

词汇 business


  • business
  • businesses


  • ① 职业,行业
    • the hotel business旅馆业
    • What business is he in?他从事什么职业?
    • His business is farming.他的职业是农耕。
    • The factory was forced out of business.那家工厂被迫停业。
    • The company went out of business.该公司停业[倒闭]了。
  • ② 事务;业务;营业
    • This is a matter of business.这是业务上的事。
    • hours of business营业时间
    • a place [house] of business营业所;事务所
    • Business as usual照常营业
    • a doctor's [lawyer's] business医生[律师]的业务
  • ③ 事业,商业,实业,企业
    • He is a man of business.他是个实业家。
    • After he graduated from college, he went into business.大学毕业后,他进入实业界。
  • ④ [或【美】a business]交易;贸易业务上的来往力
    • Business is business.公事公办(公是公,私是私,公私要分明)。
    • How's business?生意怎么样?
    • Business is good [brisk]生意很好[兴隆]
  • ⑤ 商店;工商企业等
    • He owns his own business.他拥有自己的商店[公司]。
    • He runs a grocery business.他经营一家食品杂货店。
    • He set up [opened] a travel business.他开了一家旅行社。
    • close a business关店
    • sell one's business出让商店(营业权利)
    • He has a business in London.他在伦敦有一间商店。
  • ⑥ 公事,公干;待办事项(=agenda)
    • What is your business here?=What business has brought you here?你来此有何贵干?
    • the business of the day当天的待办事项[议程]
    • The main business of this meeting is ...这次的主要议程是…。
  • ⑦ 任务,责任,职务,本分(=duty);[常用于否定句](干预的)权利
    • It's a teacher's business to make students learn.使学生学习是教师的职责。
    • Business before pleasure.【谚】工作先于游乐;正事要紧。
    • Everybody's business is nobody's business.【谚】众人之事无人管。
    • That's my business.这是我的(分内)事。
    • That's not [none of] your business.=That's no business of yours.那事与你无关;不干你的事;别管闲事。
    • You have no business to come [no business coming] here.你无权利到此来。
  • ⑧[a business]事,事情;事件;【口】麻烦事,棘手的事,难事
    • an awkward business一件棘手[麻烦]的事
    • a strange [an odd] business一件奇事
    • What a business it is!这真是一件棘手的事!
  • ⑨ 【戏剧】(演员的)动作、表情(=action)


occupation: 指某人受过训练或习惯上所做的工作,与employment不同的是不一定受雇于他人

employment: 指替别人做而接受薪资的工作

business: 指以取得利益为目的的工作,尤指与实业、商业有关的行业

profession: 指必须受过专门训练才能担任的知识性的职业,例如律师、医生、教师之类

job: 为指职业之意的最普通用语


  • at business
    • ① 在运行职务中;在上班[办公]
  • come [get] to business
    • ① 着手工作;言归正传;动手做事
  • do a person's business for him
    • ① 【英】处置某人;要某人的性命
  • do business
    • ① 做生意[买卖],交易<with>
    • It's a pleasure to do business with you.跟你做生意很愉快(★客套话)。
    • We've done some business together.我们一起做了一些生意。
  • do good business
    • ① (生意)兴盛繁荣
  • get down to business
    • ① 认真着手正务;着手工作
  • go about one's business
    • ① 去做自己的事
    • Go about your business!去做你自己的事!快去!滚!
  • go to business
    • ① 去上班,去办公
  • Good business!
    • ① 干得好!做得好!妙极了!
  • in business
    • ① 经商,做生意
  • like nobody's business
    • ① 【俚】很快;很好
    • She can sing like nobody's business.她能唱得很美妙。
  • make a great business of it
    • ① 视为难事;费劲从事而不得进展
  • make it one's business to ...
    • ① (自动地)负责办理[照料]
  • mean business
    • ① 【口】认真,正经
  • on business
    • ① 因公;有事;以办公事为目的(←→for pleasure)
    • go to town [Taipei] on business因公事进城[上台北]去
    • No admittance except on business.非公莫入;闲人免进。
  • one's man of business
    • ① 某人的代理人(=ones agent);法律顾问
  • send a person about his business
    • ① 打发某人走开使不干预;把某人解雇
  • talk business
    • ① 谈工作[生意],谈论有关的事


  • callingn.职业
  • commercen.商业
  • employmentn.工作
  • industryn.产业
  • pursuitn.工作
  • thingn.事情
  • trafficn.交易
  • affair
  • art
  • career
  • company
  • concern
  • corporation
  • craft
  • custom
  • employ
  • enterprise
  • establishment
  • firm
  • house
  • job
  • line
  • lookout
  • matter
  • mtier
  • occupation
  • outfit
  • patronage
  • profession
  • racket
  • trade
  • trading
  • vocation
  • work
  • business concern
  • business enterprise
  • business organisation
  • business organization
  • business sector
  • byplay
  • clientele
  • commercial enterprise
  • line of work
  • stage business


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • organization
  • organisation
  • enterprise
  • business
  • concern
  • business concern
  • business organization
  • business organisation


  • acting
  • activity
  • aim
  • business activity
  • commerce
  • commercial activity
  • commercialism
  • concern
  • enterprise
  • headache
  • mercantilism
  • object
  • objective
  • people
  • performing
  • playacting
  • playing
  • sector
  • target
  • vexation
  • worry


  • accountancy
  • accounting
  • advertising
  • agency
  • agribusiness
  • agriculture
  • appointment
  • berth
  • big business
  • billet
  • biz
  • brokerage
  • building
  • business firm
  • butchering
  • butchery
  • calling
  • career
  • carrier
  • catering
  • chain
  • common carrier
  • confectionery
  • construction
  • craft
  • dealership
  • discount business
  • employee-owned business
  • employee-owned enterprise
  • employment
  • factory farm
  • farming
  • field
  • field of operation
  • finance
  • firm
  • fishing
  • franchise
  • game
  • house
  • industry
  • land
  • land-office business
  • line of business
  • maker
  • manufacture
  • manufacturer
  • manufacturing business
  • medium
  • metier
  • occasions
  • office
  • packaging
  • partnership
  • patronage
  • photography
  • place
  • position
  • post
  • printing
  • processor
  • profession
  • publication
  • publicizing
  • publishing
  • real-estate business
  • salt mine
  • schtick
  • schtik
  • shipbuilder
  • shipping
  • shtick
  • shtik
  • situation
  • sport
  • spot
  • storage
  • tourism
  • touristry
  • trade
  • transport
  • transportation
  • treadmill
  • underperformer
  • venture
  • vocation
  • work




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