

词汇 faith


  • faith
  • faiths


  • ① 信任,信心;信念;确信
    • I don't have faith in my doctor.我对我的医师没有信心。
    • put one's faith in ...=pin one's faith on ...相信…,信任…
    • I have lost faith in that company.我对那家公司失去了信心。
    • His faith in her was strong and firm.他对她的信任是坚固的。
    • He had faith that she was innocent.他确信她是无辜的。
  • ② 1信仰<in>2[the faith]真正的信仰;基督教(的信仰)3信条,教义
    • faith, hope, and charity信、望、爱(基督教的三大德)
    • I have faith in God.我信仰上帝。
    • the Christian [Catholic, Muslim] faith基督[天主、回]教
  • ③ 忠实,诚实
    • good faith信实;诚意
    • bad faith不诚实;不忠;欺诈
    • in good faith诚实地,诚意地
  • ④ 保证;诺言
    • engage [pledge, plight] one's faith担保;发誓,许诺
    • keep [break] faith with a person对某人守信[背信]
    • give one's faith to a person向某人保证


belief: 是最普通的一般用语,表示相信某事为真实

They have belief in ghosts.

faith: 是毫无根据,不依理智的判断而出于自己的信心,常用于指宗教信仰

I have faith in our victory.

trust: 指凭直觉去信任某人

We have trust in his ability.

confidence: 是凭感觉上的证据或理性上的分析而得的信赖

They place confidence in you.

credence: 只表示相信而不含信赖的意味

give credence to a report


  • by [upon] one's faith
    • ① 发誓,保证
    • Strange, by my faith.实在太奇怪了。
  • in faith!
    • ① 实在!真正!


  • beliefn.信任
  • loyaltyn.忠实
  • promisen.承诺
  • church
  • communion
  • confession
  • confidence
  • credence
  • credit
  • creed
  • denomination
  • dependence
  • persuasion
  • reliance
  • religion
  • sect
  • trust
  • organized religion
  • religious belief


  • doubtn.怀疑
  • mistrustn.不信任
  • suspicionn.怀疑


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • content
  • cognitive content
  • mental object
  • belief
  • religion
  • faith
  • religious belief


  • allegiance
  • belief
  • commitment
  • dedication
  • establishment
  • institution
  • loyalty
  • supernatural virtue
  • theological virtue


  • Asian shamanism
  • Bahaism
  • Brahmanism
  • Brahminism
  • Buddhism
  • Christian church
  • Christian religion
  • Christianity
  • Church of Scientology
  • Hebraism
  • Hindooism
  • Hinduism
  • Hsuan Chiao
  • Jainism
  • Jewish religion
  • Judaism
  • Khalsa
  • Manichaeanism
  • Manichaeism
  • Mazdaism
  • Mithraicism
  • Mithraism
  • Scientology
  • Shinto
  • Shintoism
  • Sikhism
  • Taoism
  • Wicca
  • Zoroastrianism
  • analogy
  • apophatism
  • cataphatism
  • church
  • cult
  • cultus
  • doctrine of analogy
  • ecclesiasticism
  • established church
  • heathenism
  • mysticism
  • nature worship
  • pagan religion
  • paganism
  • religious cult
  • religious mysticism
  • religious order
  • religious sect
  • revealed religion
  • sect
  • shamanism
  • theism




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