

词汇 enough




  • ① 够;足可
    • Is it long enough?这够长吗?
    • Your work is not good enough.你的工作不够好。
    • This is good enough for me.对我来说,这就够好了。
    • He's not old enough to vote.他还没到投票的年龄。
    • She was kind [good] enough to lend me her car.她把她的汽车借给我,真够亲切。
    • It's warm enough for you to go swimming.天气够暖和了,你可以去游泳。
  • ② 充分地
    • I'm ready enough.我已有充分的准备。
    • I know well enough what he wants.我十分晓得他要什么。
  • ③ 还可以
    • She sings well enough.她唱得还可以。
    • It's bad enough.它相当坏。


  • ① 足够,充足
    • I have enough to eat.我有足够吃的。
    • There is [are] enough for everyone.有充足的数量给每一个人。
    • Not enough is known about this disease.关于这种病所知道的并不够。
    • Enough is as good as a feast.【谚】饱餐就如盛宴。
    • I haven't got enough left to pay the rent.我剩下的不够付房租。
    • He earns just enough for them to live on.他赚的刚够他们生活。
  • ② 太多
    • I have had quite enough of your rudeness.对于你的粗野,我已经忍受够了。
    • Enough (of that)!够了!别说了!
    • Enough is enough.够了就够了。


  • ① 充足的,充分的(=sufficient)
    • I hope it's enough.我希望那就够了。
    • A hundred dollars will be enough.一百美元就够了。
    • Eight chairs are enough.八把椅子就够了。
    • enough eggs [butter]=eggs [butter] enough充足的蛋[奶油](★可置于名词前面或后面,置于前面时表示强调)
  • ② 足够的<for>;【to-V】足够(做…)的
    • We have enough seats for everyone.我们有足够的座位给每一个人(坐)。
    • She didn't have enough sense [sense enough] to see that he was bad for her.她没有足够的判断力去看出他对她不好。
    • She was fool enough to believe him.她去相信他也够愚蠢了(★带起句型中,名词不加冠词)。
    • There's enough time for me to get to the airport.有足够的时间让我到达机场。


sufficient, enough: 均指充分满足某种需要或目的的, sufficient为稍正式的用语, enough则为日常用语

sufficient [enough] money

for a week's trip

adequate: 指足以满足一定的(有时为最低的)需要的

We have just an adequate number of clerks.


  • cannot [can never] ... enough ...
    • ① 不尽
    • We can never thank you enough.我们对你永远感谢不尽。
  • enough and to spare
    • ① 还剩许多,还有多出来的,绰绰有余
    • They had enough and to spare (of the money).他们手头(金钱)绰绰有余。
    • As for money, they had enough and to spare.至于金钱,他们手头绰绰有余。
  • have enough to do to-V
    • ① 很吃力,好不容易才
    • He had enough to do to get there.他好容易才去到那里。
  • more than enough
    • ① 超过需要
    • ② 太多(=too much)
  • oddly [curiously, strangely] enough
    • ① 说也奇怪,最奇怪的是
    • Oddly enough, America is now dependent on Africa for 40% of its oil imports.说也奇怪,美国进口的石油中有百分之四十仰赖非洲。


  • adequateadj.足够的
  • competentadj.有充分资格的
  • adequacy
  • comfortable
  • decent
  • satisfactory
  • sufficiency
  • sufficient
  • plenty


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • measure
  • quantity
  • amount
  • relative quantity
  • enough
  • sufficiency


  • relative quantity


  • fill




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