

词汇 form


  • form
  • forms
  • forms
  • forming
  • formed
  • formed


  • ① 形状,形体;姿势,姿态
    • She has a tall graceful form.她有修长优美的体形。
    • Her form in swimming is excellent.她的游泳姿态好极了。
  • ② 人影;物影
    • I saw a form in the dull light.在暗淡的光线中,我看到一个人影。
  • ③ 型;方式;种类
    • Leukemia is a form of cancer.白血病是一种癌症。
  • ④ 形式;外形(←→content);表现形式
    • These articles will be published in book form.那些文章将以书本的形式[以单行本]出版。
    • in due form正式地;照定式
  • ⑤ 礼节,礼仪
    • it's bad form to interrupt someone who is talking.打断人家讲话是不礼貌的。
  • ⑥ 格式;表格
    • Fill in [out, up] this (application) form.填写这张(申请)表格。
    • after the form of ...照…的格式
    • a telegraph form电报纸
  • ⑦ (竞赛马、运动员等的)健康状态
    • on [in] form情况良好
    • off [out of] form情况不好
    • She's in good form.她情况良好。
  • ⑧ 【文法】形式;外形;语形;字形
    • What's the plural form of "child"?child的复数形是什么?
  • ⑨ 【英】(中学的)年级(通常自 first form(一年级)至sixth form(六年级))
    • She's now in the fifth form.她现在就读五年级。
  • ⑩ 【哲】形式;形相


  • ① 变成;形成;做成
    • They joined hands and formed a circle.他们联手形成一个圆圈。
    • The cook formed the dough into loaves.厨师把生面做成长条面包。
    • He formed a bowl out of clay.他用黏土做成一个碗。
  • ② 培养(人物、能力、品性);锻炼;养成(习惯)
    • You should form good habits.你应该养成好习惯。
  • ③ 成立,组织
    • The Cabinet is not yet formed.内阁还没有成立。
  • ④ 清地发出(声音、言语等)
  • ⑤ 构(想);形成(概念、意见等)
    • It's too early to form an opinion about the new policy.要对那项新政策形成意见还太早。
  • ⑥ 【军】排(队),编成(队形)
    • The soldiers were formed into a line.那些士兵排成一行。
  • ⑦ 结成(同盟、关系)
    • form an alliance with a country与某国结成同盟


  • ① 形成
    • Ice forms at 0℃.在摄氏零度时冰就形成了。
  • ② 1(思想、信念、希望等)产生2(眼泪)浮出;(人群等)聚集
    • A plan formed in his mind.一项计划在他心中产生。
    • Tears formed in her eyes.眼泪浮到她的眼里。
    • A crowd formed in the square.人群聚集在广场。
  • ③ 【军】排队,作成队形
    • The soldiers formed (up) in columns.那些士兵排成纵队。



form: 指形状,尤指以形体或颜色加以区别的物的外形,并暗示该形与该物的内部构造有关

The forms of trains have been much improved.

figure: 指以线条、轮廓所表现的外形

He drew figures of rabbits.

outline: 指表示物体界限的线条、轮廓

the outline of a mountain

shape: 指有实质或实体之物的form或outline;为日常用语

a girl of a slender shape

contour: 指由outline所构成的全体的形,尤指含有曲线者

the soft contour of her waist


make: 为表「造;使某物产生」的一般用语

form: 表示使所制造的东西显出清楚的轮廓、构造及设计等

shape: 指以塑造、切割或敲打的方式造成某一特殊的形状

fashion: 尤指发明的能力、巧妙的设计、熟练等

construct: 指依照一定的设计图样,把许多部分或零件组成一个整体

manufacture: 指使用机器,大规模地把原料制造成成品

fabricate: 指以一定规格的零件装配起来


  • as a matter of form
    • ① 作为一种形式;礼貌上
    • They continued sneaking a few spies over the river as a matter of form.他们按惯例继续派出一些间谍偷渡过河。
  • for form's sake
    • ① 为划一形式,形式上
  • form of address
    • ① (口头或书面的)称呼形式;敬称
  • form part of ...
    • ① 成为…的要素
  • in the form of ...
    • ① 以…的形式
    • Churches are often built in the form of a cross.教堂常以十字架的形式建成。
  • take form
    • ① 成形,具体化
  • take the form of ...
    • ① 采取…的形式
    • This disease takes the form of high fever and sickness for several days.这种病呈现持续几天的高热和呕吐。


  • contrivev.设计
  • createv.创造
  • fashionv.做成
  • makev.做成
  • acquire
  • application
  • build
  • cast
  • ceremony
  • compose
  • condition
  • configuration
  • configure
  • constitute
  • convention
  • develop
  • fettle
  • figure
  • fitness
  • formality
  • kilter
  • matrix
  • model
  • mold
  • order
  • pattern
  • ritual
  • shape
  • structure
  • trim
  • anatomy
  • bod
  • chassis
  • class
  • conformation
  • contour
  • course
  • descriptor
  • flesh
  • forge
  • frame
  • grade
  • human body
  • imprint
  • kind
  • manakin
  • manikin
  • mannequin
  • mannikin
  • material body
  • mould
  • organise
  • organize
  • phase
  • physical body
  • physique
  • signifier
  • soma
  • sort
  • spring
  • strain
  • take form
  • take shape
  • var.
  • variant
  • variety
  • word form
  • work


  • contentn.内容


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • relation
  • part
  • portion
  • component part
  • component
  • constituent
  • language unit
  • linguistic unit
  • word
  • form
  • word form
  • signifier
  • descriptor


  • ability
  • appearance
  • assemblage
  • attribute
  • body
  • cast
  • category
  • document
  • dummy
  • fashion
  • gathering
  • genre
  • literary genre
  • manner
  • mode
  • mold
  • mould
  • organic structure
  • papers
  • physical structure
  • spatial property
  • spatiality
  • state
  • state of matter
  • structure
  • style
  • taxon
  • taxonomic category
  • taxonomic group
  • visual aspect
  • way
  • word
  • writing style
  • written document


  • abbreviation
  • acronym
  • adult body
  • amorphous shape
  • angular shape
  • angularity
  • antitype
  • application form
  • art form
  • base
  • bluntness
  • brand
  • circle
  • citation form
  • claim form
  • color
  • colour
  • column
  • concaveness
  • concavity
  • connection
  • connexion
  • convexity
  • convexness
  • crookedness
  • curvature
  • curve
  • description
  • discussion section
  • dispersed particles
  • dispersed phase
  • dispersing medium
  • dispersing phase
  • dispersion medium
  • distorted shape
  • distortion
  • dullness
  • entry word
  • etymon
  • female body
  • figure
  • flair
  • flare
  • flavor
  • flavour
  • fractal
  • genre
  • genus
  • gestalt
  • ghost word
  • grid
  • ilk
  • juvenile body
  • kaleidoscope
  • keenness
  • like
  • line
  • link
  • lobularity
  • main entry word
  • make
  • male body
  • manner
  • master class
  • model
  • mosaic
  • narrowing
  • natural shape
  • order form
  • person
  • pillar
  • plane
  • plume
  • plural
  • plural form
  • questionnaire
  • radical
  • requisition
  • requisition form
  • root
  • root word
  • round shape
  • roundness
  • section
  • sharpness
  • sheet
  • singular
  • singular form
  • solid
  • species
  • square
  • stem
  • straightness
  • strand
  • stratification
  • stripe
  • style
  • tax form
  • telegraph form
  • the like
  • the likes of
  • theme
  • topography
  • tower
  • triangle
  • type
  • versification




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