

词汇 in


  • in
  • ins


  • ①[表场所、位置、方向等]在…之中,在…里面,在…内
    • They live in a small village.他们住在一个小村子里。
    • She's walking in the park [garden].她在公园[花园]里散步。
    • in the sky在空中
    • in the world在世界上
    • in China在中国
    • in Paris在巴黎
    • I met her in the street.我在街上遇到她(★亦可用on the street)。
    • in school在学;在学校
    • in class在上课中
    • in bed在床上
    • The sun sets in the west.太阳由西方落下。
  • ②[表移动]【口】向…之中
    • She came in (=into) the room.她走进房间。
    • fall in a lake掉进湖里
    • Throw it in the water.把它丢进水里。
  • ③[表状态、环境]
    • walk in the rain [snow]在雨[雪]中行走
    • She's in bad [good] health.她健康欠佳[良好]。
    • Your room is in a mess.你的房间杂乱。
    • in the dark在黑暗中
    • He sat in the sun.他坐在阳光中。
  • ④[表行为、活动、从事]
    • They went in search of the buried treasure.他们去寻找那宝藏。
    • They had a good time, but I was not in it.他们玩得很好,但我并没有参加。
    • He's engaged in reading.他忙于读书。
  • ⑤[表穿戴]
    • She was in white.她穿著白衣。
    • She's in mourning.她穿着丧服。
    • in uniform身穿制服
    • a woman in sunglasses戴着太阳眼镜的女人
  • ⑥[表范围、领域]
    • in (one's) sight在视界内
    • in one's power在势力[能力]范围内
    • in my opinion依我看,根据我的意见
    • in the third chapter在第三章
  • ⑦[表精神或道德状态]
    • in anger生气地
    • in a rage激怒地
    • in despair绝望地,绝望中
    • in difficulties在困境中
    • She looked at him in surprise.她惊讶地看着他。
    • She was in tears.她哭着。
  • ⑧[表时间]1在…的时候(★比at表较长的时间)2过…之后(★主要用于表未来的句子;【美口】常与within同义)3在…期间中
    • in the morning [afternoon, evening]在上午[下午、晚上]
    • in the daytime在白天
    • in October在十月
    • in (the) spring [summer]在春[夏天]
    • in (the) future在将来
    • in one's childhood在童年时代
    • in one's life [lifetime]在一生中
    • in one night在一夜之中
    • She woke up several times in the night.她在夜里醒了好几次。
    • In [While] crossing the street, he met with the accident.穿越马路时,他遇到车祸。
    • He will be back in six months.他六个月后会回来。
    • the coldest day in ten years十年中最冷的一天
    • I haven't seen her in years.我已有好几年没见过她了。
  • ⑨[表所属、职业]
    • in the army在当兵,入伍中
    • in society在社会上;在社交界
    • He's in insurance [politics].他是从事保险业[政治]的。
  • ⑩[表部位、限制]1[表特定部分]2[限定数量等]3[表性质、能力、才艺等]4[限定(相当于)最高级的形容词]在…方面
    • a wound in the leg腿伤
    • wounded in the arm伤了手臂
    • The old woman is blind in one eye.那位老太太瞎了一只眼。
    • She looked me in the face.她看着我的脸。
    • three feet in length三英尺长
    • The movie is nearly three hours in length.那部电影几乎长达三小时。
    • He had a one in a thousand chance of survival.他有千分之一的存活机会。
    • twenty in number数目为二十
    • They were equal in strength.他们力量相等。
    • He's strong [weak] in mathematics.他数学能力好[不好]。
    • Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C.柑橘类水果富于维他命C。
    • the latest thing in computers最新型的电脑
  • ⑪[表能力、性格、才能]
    • as far as in me lies在我能力所及的范围以内
    • He had something of the gentleman in his nature [in him].他多少有点绅士气质。
  • ⑫[表条件]在…下
    • in the circumstances在这种情形之下
    • in that case如果是那样的话,在那种情况下
  • ⑬[表工具、材料、表达方式]以…,用…做的
    • She paints in oils.她用油画颜料画。
    • a garment made in silk丝绸衣服
    • He tried to speak in English.他试着用英语说。
    • Please write in pen.请用钢笔写。
  • ⑭[表方法、形式]以…
    • in that manner [fashion]以那种方式
    • She's getting better in every way.她在各方面都渐渐好起来。
    • in this way用这方法,以此方法
    • speak in a loud voice大声说
    • They came in threes and fours.他们三五成群地走进来。
    • They usually work in pairs.他们通常成双成对地工作。
    • He put the books in alphabetical order.他按字母顺序摆那些书。
  • ⑮[表同位关系]即…
    • I have found a good friend in Tom.我已找到了一位好朋友,即汤姆。
    • In him you have a good teacher.他是你们的好老师。
  • ⑯[表配置、形状]形成…
    • They stood around her in a circle.他们围成一圈站在她四周。
    • The students gathered in groups.那些学生成群地聚集在一起。
  • ⑰[表理由、动机]为…;由于…
    • She cried out in pain.她痛得叫起来。
    • rejoice in one's victory因胜利而高兴
  • ⑱[表目的]以…为目的
    • She struck him in self-defense.她为了自卫而打他。
    • He gave her a watch in return for her present.他给她一个手表作为她礼物的回礼。
    • She wrote a letter in reply to the inquiry.她写了一封答复询问的信。


  • ① 向…之中,在…之内(←→out)
    • Come in.=【美】Come on in.(请)进来。
    • Is she in?她在家吗?
    • Nobody was in when she called.她打电话时,没人在家。
    • The door opened and in walked the boss.门开了,老板走了进来。
    • Let's go in.我们进去吧。
  • ② 在已抵达的状态
    • The train isn't in yet.火车还没到。
    • The summer is in.夏天到了。
  • ③ 正当时令
    • Watermelons are now in.现在西瓜正当时令。
  • ④ 在流行
    • Long skirts are in again.长裙又流行了。
  • ⑤ 1(政党)当政2(政治家)在职,当选
    • The Conservatives were in.保守党当政。
    • Brown is in again.布朗又当选了。
  • ⑥ (文章等)刊载
    • Is your article in?你的文章注销来了吗?
  • ⑦ (火、灯火)燃烧着
    • The fire is in.火在燃烧。
    • Please keep the fire in.请使火燃烧着。
  • ⑧ (潮水)涨满(←→out)
    • The tide is in.现在正是涨潮。
  • ⑨ 【棒球】【曲棍球】攻击中;【棒球】(内、外野手)接近本垒
    • Which side is in?那一队在攻?


  • ① 内部的,里面的
    • an in patient住院病人
    • the in party执政党
  • ② 【板球】攻方的
    • the in side [team]攻方
  • ③ 【口】上流社会的,流行的,时髦的
    • in words流行的言辞
    • an in restaurant时髦的餐厅
  • ④ 【口】特殊数少数的人所享有的
    • an in vocabulary特殊少数人所用的词汇


  • ①[the ins]执政党;【板球】攻方
  • ② 【美口】关系,门路,受提拔的机会<with>
    • He has an in with the senator.他跟那位参议员有关系。


  • all in
    • ① 【口】疲惫不堪,精疲力竭(=tired out)
  • be [keep] in with ...
    • ① 【口】与…亲近
  • be in for ...
    • ① 【口】一定会受(处罚等)
    • He'll be in for a big surprise.他一定会大吃一惊。
    • We are in for a storm.一场暴风雨是免不了的。
  • be in it
    • ① 【口】(人)陷于困境
    • ② 【口】深深陷入
  • be in on ...
    • ① 【口】知悉…的内情;加入…;跟…有关系
    • He wasn't in on the deal.他没有参与那项交易。
  • be not in it
    • ① 【口】毫无胜算,无法比较,差得很远
  • in and out
    • ① 无论内外;忽隐忽现地;时出时入地;弯弯曲曲地;完全地
    • go in and out进进出出
    • I know Tom in and out.我彻底了解汤姆。
  • in as much as ...
    • ① 因为…
  • in so far as ...
    • ① 在(…的)范围内
  • in so much that ...
    • ① 以致于…,到…的地步
  • in that ...
    • ① 【文】在…这一点上,因为(=since; because)
    • Smoking is harmful in that it damages our health.吸烟是有害的,因为它损害我们的健康。
    • In that you won't have time for supper, let me give you something now.因为你没有时间吃晚饭,让我现在给你一点东西吃吧。
  • the ins and outs
    • ① (河流等的)曲折;里里外外<of>;详情,底细<of>
  • the ins and the outs
    • ① 执政党与在野党


  • modishadj.流行的
  • la mode
  • chic
  • classy
  • dashing
  • fashionable
  • mod
  • posh
  • sharp
  • smart
  • snappy
  • stylish
  • swank
  • swanky
  • swish
  • tony
  • trendy
  • trig
  • with-it
  • Hoosier State
  • IN
  • In
  • Indiana
  • atomic number 49
  • inch
  • indium
  • inward
  • inwards


  • outadv.在…之外


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • measure
  • quantity
  • amount
  • definite quantity
  • unit of measurement
  • unit
  • linear unit
  • linear measure
  • inch
  • in


  • linear measure
  • linear unit
  • metal
  • metallic element




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