

词汇 heat


  • heat
  • heats
  • heats
  • heating
  • heated
  • heated


  • ①[或作a heat]热,暑气,热力(←→cold)
    • (an) intense heat酷暑
    • (in) the heat of the day白天的热气(中)(★出自圣经「马太福音」)
    • The heat of the sun caused the metal to bend.太阳的热力使该金属弯曲。
    • I can't stand this heat.我受不了这热气。
    • suffer from the heat受暑热之苦
  • ② 温暖,暖气
    • enjoy the heat享受暖气
  • ③ 热度,温度;【物理】热
    • the heat of blood血液的温度
  • ④[通常附有修饰语](身体的)热;(因热等而引起的)热红,红潮
    • prickly heat红潮
  • ⑤ (芥末、辣椒等的)辛辣,火辣味
  • ⑥ 激烈,猛烈;热情;愤怒,激怒
    • with heat兴奋地;激怒地
    • "You're a fool," he said, without heat.「你是傻瓜,」他心平气和地说。
  • ⑦[the heat]最高潮,最激烈时<of>
  • ⑧ 1[a heat]一次的努力,一举2【竞赛】预赛(的一场)
    • preliminary [trial] heats预赛,初赛
  • ⑨ (雌兽的)发情期
    • be in [【英】on the] heat(雌兽)性欲冲动


  • ① 加热,使暖和
    • I heated myself by running.我以跑步使身体暖和。
    • The hall was comfortably heated (up).大厅已暖和舒适。
  • ② 使兴奋,使激动
    • He was heated with passion.他情绪激动。


  • ① 变热;发热<up>
    • The water will soon heat up.水不久就会热起来。
  • ② 激动,激昂;(比赛等)变热烈<up>
    • The campaign has heated up in its final days.竞选活动在最后几天趋于热烈。


  • at a heat
    • ① 一口气,一鼓作气
  • in the heat of ...
    • ① 在…的最盛[最热烈]时
    • in the heat of the moment一时激动之下;盛怒之下;一时兴起
    • in the heat of the argument在争论最热烈时


  • climaxn.高潮
  • hot weathern.热天气
  • passionn.热情
  • warmv.使暖和
  • warm upv.加热
  • bluecoat
  • bobby
  • bull
  • constable
  • cop
  • copper
  • estrus
  • excitation
  • excitement
  • fervor
  • finest
  • flatfoot
  • fuzz
  • gendarme
  • hotness
  • law
  • man
  • officer
  • patrolman
  • patrolwoman
  • peace officer
  • peeler
  • police
  • police officer
  • policeman
  • policewoman
  • rut
  • season
  • torridity
  • torridness
  • warmth
  • fire up
  • heat energy
  • heat up
  • heating
  • heating plant
  • heating system
  • high temperature
  • hot up
  • ignite
  • inflame
  • oestrus
  • stir up
  • wake


  • chillv.变冷
  • coolv.使冷
  • cool offv.变冷
  • freezev.冷冻
  • anestrus
  • coldness


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • process
  • physical process
  • phenomenon
  • natural phenomenon
  • physical phenomenon
  • energy
  • free energy
  • heat
  • heat energy


  • emotionalism
  • emotionality
  • energy
  • free energy
  • physical condition
  • physiological condition
  • physiological state
  • race
  • temperature
  • utility


  • calefaction
  • central heating
  • fieriness
  • gas heat
  • geothermal energy
  • heat of dissociation
  • heat of formation
  • heat of solution
  • heat of transformation
  • incalescence
  • latent heat
  • panel heating
  • red heat
  • specific heat
  • steam heat
  • steam heating
  • torridity
  • warmness
  • warmth
  • white heat




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