

词汇 hang


  • hangs
  • hanging
  • hung/hanged
  • hung/hanged


  • ① 悬,挂,吊,垂
    • Hang your cap on the hook.把你的帽子挂在钩上。
    • Tom hung his head in shame.汤姆羞愧地垂着头。
  • ② (hanged)绞死,处以绞刑
    • He was hanged for murder.他因谋杀罪被处绞刑(★【美】亦有用be hung者)。
    • She used a rope to hang herself.她用一条绳子自缢。
    • I'm [I'll be] hanged if I tell him.我死也不告诉他。
    • Hang it (all)!该死!畜生!
  • ③ 吊挂(肉、猎获鸟兽等,以待烹食)
  • ④ 以悬垂物等装饰;悬饰;装设(帘布于门、窗等)(★常用被动式)
    • The rooms were hung with tapestries.那些房间挂了绣帷。
    • He hung the windows with curtains.他给窗子装设窗帘。
  • ⑤ 贴(壁纸);安置(钟于钟楼等);安(门)于铰链上
  • ⑥ 挂(画)于墙上(或画廊、展览会场)(★常用被动式)
    • He hung the painting above the fireplace.他把那幅画挂在壁炉上方。
    • His portrait is hung in the hall.他的画像挂在大厅里。


  • ① 挂,吊,悬
    • hang down垂挂
    • The painting was hanging on the wall.那幅画挂在墙上。
    • There's a handkerchief hanging out of your pocket.有一条手帕从你的口袋垂下来。
  • ② (hanged)被绞死,吊死
    • He hanged for his crime.他因犯罪而被处绞刑。
  • ③ (门等装以铰链而能)自由摆动<on>
    • This door hangs badly.这门装得不好[开关不灵]。
  • ④ 踌躇,犹豫;【美】(陪审团)不能决定
  • ⑤ 依靠;视…而定
    • His election hangs on [upon] one vote.他的当选端赖一票而定。


  • ①[通常作the hang]悬,挂;垂吊的状态
    • The hang of the curtains is not quite right.那些窗帘挂得有点儿不对。
  • ②[the hang]【口】处理方法;使用法;做法;诀窍;(问题、议论等的)意义
    • get [have] the hang of ...懂得…的诀窍。


  • hangern.挂钩;衣架
  • hangingn.绞刑;绞死


  • hang about
    • ① 围绕
    • ② 徘徊
    • ③ 迫近
    • There is rain hanging about.快要下雨了。
  • hang around
    • ① 围绕
    • ② 徘徊
    • ③ 迫近
  • hang back
    • ① 踌躇不前;退缩
    • The dog was so vicious that they all hung back (from it).那条狗这么凶恶,以致他们退缩了。
  • hang behind
    • ① 磨磨蹭蹭;慢吞吞;落后
    • He hung behind after the others had gone in order to speak to her in private.在别人走了以后他留下来,以便跟她私底下说话。
  • hang by [on, upon] a thread
    • ① 千钧一发;风中残烛
  • hang by a hair
    • ① 千钧一发;风中残烛
  • hang heavy
    • ① 沉甸甸地垂挂
    • Time hangs heavy on my hands.我无聊死了。
  • hang in the balance [wind]
    • ① 主意未定;(生死、成败、结果等)无法确定
    • The wounded man's life hung in the balance.伤者的生命岌岌可危。
  • hang off
    • ① 踌躇不前;退缩
  • hang on
    • ① 抱住,缠住<to>
    • ② 孜孜不倦地做事;固守岗位
    • ③ 不挂断(电话)(←→hang up);继续
  • hang on ...
    • ① 仔细地听(某人的话等)
    • ② 视…而定
    • Everything hangs on your decision.一切都要看你的决定。
  • hang out
    • ① 挂在外面;把(招牌、旗子等)悬挂起来,挂出
    • ② 垂下;伸出身体
    • ③ 【俚】住,宿;有
    • ④ 【俚】徘徊,出入;厮混
    • hang out in bars [a bar]时常出入酒吧,在酒吧流连
  • hang over
    • ① 垂挂在(…之)上;接近;迫近;靠近;突出于[悬于、笼罩于](…之)上
  • hang to ...
    • ① 缠住…;紧靠…;贴紧于…
  • hang together
    • ① 团结;紧靠
    • ② (话等)有条理,合乎逻辑
    • His story does not hang together.他的故事前后矛盾。
  • hang up
    • ① 挂;吊;耽搁;妨害…的进行;中止[搁置](计划)
    • ② 挂断(电话)(←→hang on)
    • Only courtesy kept him from hanging up.仅为了礼貌,他才没有挂断电话。
    • She hung up on me just as I was going to apologize.正当我要道歉时,她挂断我的电话。
  • hang up one's hat in another's house
    • ① 长期在别人的家中做客,老待在别人家里
  • let things go hang
    • ① 【口】对事漫不经心[不在乎、不关心]
  • not care [give] a hang
    • ① 【口】不担心;不在乎(语气比not care a damn轻)
    • I don't care a hang (about those things [whether he will come or not]).我毫不担心[在乎](那些事情[他来不来])。


  • attachv.附着
  • bowv.低下
  • die on the gallowsv.死于绞刑
  • execute by hangingv.绞死
  • lowerv.低下
  • swing freelyv.摆荡
  • associate
  • brew
  • carry on
  • consort
  • dangle
  • delay
  • depend
  • depend on
  • detain
  • feel
  • fraternize
  • frequent
  • gibbet
  • go on
  • hang around
  • hang on
  • hang out
  • haunt
  • hinge on
  • hobnob
  • hold up
  • hover
  • impend
  • keep on
  • knack
  • lag
  • loom
  • menace
  • overhang
  • persevere
  • persist
  • poise
  • repair
  • resort
  • rest on
  • retard
  • run
  • set back
  • sling
  • slow
  • stall
  • string up
  • suspend
  • swing
  • threaten
  • trick
  • troop
  • turn on
  • advert
  • attend
  • bent
  • cling
  • fall
  • flow
  • give ear
  • hang up
  • pay heed


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • ability
  • power
  • aptitude
  • natural ability
  • endowment
  • gift
  • talent
  • natural endowment
  • bent
  • knack
  • hang


  • endowment
  • fit
  • gift
  • gymnastic exercise
  • natural endowment
  • talent


  • bent hang
  • inverted hang
  • lever hang
  • reverse hang
  • straight hang




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