

词汇 early


  • early
  • earlier
  • earliest


  • ① (时刻、季节等)早的(←→late)要宣布他是赢家还太早
    • It's too early to declare him the winner.要宣布他是赢家还太早。
    • an early breakfast早吃的早餐
    • her husband's early death她丈夫的早死
    • an early marriage早婚
    • You're early!你来早了!
    • He was six minutes early.他早了六分钟。
    • He was early for the interview.他比约定面谈的时间早来。
    • an early riser早起的人
    • in the early morning在清晨
    • at an early hour在清晨
  • ② 早熟的
    • in early spring在早春
    • early peaches早熟的桃子
  • ③ 初期的;很久以前的
    • from the earliest times自太古时代以来
    • She's in her early teens.她十三、四岁。
    • He was in his early sixties.他六十出头。
  • ④[无比较级]不久的将来的;最近的
    • at an early date不久;在最近期间


  • ① 早;初;初期时
    • He returned early in the morning.他清晨回来。
    • early in life早年,年轻时
    • She got up early today.她今天早起。
    • as early as March早在三月里[1600年]
  • ② (比预定[预料]时间)早
    • earlier than usual比平常早
    • They arrived early.他们早到。
    • I left an hour early.我早一个钟头出发。


  • earlinessn.早;早期


  • at the earliest
    • ① 最早
    • "When can you get here?"-"Six o'clock at the earliest"「你什么时候能到这里?」「最快六点钟。」
  • at your earliest convenience
    • ① 得便务请从速,方便即请
    • Please reply at your earliest convenience.请有便尽早回复。
  • earlier on
    • ① 事先;以前
    • I mentioned that problem earlier on.以前我提到过那个问题。
  • early and late
    • ① 从清晨到深夜
  • early on
    • ① 在初期;开始时
    • The competition was decided early on.那次比赛开始时胜负已定。
  • early or late
    • ① 早还是晚
    • ② 迟早,早晚(★作此义解时,一般用sooner or later)
  • early to bed, early to rise
    • ① 早睡早起
    • Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.【谚】早睡早起使人健康、富有而明智(★因收在:Benjamin Franklin 的金言集而有名)。
  • in one's early days [years]
    • ① 年轻时
  • keep early hours
    • ① 早睡早起;早睡;早起
    • All the members of his family keep early hours.他一家人都早睡早起。


  • advancedadj.前进的
  • forwardadj.前进的
  • ahead
  • ancient
  • antediluvian
  • beforehand
  • beginning
  • betimes
  • first
  • initial
  • precocious
  • premature
  • primitive
  • untimely
  • ahead of time
  • early on
  • former
  • other
  • too soon


  • lateadj.(时刻、季节等)晚的
  • lateadv.
  • middle




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