    • ① 与…同高度;与…同资格
    • Her head is on a level with my nose.她的头与我的鼻子齐平。
    • She is on a level with me in English.她在英语方面与我同一程度。
  • on the level
    • ① 【口】公平的;正直的;真实的
    • ② 【口】公平地,正直地
    • ③ 【口】[修饰全句]【美】老实说
    • On the level, I don't think he is reliable.老实说,我不认为他是可靠的。


  • achievementn.成就
  • aimn.瞄准
  • demolishn.摧毁
  • directn.指向
  • elevationn.高度
  • equivalent toadj.和…相等的
  • evenadj.平的
  • even outn.使平
  • flatadj.平坦的
  • flattenn.使平
  • horizontaladj.水平的
  • knock downn.打倒
  • layern.
  • planen.平面
  • pointn.指向
  • smoothadj.平坦的
  • smoothn.使变平
  • stationn.位置
  • wreckn.毁坏
  • bring down
  • cast
  • cut down
  • deck
  • degree
  • destroy
  • destruct
  • dismantle
  • down
  • drop
  • dynamite
  • equalize
  • equate
  • fell
  • floor
  • flush
  • grade
  • ground
  • head
  • lay
  • notch
  • peg
  • planar
  • prostrate
  • pull down
  • pulverize
  • raze
  • rung
  • set
  • square
  • stage
  • step
  • straight
  • straighten
  • strike down
  • tear down
  • throw
  • train
  • turn
  • zero in
  • charge
  • horizontal surface
  • level off
  • rase
  • spirit level
  • storey
  • story
  • stratum
  • take down
  • tied
  • tier
  • unwavering


  • bumpyadj.崎岖的
  • hillyadj.多山的
  • verticaladj.垂直的
  • raise


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • property
  • degree
  • grade
  • level


  • altitude
  • construction
  • height
  • indicator
  • place
  • property
  • rank
  • state
  • structure
  • surface


  • A level
  • GCSE
  • General Certificate of Secondary Education
  • O level
  • SPF
  • acme
  • amplitude level
  • attic
  • basement
  • biosafety level
  • caliber
  • calibre
  • cellar
  • climax
  • college level
  • depth
  • elevation
  • end point
  • entresol
  • extent
  • extreme
  • first floor
  • floor
  • flooring
  • garret
  • grind
  • ground floor
  • ground level
  • height
  • high
  • highness
  • immoderateness
  • immoderation
  • intensity
  • intensiveness
  • ladder
  • loft
  • low
  • lowness
  • mason's level
  • meridian
  • mezzanine
  • mezzanine floor
  • moderateness
  • moderation
  • paved surface
  • peak
  • pinnacle
  • plane
  • platform
  • quality
  • quickening
  • resultant
  • standard of life
  • standard of living
  • state of the art
  • summit
  • sun protection factor
  • superlative
  • tiptop
  • top
  • ultimacy
  • ultimateness




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