释义 |
forward/ˈfɔːwəd//ˈfɔːrwərd/ ★★★★★adv. - forwards
- forwarding
- forwarded
- forwarded
- forward
- forwarder
- forwardest
adv- ① 向前地(←→backward);向外地;向表面地
- He stepped forward to shake my hand.他走向前来握我的手。
- They have taken another step forward.他们又往前走了一步。
- Forward!【军】前进!【海】向前方![划船]桨向前!
- I can't get any forwarder [【口】forrader].我一点都不能再前进。
- forward and backward前后地,往复地
- a long way forward远在前方
- go forward向前走;前进;进步
- look forward向前看
- rush forward往前冲
- ② 往将来,至未来;【商】预先
- date a check forward在支票上预填以后的日期;开远期支票
- look forward考虑将来;前瞻
- from this time forward从此以后,今后
adj- ①[无比较级]前方的;前部的;向前的(←→backward)
- The troops moved to forward positions.那些部队移动到前方的阵地。
- The forward part of the train is a smoking area.火车的前半部是吸烟区。
- ② 前进的;急进的;进步的(←→backward)
- a forward movement促进运动
- forward measures急进的措施
- She has very forward ideas about marriage.她对婚姻有非常进步的想法。
- ③ 热心的,急切的
- He's always forward with help [in helping].他总是热心助人。
- He's always forward to help others.他总是热心助人。
- ④ (在工作等方面比他人)敏速的,快的
- Tom was forward with his answers.汤姆(比其他同学更)敏速地提出答案。
- ⑤ 早熟的
- a forward child早熟的孩子
- Our beans are rather forward this year.我们的豆子今年成熟得相当早。
- ⑥ 卤莽的;唐突的
- a forward young woman一位卤莽的年轻女子
- It's rather forward of you to ask her for money.=You are rather forward to ask her for money.你向她要钱是相当唐突的。
- He's too forward with his superiors.他对上司太唐突。
- ⑦[无比较级]【商】预先的;期货的
- a forward contract预约;期货契约
- forward delivery定期交货
- forward quotation期货报价
vt- ① 促进;助长;促成;推进
- He's hoping to forward his career by this move.他希望借此行动促进他的事业。
- ③ 转递(信件等);转寄;运送(货物)
- The post office is forwarding all my mail.邮局转递我所有的邮件。
- Her letter has been forwarded to me from my former address.她的信已由以前的地址转给我。
- Please forward my order on receipt of my money.请在收到我的钱时将我的订货寄来。
- We will forward you the goods [We will forward the goods to you] as soon as we receive your check.一收到你们的支票,我们将把货品寄上。
vi- ① 转递
- Please forward (to ...)请转递(到…)
n- ① [【足球】【曲棍球】等]锋,前锋(略作fwd.)
- left [right] forward左[右]前锋
字辨adv. forward: 与backward相对,指向前方移动或望着前方 move forward onward: 指朝着某一个确定的地方前进,强调继续 He walked onward toward the school gate. 字辨promote: 指积极地支持或鼓励某项运动、主义、计划等,以协助或促使其成长、前进或进展 promote goodwill between America and China further: 指促使更进一步地接近目标 further the democratization of Japan advance: 指促使朝向某一目标前进 advance the cause of peace forward: 强调为了促进而给与刺激等 He made a concession to forward the negotiation. 词族- forwardlyadv.向前地
- forwardnessn.进步;早熟;冒失
短语- look forward to ...
- I look forward to seeing you.我盼望见到你。
- I'm looking forward to her arrival.我正在期待她的来临。
- put [set] oneself forward
- put one's best foot [leg] forward
- ① 【英】赶紧;快跑;尽全力;【美】尽可能给与良好印象(★forward可用foremost代替)
- When you apply for a job, you should put your best foot forward.当你求职时,你应尽可能给对方好印象。
同义词- forthadv.向前;以后
- furtherv.促进
- offensiveadj.讨厌的
- pass onv.转送
- send forwardv.转送
- shamelessadj.无耻的
- address
- advance
- advanced
- assuming
- assumptive
- audacious
- bold
- boldfaced
- brash
- brassy
- brazen
- cheeky
- consign
- contumelious
- dispatch
- familiar
- flip
- fresh
- impertinent
- impudent
- insolent
- malapert
- nervy
- overconfident
- pert
- precocious
- presuming
- presumptuous
- progressive
- promote
- pushy
- route
- sassy
- saucy
- send
- ship
- smart
- smart-alecky
- snippety
- snippy
- transmit
- uppish
- uppity
- wise
- advancing
- ahead
- fore
- forrad
- forrader
- forrard
- forward-moving
- forwards
- frontward
- frontwards
- onward
- onwards
- send on
反义词- backwardadj.向后的
- backward; backwardsadv.向后地
- to the rearadv.向后地
- barv.阻碍
- blockv.阻挡
- hinderv.阻挠
- obstructv.阻挠
词路径- entity
- physical entity
- causal agent
- cause
- causal agency
- person
- individual
- someone
- somebody
- mortal
- soul
- contestant
- athlete
- jock
- basketball player
- basketeer
- cager
- forward
上位词- basketball player
- basketeer
- cager
- position