

词汇 find


  • find
  • finds
  • finds
  • finding
  • found
  • found


  • ① 找出,寻得
    • Find the cube root of 64.求64的立方根。
    • Have you found your watch?你找到了你的手表没有?
    • Will you find me my earrings?=Will you find my earrings for me?请你替我找出我的耳环好吗?
  • ② 找到
    • You can find songbirds [Songbirds are found] in the woods.森林中可找到鸣禽。
  • ③ 拾得;碰见;发现
    • He found a purse in the street.他在街上拾得一个钱包。
    • The old man was found dead in the forest.那个老人被人发现死在森林里。
    • He found her still asleep.他发现她还在睡觉。
    • I found him lying on the floor.我发现他躺在地板上。
    • He found a car abandoned in the desert.他发现一辆汽车被遗弃在沙漠里。
  • ④ 发觉;得知;觉得
    • I found that he could not swim.我发觉他不会游泳。
    • I find (that) it pays.我发觉它划得来。
    • I found it difficult [easy] to do so.我觉得这么做是困难的[容易的]。
    • They found the town deserted.他们发觉该镇没有人。
    • I called at her office but found her out.我到她办公室访问,但发现她出去了。
    • He found the box to contain gold coins.他发觉那口箱子装了金币。
    • She was found to be unreliable.她被认为是不可靠的。
    • Can you find when he is likely to arrive?你能探知他可能什么时候到达吗?
    • Please find how to do it.请想出做这件事的办法。
    • He found a warm supporter in his father.他发现他父亲是热心的支持者。
  • ⑤ 供给(衣食等);供应
    • That hotel does not find breakfast.那家旅馆不供应早餐。
    • Would you please find the money for the journey?请你负担这趟旅行的费用好吗?
    • They find the pupils in uniforms.他们供给那些学生制服。
  • ⑥ 【法律】判决;判定
    • The jury found the accused guilty [not guilty, innocent]陪审团判决被告有罪[无罪]
    • The jury [court] found that the defendant was not fit to plead.陪审团[法庭]判定被告(因精神异常等)不适于答辩。
  • ⑦ 及于,达到
    • The arrow failed to find its mark.该箭未能中的。
    • Water always finds its own level.水总是往低处流。


  • ① 找到
    • Seek, and ye shall find.【圣】去找,就能找到。
  • ② 【法律】[陪审团]下判决
    • The jury found for [against] the defendant [plaintiff].陪审团做了有利于[不利于]被告[原告]的判决。


  • ① (财宝、矿泉等)发现;发现物,掘获物;【英】【猎】发现狐狸
    • have [make] a great find有大发现;掘出贵重宝物
    • a sure find【英】(狩猎时所搜索的猎物,尤指狐狸的)必在之处


  • all found
    • ① (工资之外)供膳宿及衣服
    • Wages £50 a week all found.工资每周五十镑并供膳宿衣服等。
  • find it in one's heart [oneself] to-V
    • ① 忍心(★与can, could并用,主要用于否定句与疑问句)
    • I cannot find it in my heart to part with the picture.我舍不得离开这幅画。
  • find one's way
    • ① 找出道路;抵达<to>;走(进);(在报纸上等)印出<into>;脱离<out of>
    • He found his way home [to the house].他总算找到了路回到家[到达那房子]。
    • The party managed to find its way out of the jungle.他们一行好不容易才从(丛林)里面走了出来。
    • We found our way to the lake.我们抵达湖滨。
    • How did such a foolish statement find its way into print?这种愚蠢的陈述怎么会印出来?
  • find oneself
    • ① 发现自己(在某种状态)
    • ② 觉得
    • ③ 发现自己的天分;自知;得其所
    • ④ 自备衣食
    • $5 a day and find yourself (in clothes)日酬美金五元,衣食[服装]自备(★雇用条件)
  • find out
    • ① 发现;找出;查出;揭露;搜出
    • I tried to find out how large the lake really was.我试图查出那个湖实际有多大。


  • bargainn.特价品
  • findingn.发现物
  • good buyn.买得便宜之物
  • alight on
  • ascertain
  • ascertainment
  • bump into
  • chance on
  • come across
  • come on
  • determine
  • discover
  • discovery
  • happen on
  • hear
  • learn
  • light on
  • locate
  • pinpoint
  • run across
  • run into
  • spot
  • strike
  • stumble on
  • tumble on
  • breakthrough
  • bump
  • chance
  • come up
  • detect
  • encounter
  • feel
  • find oneself
  • find out
  • get
  • get hold
  • happen
  • incur
  • line up
  • notice
  • observe
  • obtain
  • receive
  • recover
  • regain
  • retrieve
  • rule
  • see
  • uncovering
  • witness


  • losev.失去
  • missv.失去
  • overlookv.忽略


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • process
  • cognitive process
  • mental process
  • operation
  • cognitive operation
  • higher cognitive process
  • knowing
  • understanding
  • apprehension
  • discernment
  • savvy
  • insight
  • brainstorm
  • brainwave
  • discovery
  • breakthrough
  • find


  • act
  • brainstorm
  • brainwave
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • insight


  • breakthrough
  • catching
  • detection
  • determination
  • espial
  • finding
  • rediscovery
  • self-discovery
  • spotting
  • spying
  • tracing




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