

词汇 burst


  • burst
  • bursts
  • bursts
  • bursting
  • burst/bursted
  • burst/bursted


  • ① 爆炸;爆破
    • He blew the balloon until it burst.他把那个气球吹到爆破。
    • As she braked, a tire burst.她踩煞车的时候,一个轮胎爆破了。
  • ② (河岸、堤、脓疮等)决口,胀裂;(水泡、栗子等)爆裂;(花蕾、花苞等)绽放;(门户等)突然打开
    • The trees have burst into bloom [blossom].树木开花了。
    • The door burst open.那扇门突然打开。
  • ③[通常用进行式]饱满;满盈;几乎胀破
    • I can't eat anymore; I'm bursting.我不能再吃了;我快要胀破了。
    • The park was bursting with people.公园里挤满了人。
    • She is bursting with joy.她充满欢喜。
  • ④[用进行式]急欲;急于
    • She was bursting to tell him the good news.她急欲告诉他那个好消息。


  • ① 使爆炸;使破裂;使破口;挤破;胀破;闯开
    • He burst a blood vessel.他(因激奋而)使得血管破裂。
    • The river burst its banks and flooded the village.河水把河岸冲破而淹了该村。
    • The police burst the door open [burst open the door].警察把门撞开。


  • ① 爆炸(=explosion);破裂;决口;裂口
  • ② 突发,爆发
    • a burst of thunder突然发出的一阵雷响
    • a burst of applause [laughter]一阵突然响起的喝采[大笑]
  • ③ 一阵猛烈的努力;迸发;(马的)一阵奔驰
  • ④ 【口】狂饮,痛饮
  • ⑤ 【军】集中射击;(机枪等的)连发
    • a burst of automatic rifle fire自动步枪的集中射击


  • at a [one] burst
    • ① 一口气;一举;一阵奋发
  • burst at the seams
    • ① 充满;拥挤;【口】(场所等)爆满
    • The psychiatric wards are bursting at the seams.精神病房人满为患。
  • burst forth
    • ① (太阳等)突然出现
    • ② 冲出;喷出
    • ③ 突然发生
    • ④ (花)绽放
    • ⑤ 突然开始(…)<into>
    • The birds burst forth into song.那些鸟突然开始唱起歌来。
  • burst in
    • ① 猛然向内打开
    • ② 突然插嘴;打断(谈话);突然出现
    • Don't burst in on [upon] our conversation.别打断我们的谈话。
    • burst in on [upon] a person突然出现在某人面前
  • burst into ...
    • ① 突然闯入
    • ② 突然(大笑、大哭)起来;突然发出,猝发;爆发成
    • ③ 突然出现于…
    • The lake burst into view.那个湖突然出现在眼前。
  • burst on [upon] ...
    • ① 突然出现于
    • The blare of loudspeakers burst upon our ears.扩声器的喧嚣声突然传到我们的耳边。
  • burst one's sides with laughing [laughter]
    • ① 笑破肚皮,捧腹大笑
  • burst oneself
    • ① 勉强从事损及健康;(过劳)伤身
  • burst out
    • ① 突然出现;冒出
    • ② (战争、疾病、骚动等)突然发生,爆发(参照outburst)
    • ③ 突然大声说(粗暴)话;大叫<into>
    • ④[+V-ing]突然…起来
    • She burst out crying [laughing].她突然大哭[大笑]起来。
  • burst through
    • ① 挤破;闯过;推开;拨开
    • The sun has burst through the clouds.太阳突然穿破了云层。
  • burst up
    • ① 突然破裂
    • ②[常作bust up]【俚】破产


  • blow upv.爆炸
  • breakv.破裂
  • explodev.爆炸
  • rushv.仓猝行动
  • access
  • barrage
  • blast
  • blow
  • blowout
  • blowup
  • blurt
  • bombardment
  • break out
  • bust
  • cannonade
  • cry
  • detonate
  • detonation
  • ejaculate
  • erupt
  • eruption
  • exclaim
  • explosion
  • fire
  • fit
  • flare
  • flare-up
  • fulminate
  • fulmination
  • fusillade
  • go off
  • gust
  • hail
  • outbreak
  • outburst
  • pop
  • rap out
  • salvo
  • shower
  • storm
  • touch off
  • volley
  • abound
  • break open
  • bristle
  • collapse
  • split


  • implode


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • action
  • change
  • change of integrity
  • explosion
  • burst


  • activity
  • change of integrity
  • fire
  • firing
  • happening
  • natural event
  • occurrence
  • occurrent


  • detonation
  • fits and starts
  • fulmination
  • rush
  • salvo




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