

词汇 help


  • help
  • helps
  • helps
  • helping
  • helped
  • helped


  • ① 1帮助,辅助;援助;拯救;救济;搀扶2治疗(疾病等)3促进;助长;有助于,对…有用
    • We must all help each other.我们必须互相帮助。
    • Heaven [God] helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。
    • May [Can] I help you, sir?先生,可让我帮您的忙吗?(店员等向顾客的招呼语)
    • He helped her on [off] with her overcoat.他帮她穿上[脱下]外衣。
    • She helped me with my work.她帮忙我工作。
    • He agreed to help me in the business.他同意在事业上协助我。
    • Help him into the train.扶他上车。
    • I help my mother (to) water the flowers.我帮助母亲浇花。
    • He offered to help me fix it.他提议帮我修理它。
    • He helped (to) build a hut.他帮忙盖了一间小屋。
    • Go and help wash up.去帮忙洗碗盘吧(★help之后不用to的不定词,大多用于美语;尤其祈使句中, help后的不定词to都可省略)。
    • He was helped to carry the boxes.有人帮他搬那些箱子(★被动式有时用to的不定词)。
    • I need something to help my headache.我需要某种东西来治疗我的头痛。
    • This wallpaper will help the appearance of the room.这壁纸将使房间的外观改善。
    • This will help you (to) achieve success.这将有助于你达到成功。
    • This book will help (to) improve your understanding of English.这本书将有助于增进你的英文理解力。
  • ②[在can(not), could(not)之后]1避免;阻止2抑制,制止
    • cannot help oneself无法自制,不由自主
    • He could not help himself and reverted to his former manner.他无法自制而故态复萌。
    • I cannot help her laziness.我对她的懒惰毫无办法。
    • He did it because he couldn't help it.他没办法只好做。
    • That [It] can't [couldn't] be helped.那是无法避免的[无可奈何的]。
    • I won't stay so late, if I can help it.如果能够的话,我将不致留到那么晚。
    • He never does more work than he can help.他总是尽量少做事。
    • Don't spend more than you can help.请尽量省用。
    • She couldn't help laughing.她忍不住笑。
    • She cannot help being so small.她这么矮小是无可奈何的。
    • I cannot help wondering about that girl.我不得不对那女孩感到诧异(★【美口】则用cannot help but wonder;参照cannot but V)。
    • I can't help him [his] being so stupid.我无法使他不这么愚蠢。
    • I cannot help my wife having strange ideas.我太太有怪念头,我莫可奈何。
  • ③ 1取用(食物);敬奉;劝(酒等)2【口】分配;分盛(食物、饮料)
    • She helped me to some vegetables.她替我夹了一些蔬菜。
    • Please help yourself.请自己取用,不要客气。
    • Help yourself to the cake.请自取蛋糕。
    • Please help me to salad.请帮我分配沙拉。


  • ① 帮助,辅助,援助,协助
    • My daughter's helping in our store.我的女儿在我们的店里帮忙。
    • Help!救命!
    • They all helped with the harvest.他们都帮忙收获。
  • ② 有用
    • Complaining won't help.=It won't help to complain.抱怨没有用。


  • ① 帮助;救助;助力;援助;救济
    • cry for help呼救,求援
    • give some [one's] help给予帮助
    • Her warning was (of) much help to them.她的警告对他们很有帮助。
    • I hope I can be of some help to you.我希望能给你一些帮助。
    • Bacteria are so small that they can be seen only with the help of a microscope.细菌如此的小,唯有借助显微镜才能看见。
  • ② 帮助者,帮手
    • This method is a help to the memory.这是一个帮助记忆的方法。
    • My wife has been a great help to me.内子一向是我的大帮手。
  • ③[用于否定句]逃避的方法,逃路<for>
    • There's no help for it.那是无法可想的事。
    • The thing is done, and there is no help for it now.木已成舟,无法补救了。
  • ④ 1助手,助理;佣人(尤指女仆)2[集用合法;当复数用]【美】受雇的人员,员工
    • a mother's help(做简单家或看小孩的)女仆
    • The help are demanding higher wages.员工们正要求加工资。


help: 指为了达到目的或欲望,所必需的援助,为最普通的用语

aid: aid的个人色彩比help弱,且语意也较弱

aid a new nation

assist: 尤指协助不需help的人

She assisted him in his translation.


  • helpern.帮助者;助手
  • helpfuladj.有帮助的,有益的;有用的
  • helplessadj.无助的;无力的,无能为力的


  • God help him!
    • ① 上帝保佑他!唉,真可怜!
  • help down
    • ① 帮忙扶[搬、卸]下
    • He helped her down (from the bus).他搀扶她(由公车上)下来。
  • help off
    • ① 帮忙脱去;帮忙了结
  • help on
    • ① 帮忙穿上;促使进展
  • help oneself to ...
    • ① 取用(食物);敬奉;劝(酒等)
    • ② 【婉言】自由取用;偷取(=steal)
  • help out
    • ① 帮忙取出;救出;帮助完成<with>
  • help up
    • ① 帮助举起;扶起
    • He helped her up.他把她扶起来。
  • Help Wanted
    • ① 征求助手[员工](广告、揭示等所用的文句)
  • So help me!
    • ①[用于誓语]天神共鉴!皇天在上!我敢发誓!
    • ② 错不了;必定
    • ③ 信不信由你;真的


  • curen.解决办法
  • employeesn.员工
  • remedyn.矫正方法
  • workern.工人
  • abet
  • abetment
  • abettor
  • aid
  • ameliorate
  • amend
  • assist
  • assistance
  • attendant
  • better
  • boost
  • hand
  • helper
  • improve
  • meliorate
  • relief
  • relieve
  • reliever
  • succor
  • succorer
  • support
  • upgrade
  • assistant
  • avail
  • facilitate
  • help oneself
  • serve
  • service
  • supporter


  • frustratev.使受挫
  • hinderv.阻碍
  • obstructv.阻碍
  • thwartv.阻挠


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • aid
  • assist
  • assistance
  • help


  • activity
  • helpfulness
  • resource
  • worker


  • accommodation
  • accomplice
  • actor's assistant
  • aide
  • attendant
  • attender
  • auxiliary
  • bat boy
  • birthing coach
  • boost
  • cat's-paw
  • chief assistant
  • coadjutor
  • comfort
  • confederate
  • dental assistant
  • deputy
  • doula
  • dresser
  • encouragement
  • enforcer
  • event planner
  • facilitation
  • facilitator
  • fashion model
  • flower girl
  • foot soldier
  • girl Friday
  • hand
  • hatchet man
  • helping hand
  • instrument
  • labor coach
  • lieutenant
  • lift
  • man Friday
  • manakin
  • manikin
  • mannequin
  • mannikin
  • ministration
  • model
  • monitrice
  • paraprofessional
  • pawn
  • poser
  • powder monkey
  • prompter
  • recourse
  • refuge
  • relief
  • resort
  • right-hand man
  • secretarial assistant
  • secretary
  • self-help
  • service
  • sidesman
  • subordinate
  • subsidiary
  • succor
  • succour
  • support
  • tender
  • thanks
  • theater prompter
  • underboss
  • underling
  • water boy
  • waterer
  • whipper-in




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