

词汇 nice


  • nice
  • nicer
  • nicest


  • ① 1好的,宜人的,令人愉快的;漂亮的,可爱的;有趣的,吸引人的2(菜等)美味的3亲切的4【轻蔑】文雅的,高尚的;有教养的
    • She has a nice face.她有一张漂亮的脸。
    • We had nice weather yesterday.昨天我们有好天气。
    • I had a nice time yesterday.我昨天玩得很愉快。
    • It's nice to meet you.很高兴遇到你;幸会(★问候语)。
    • Nice [It's been nice] seeing [meeting] you.很高兴遇到了你(★离别用语)。
    • Have a nice day!祝你有个美好的日子!
    • a nice dish佳肴
    • He was nice to us.他对我们很亲切。
    • It's nice of you to say so.=You are nice to say so.你这么说真是亲切。
    • Nice people wouldn't do such things.文雅的人不会做这种事。
  • ② 微妙的,精细的,耍手腕的;精密的敏感的;需要识别力的
    • nice distinctions of color颜色的微细差异
  • ③ 讲究的,爱挑剔的,难以取悦的<in, about>
    • She is nice in her food.她对食物很挑剔。
  • ④ 谨严的,谨慎的
  • ⑤ 【反语】困难的,讨厌的,坏的
    • Here is a nice mess.这真是一团糟。
    • What a nice friend you are!你算什么朋友?
    • nice and[置于形容词或副词之前;当副词用]【口】因为…而宜人,适意地
    • This room is nice and small.这房间小而舒适。
    • It's nice and warm by the fire.在火炉旁温暖而舒适。


dainty: 通常指为了满足自己极端微妙的嗜好或感觉而仔细地选择,往往含有挑剔的意味,尤其是在吃的方面

He has a dainty palate.

nice: 暗示微细的鉴别力,能够从仅仅是好的东西中分辨出很好的,有时候指知识方面敏锐的识别力

He has a nice taste in books.

particular: 指坚持一切细节或情况都必须与自己所希望的一模一样,或坚持符合自己所订的特别标准

She is particular about her clothes.

fastidious: 强调对于不能满足自己认为是对的、适当的或高尚的东西,感到强烈的嫌恶

He has a fastidious taste in music.


fine: 为表[良好的]之意的一般用语,适用范围广泛,指看起来很好,尤指在优秀、漂亮等方面是无可疵议的

a fine gentleman

good: 指持有伴着善良、亲切、真实等之感的纯朴感情的

a good fellow

nice: 指予人美好、愉快等良好印象的

a nice girl


  • nicelyadv.悦人地,亲切地
  • nicenessn.悦人;美味;亲切;微妙


  • amiableadj.友善的
  • carefuladj.小心的
  • exactadj.确切的
  • friendlyadj.友善的
  • goodadj.好的
  • preciseadj.精确的
  • sensitiveadj.敏锐的
  • subtleadj.微妙的
  • agreeable
  • becoming
  • befitting
  • bonny
  • braw
  • chaste
  • choosy
  • comely
  • comme il faut
  • congenial
  • correct
  • dainty
  • de rigueur
  • decent
  • decorous
  • delicate
  • exacting
  • fastidious
  • favorable
  • fine
  • finespun
  • finical
  • finicky
  • fussy
  • grateful
  • gratifying
  • high-grade
  • meticulous
  • modest
  • particular
  • persnickety
  • picky
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • pleasurable
  • proper
  • pure
  • refined
  • respectable
  • right
  • satisfying
  • seemly
  • squeamish
  • virgin
  • virginal
  • virtuous
  • welcome
  • Nice
  • courteous
  • gracious
  • overnice
  • prissy
  • skillful


  • awfuladj.可怕的
  • carelessadj.不小心的
  • disagreeableadj.令人不快的
  • dreadfuladj.可怕的
  • miserableadj.悲惨的
  • roughadj.粗糙的
  • unpleasantadj.令人不快的
  • nasty


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • location
  • region
  • district
  • territory
  • territorial dominion
  • dominion
  • administrative district
  • administrative division
  • territorial division
  • municipality
  • city
  • metropolis
  • urban center
  • Nice




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