

词汇 ear


  • ear
  • ears


  • ① 1耳朵2外耳,耳壳
    • the external [middle, internal] ear外[中、内]耳
    • I cannot believe my ears.我无法相信自己的耳朵。
    • I feel my ears burning.我觉得有人在谈论我。
    • A word in your ear.我跟你私下谈句话。
  • ②[用单数形]听觉;听力辨音力
    • a keen [nice] ear敏锐的听力
    • He has a good [no] ear for music.他对音乐很有[没有]鉴赏力。
  • ③[用单数形]倾听;注意
    • bend an ear (to ...)留心听(…)
  • ④ 耳状物;(水罐等的)把耳,耳子;(钟等的)耳


  • be all ears
    • ① 【口】热心听;倾听
    • He was all ears at the concert.他在音乐会倾耳谛听。
  • be up to the [one's] ears in ...
    • ① 深陷于…中;沈溺于…之中
    • We are up to our ears in work.我们的工作多得不得了。
  • catch a person's ear
    • ① 引起某人的注意,使得某人聆听
    • He caught my ear and talked for an hour.他引起我的注意,长谈了一小时。
  • fall on deaf ears
    • ① 未受注意
    • His advice fell on deaf ears.他的忠告未受到注意。
  • fall together by the ears
    • ① 打起来
  • from ear to ear
    • ① 张大嘴巴地
    • He grinned from ear to ear.他张大嘴巴笑。
  • gain the ear of ...
    • ① 受到…的注意,获得…(善意的)倾听
  • give ear to ...
    • ① 【文】倾听
    • Give ear to your parents' advice.要听父母的劝告。
  • go in one ear and out the other
    • ① 左耳进右耳出;没有留下任何印象
    • Everything I say to you seems to go in one ear and out the other.凡是我跟你说的话,似乎都是耳边风。
  • have [keep] an [one's] ear to the ground
    • ① 注意动静[风闻]
  • have [win, gain] a person's ear
    • ① 引起某人注意;得某人宠顾
    • He gains the President's ear.他跟总统说得上话。
  • lend an [one's] ear to ...
    • ① 注意听…;谛听…
    • The king lent an ear to the complaints of his people.国王倾听人民的诉苦。
  • over ears
    • ① 深陷(于恋爱、阴谋、债务之中);热衷;沉溺<in>
  • play [sing] by ear
    • ① 不用乐谱而演奏[歌唱]
    • Some people can play Chopin's music by ear.有些人能不用乐谱而演奏萧邦的乐曲。
  • prick up one's ears
    • ① 竖着耳朵听(…)
    • I pricked up my ears when I heard my name mentioned.当我听到有人提起我的名字时,我侧耳倾听。
  • reach [fall on, come to] one's ears
    • ① 听到;听得见
  • set ... by the ears
    • ① 使…不和;引起…纷争
  • turn a deaf ear to ...
    • ① 完全不听,充耳不闻,置若罔闻
    • He turned a deaf ear to my advice.他对我的忠告置若罔闻。
  • up to the [one's] ears
    • ① 深陷(于恋爱、阴谋、债务之中);热衷;沉溺<in>
  • wet behind the ears
    • ① 【俚】年轻而无经验;少不更事;乳臭未干


  • ear
  • ears
  • ears
  • earing
  • eared
  • eared


  • ① (麦等的)穗;玉蜀黍穗
    • an ear of corn一穗玉蜀黍


  • ① 长穗;成穗


  • be in ear
    • ① 正在长穗(★in ear常无冠词)
  • come into ear
    • ① 吐穗,出穗(★into ear无冠词)




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