

词汇 dust


  • dusts
  • dusting
  • dusted
  • dusted


  • ① 尘埃;灰尘
    • The furniture was covered with dust.那些家具覆盖着灰尘。
    • a speck of dust一粒灰尘
    • The desk has gathered dust.那张桌子积了灰尘。
    • There was a thick layer of dust on the desk.那张桌子上有厚厚的一层灰尘。
    • Dust lay thick on the old furniture.灰尘厚积在旧家具上。
    • a cloud of dust一大片尘埃
  • ② 1沙尘,尘土2[a dust]沙尘,灰尘
    • The rain has laid the dust.雨使沙尘静止了。
    • What a dust !好一阵沙尘!
  • ③ 1粉末2金粉;沙金
    • gold dust金粉
    • tea dust粉茶
  • ④ 1(干燥而多尘的)地面2[the dust](做为埋葬场)土
    • His watch fell in the dust.他的手表掉到多尘的地上。
  • ⑤[the dust]【文】(人的)遗骸,尸体;(归于尘土的)肉体,人
    • Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土(★出自圣经「创世记」)。
  • ⑥ (尘土般)无价值之物
    • Success in the world is dust to me.成功于世于我如尘土。
    • (as) dry as dust【口】枯燥无味的
    • His lectures are (as) dry as dust.他的演讲枯燥无味。


  • ① 拭去灰尘,拂去灰尘
    • She was dusting the furniture.她正在拭去家具上的灰尘。
  • ② 撒上(灰尘、粉末等);洒
    • dust a cake with sugar=dust sugar over [onto] a cake撒糖于蛋糕上


  • ① (鸟)浴于灰尘中
  • ② 拂拭灰尘


  • bite [kiss, lick] the dust
    • ① 【口】【谑】一败涂地;倒毙;忍受屈辱;(尤指战争时)阵亡;落马
    • A shot rang out, and another cowboy bit the dust.一声枪响,另一个牛仔应声落马。
  • dick up [make, raise] a dust
    • ① 扬起灰尘;引起骚动
  • dust a person's jacket
    • ① 【口】把某人揍一顿,痛打某人
  • dust and ashes
    • ① 【圣】尘与灰(使失望之物)
    • turn to dust and ashes(希望等)化为尘灰[乌有],消散
  • dust off
    • ① 拂去,拭去
    • ② 重新使用(长久未用之物)
    • ③ 【棒球】【俚】(投手)投出(几乎碰到打击手的)球
  • in the dust
    • ① 死;受辱
  • return to dust
    • ① 归于尘土,死
  • rise from the dust
    • ① 从屈辱中再起
    • rise from the dust of past defeats由过去失败的屈辱中再起
  • shake the dust off [from] one's feet
    • ① 【圣】把脚上的尘土跺掉;愤然离去
    • He had been so unhappy here that he was glad to shake the dust of the town from his feet.他在此地极为郁郁不乐,所以他欣然弃它而去。
  • throw dust in [into] a person's eyes
    • ① 瞒骗[欺骗]某人
  • throw dust in [into] the eyes of a person
    • ① 瞒骗[欺骗]某人
  • when [after] the dust settles
    • ① 【口】尘埃落定时[后];混乱过去时[后]


  • besprinkle
  • powder
  • sprinkle
  • debris
  • detritus
  • disperse
  • dot
  • junk
  • rubble
  • scatter


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • matter
  • substance
  • material
  • stuff
  • particulate
  • particulate matter
  • dust


  • material
  • particulate
  • particulate matter
  • rubbish
  • scrap
  • stuff
  • trash


  • chalk dust
  • fallout
  • interplanetary dust
  • radioactive dust
  • slack


  • remove
  • take
  • take away
  • withdraw




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