

词汇 go


  • go
  • goes
  • goes
  • going
  • went
  • gone


  • ① 行走,走动,旅行;去,走,离去(参照come)
    • It's time to go.是离去的时候了。
    • We must go [be going] now.我们现在得走了。
    • Let's go.我们走吧。
    • Where are you going?你上哪儿去?
    • She came at three and went at five.她三点来,五点走。
    • One, two, three, go!【竞赛】一,二,三,跑[开始]!
    • Who goes there?谁?(哨兵等盘问时的用语)
    • Go back to your room.回到你的房间去。
    • She has gone to Paris.她到巴黎去了。
    • I am going [am on my way] to the station.我正往车站去(→be Going to-V)。
    • go to school [church]上学[教堂]
    • go to bed就寝
    • go by rail [ship, air, land, sea]搭火车[搭船、搭飞机、由陆路、由海路]去
    • I always go home by bus.我总是搭公车回家。
    • go on a journey [cruise, visit]去旅行[巡航、访问]
    • Let's go for a drive [walk, swim].我们去兜风[散步、游泳]吧。
    • We went to see the show last evening.我们昨晚去看表演。
    • go hunting [swimming, shopping, hiking, walking, dancing, sightseeing]去打猎[游泳、购物、远足、散步、跳舞、观光]
    • He often goes fishing in the river.他常去河里钓鱼。
  • ② (★作此义解时,常把过去分词gone放在be之后,以表完成的状态)1消失2死;坍塌,折断;失败
    • Has your headache gone yet?你的头痛消失了吗?
    • The pain has gone (away) now.疼痛现在已经消失。
    • I found that my bag had [was] gone.我发现我的袋子不见了。
    • Where have my car keys gone (to)?我的汽车钥匙哪里去了?
    • His sight is going.他的视力正逐渐减退中。
    • Poor Bob has [is] gone.可怜的巴布已经死了。
    • The roof went.屋顶坍塌了。
    • The bank may go any day.这家银行随时可能倒闭。
  • ③ 伸展;达到
    • Where does this road go (to)?这条路通到哪里?
    • This road goes to Kaohsiung.这条路通到高雄。
    • The coat won't go round me.这件外衣我穿不下。
    • My memory won't go back so far.我记不起那么久远的事。
    • Camels can go for many days without water.骆驼可以很多天没有水。
  • ④ 运动,动;(钟等)鸣,打;(心脏)搏动;(人)举动
    • The car won't go.这部车子不动。
    • The machine does not go well [smoothly].这机器运转不顺。
    • There goes the bell.钟响了。
    • All systems go.一切准备就绪。
  • ⑤ 流传;通用;称为,叫做
    • Dollars go anywhere.美金到处都通用。
    • He goes by the name of Carl.他名叫卡尔。
  • ⑥ (事情)进行
    • How are things going at the moment?目前事情进行得怎么样?
    • How did the meeting go?会议进行得怎么样?
    • Everything went pretty smoothly.事事都很顺遂。
    • as the world goes就一般情形来说;一般说来
    • The new president will make things go.新总裁会使业务顺利。
    • What has gone with him?他怎么啦?
  • ⑦ 1被放置;归属2装进;被包含3被卖;被花费4归(给);落(入)
    • This book goes here [on this shelf].这本书是放在这里[这个架子上]的。
    • Where do the dishes go?这些盘子要放在哪里?
    • Twelve inches go to a foot.12吋为一呎。
    • How many pence go to the pound?多少便士是一镑?
    • This book won't go into the envelope.这本书装不进这个信封。
    • Six goes into twelve twice.=Six into twelve goes twice [two].6除12得2。
    • Six goes into thirty five times.6除30得5。
    • The painting goes to the highest bidder.这幅画卖给出价最高者。
    • The vase went for [at] $3,000 [a high price].那个花瓶以三千美元[高价]卖掉了。
    • Most of her money goes on [for] clothes.她大部分的钱花在衣服上。
    • Most of his time goes in reading novels.他的时间大部分都用于读小说。
    • The painting went very cheaply [cheap] at auction.那幅画在拍卖时卖很便宜。
    • The prize went to him.奖品落入他的手中。
    • Victory does not always go to the strong.胜利并不永远归强者。
  • ⑧ 变成(某种状态)(★通常指坏的状态)
    • This food has gone bad.这食物坏掉了。
    • He has gone blind [deaf].他已经瞎[聋]了。
    • She has gone mad [crazy].她发疯了。
    • Her hair is going gray.她的头发逐渐变得灰白。
    • He went bald.他变秃了。
    • The tire has gone flat.轮胎没气了。
    • He went red with anger.他因发怒而脸红。
    • go asleep入眠,睡着了
    • go free被释放
    • go out of date变得落伍,变为陈旧
    • go from bad to worse每下愈况
  • ⑨ (常指习惯地)处于(某种状态)
    • These natives always go naked.这些土着总是赤身裸体。
    • go hungry [thirsty, armed]挨饿[口渴,武装着]
    • go with child怀孕
    • He's young as statesmen go nowadays.以现在的政治家来说,他是年轻的。
  • ⑩ 写着,说着;(歌曲等)有(某种)文句
    • As the proverb [saying] goes, "There's no smoke without fire."如同谚语[俗话]所说的: 「无火不生烟」
    • The story goes that he was a vampire.那个故事说他是个吸血鬼。
    • Thus goes the Bible.圣经上这样写着。
    • How does that song go?那首歌怎么唱?
    • The song goes like this.那首歌是这样唱的。
  • ⑪[通常有非难、轻蔑之意;通常用于否定句或疑问句]【口】做某事
    • Don't go complaining any more.别再抱怨啦。


  • ①[通常用于否定句]【口】忍受,容忍(=endure; tolerate)
    • I can't go his behavior.我不能忍受他的行为。
  • ② 【口】赌,打赌
    • I'll go (you) ten dollars on the outcome of the contest.我(跟你)就比赛的结果打赌十块钱。
  • ③ 【口】吃;喝
    • Could you go a steak dinner?你可以吃牛排餐吗?
  • ④ 【英】(时钟等)敲打(时刻)
    • It has just gone three.刚敲过三点。
  • ⑤ 【口】说
    • She goes, "I'm going to the movies."她说: 「我要去看电影。」


  • ① 走,去,行
    • the come and go of waves波浪的来去
  • ② 精力,精神
    • She has got a lot of go [is full of go].她精力充沛。
  • ③[the go]时髦,流行
    • Those shoes are all [quite] the go this year.这种鞋子今年很流行。
  • ④ 1尝试;机会;(比赛等的)轮流2(酒等的)一饮之量,一杯;(食物的)一口
    • Let's have a go at it.我们来试一试吧。
    • Whose go is it?轮到谁啦?
    • It's your go.轮到你啦。
    • I read the novel at [in] one go.我一口气把那本小说读完。
    • She passed the examination (at the) first go.她第一次就通过了考试。
    • a go of brandy一杯白兰地
  • ⑤[通常用单数形]事态;(困难的)事情;约定的事
    • Here's [What] a go!这就难了!
    • Here's a pretty go!这就怪了!
    • It's a queer [rum, jolly] go.这是件怪事[为难的事]。
  • ⑥ 成功
    • It's a sure go.一定成功。
    • (It's) no go.不成功,无效。
    • make a go of it成功,干好


  • ① 【口】(机器运转、仪器等)正常的,一切妥当的
    • Two minutes before the satellite is to be launched, all systems are go.人造卫星发射之前二分钟,一切系统运转正常。


go: 为表离开现在自己所在之处而去的最普通用语

leave: 强调离开某人或某物

He left Paris for London yesterday.

depart: 为比go, leave较形式上的用语,与arrive相对,指出发去旅行等

He departed on a trip to America.

quit: 指由于离开某人或某物而得以自由或摆脱羁绊,并暗示一去不回

He quit his position last month.

withdraw; 指为了正当的理由自动离开某场所、地位等

He withdrew from the room after the talk.

retire: 常与withdraw同义,但有时指永久离去或退隐、退休

He retired from the service.


  • a near go
    • ① 【英口】九死一生,仅以身免
    • I had a near go yesterday.我昨天差点送命。
  • as [so] far as ... goes
    • ① 就目前情形来说,就其适用范围而言(参照so far as ... be concerned)
    • It is true as far as it goes.就其适用范围而言,这是真的。
  • be going ...
    • ① 【口】将,快要
    • It's going (on) four o'clock.快要四点钟了。
    • She's going (on) seventeen.她快要十七岁了。
    • He's seven going on eight.他七岁,即将八岁。
  • be going to-V
    • ① 就要,正要(参照be about to)
    • ②[表意志]打算
    • ③[表最近的未来]将,会
    • I'm going to be twenty next month.下个月我将年满二十。
  • from the word go
    • ① 【口】从头,自始
    • I disliked her from the word go.我一开始就讨厌她。
    • From the word go he has been a conservative.他从一开始就是个保守主义者。
  • go ... one better
    • ① 【口】胜过[超越](对方)
  • go a long way
    • ① 大有效力,大有用处<toward, in>;(钱)很管用
    • Reading goes a long way toward improving your English.阅读大有助于增进你的英文。
    • Your plan went a long way in helping with our problem.你的计划大有助于解决我们的问题。
  • go about
    • ① 来回走动;四处走走;(谣言等)流传
    • ② 努力,忙于
    • ③ 【军】折回;【海】掉转船头,转变航向
    • ④ 着手(工作等),做
    • Go about your own business!去做你自己的事!
  • go after ...
    • ① 追求(名誉、女人等)
    • He went after wealth and fame.他追求财富与名望。
  • go against ...
    • ① 与…相反,违背;对…不利
    • She went against her parents' wishes.她违背了双亲的愿望。
    • The trial is going against him.审判对他不利。
  • go all lengths
    • ① 尽一切而能;彻底地做
    • He will go all lengths to accomplish his purpose.为求达到目的,他将全力以赴。
  • go all out
    • ① 【美俚】尽全力
    • We should go all out to help him.我们应尽全力帮助他。
  • go along
    • ① 进行;进步
    • ② 陪伴<with>
    • ③ 赞成,同意<with>
    • I can't go along with you on this issue.对这个问题,我无法赞同你。
  • Go along with you!
    • ① 【口】滚开!(=Go away!);别胡说啦!
  • Go and get it!
    • ① 好好干!
  • go and V
    • ①[通常用不定词形式或祈使句]【口】去(做)(=go to-V)
    • ②[通常用不定词形式或祈使句][仅用以强调,多指愚昧的行为之类]【口】
    • I just don't understand why you go and do such silly things.我就是搞不懂你为什么要干出这种傻事。
    • Now you've gone and done it.现在你竟然做出这种事。
  • go around
    • ① 巡回;绕道
    • ② (头)发昏
    • ③ 顺访
    • ④ 四处走动
    • ⑤ (谣言、疾病等)传播
    • ⑥ (饮食等)足够分配
    • ⑦ 绕行
    • ⑧ 参观(建筑物等)
    • ⑨ (文句、想法等)萦绕(头中)
    • ⑩ (谣言、疾病等)传播于
    • ⑪ (带子等)(长度)可以束
    • ⑫ (饮料、食物等)足够分配给(大家)
  • go at ...
    • ① 攻击,冲向;努力去做
  • go away with ...
    • ① 带走,拐逃
    • He went away with my watch.他带走了我的手表。
  • go back
    • ① 回去;回溯,追溯;回顾;过盛时,走下坡
    • This store goes back to 1805.此店可溯至1805年。
  • go back on [upon] ...
    • ① 【口】违背(诺言等),食(言),背弃(主义等)
    • ② 【口】出卖(某人),背叛
  • go before ...
    • ① 居先,走在前面
    • Pride goes before a fall.满招损,骄必败。
  • go behind ...
    • ① 探求,调查内幕
    • go behind the story调查真相
  • go between ...
    • ① 介于…之间;作中间人,作媒介
  • go beyond ...
    • ① 超越,超过,超出
    • He went beyond his duty.他超越职权。
  • go by
    • ① (时间等)过去(参照bygone)
    • ② 【美】顺道访问
    • ③ 名叫,称为;凭…判断,依照
    • ④ 信赖
    • ⑤ 成为指南,依赖
    • ⑥ 忽略(机会等)
  • go down
    • ① 下降,下去<from, to, into>;(道路)下斜;(价格)下跌
    • ② (船)沉没;(日、月等)落下
    • ③ 【英】(由大学)毕业,退学,离开(大学)
    • ④ 达到<to>;继续<to>
    • ⑤ 被记得;被记录下来;传(给后代)<to>
    • ⑥ 屈服(于某人)<before>
    • ⑦ (风、浪等)平静下来
    • ⑧ (药等)被吞下
    • ⑨ (人)被接受[相信、心服]<with>
    • ⑩ 罹患(疾病)<with>
    • Many students have gone down with flu.很多学生得了流行性感冒。
  • go far
    • ① 走远;远及
    • ② 成功,驰名;价值大,效力大
    • The young man works really hard; he will go far.那年轻人工作真卖力,他将来会成功的。
  • go for ...
    • ① 去拿[叫、请];去(散步等);卖得(若干金额)
    • ② 【口】袭击
    • ③ 努力求得;意欲
    • ④ 【美】支持,赞成
    • ⑤ 喜欢,被…所吸引
    • ⑥ 通用;被认为
    • ⑦ 适用于,可应用于
    • ⑧ 有利于
    • ⑨[附有much, little等表程度的字]有(…)用
    • My hard work went for little [much, nothing, something].我辛苦的工作没什么用[很有用、毫无用处、有些用处]。
  • go forth
    • ① 【文】外出
    • ② 【文】公布,发布(命令等)
    • The order went forth that all civilians stay indoors.该命令宣布所有民众不可外出。
  • Go hang!
    • ① 【俚】该死!
  • go in
    • ① 进入;参加(比赛等);【板球】成为打者;(日、月等天体)被云屏蔽
    • The sun went in and it was getting cool.太阳被云遮,天气逐渐转凉。
  • go in at ...
    • ① 【俚】猛烈攻击
    • He went in at his opponent's head.他猛烈攻击对方的头部。
  • go in for ...
    • ① 【口】赞成,支持;寻求,追求;参加;应(试);【美】爱好,嗜好
    • He will go in for the 100 meter dash.他将参加百米赛跑。
    • She goes in for (wearing) a bracelet.她喜欢(戴)手镯。
    • John doesn't go in for sports.约翰不喜爱运动。
  • go in with ...
    • ① 加入,参加
    • She asked me to go in with her on the purchase of a car.她要求我与她合伙买部车。
  • go into ...
    • ① 进入;(门等)通往;住进;参加;采取…的态度;发(歇斯底里症等);从事;说到;穿着(衣服、鞋子等);调查,研究
    • They went into the country for a picnic.他们到乡下去野餐。
    • Have you ever thought of going into business?你有没有想过要进入实业界?
    • She went into a coma and died three days later.她陷入昏迷而在三天后死亡。
    • go into mourning穿着孝服,服丧
    • go deeply into a question深究问题
    • I won't go into details.我不想详细说明。
  • go it
    • ①[常用进行式]【口】急行;使劲儿干,尽力而为
  • go it alone
    • ① 【口】独自干
    • The enterprise is risky, so I will go it alone.那家企业风险大,因此我将独自另谋出路。
  • go off
    • ① (砲弹等)发射;(炸弹)爆炸;(话)冒出,突然做出,发出,爆发
    • ② 变坏,衰败;入侵;失去知觉,昏迷,【英】(痛苦、兴奋等)消失
    • ③[常附有well, badly等样态副词]经过;(事情)进行;进展
    • ④ 离去,走掉,逃走;(演员)退场,下台;开始;死;卖掉;【口】(女儿)出嫁;(契约等)未履行
    • ⑤ (电灯)熄灭;(煤气、自来水)中断
    • ⑥ 废除…
  • go on
    • ① 继续走,继续;继续(行动),…下去<with, in>;[+to-V]接着
    • ② 发生;日子过得(如何);(时间)过去;(通常指不好地)举动
    • ③[常用going形](事情)发生
    • ④ (衣服、鞋子等)合穿,可穿用
    • ⑤ 【口】滔滔不绝地说;责骂<at>
    • ⑥ (演员)登场,上台;【板球】轮到投球
    • ⑦ (电灯)亮,(煤气、自来水)出来
    • ⑧ 受救济,受帮助
    • ⑨ 接受(证据、假定等);依据…判断[行动]
    • ⑩[通常用进行式]【美】=Go on for
  • go on for ...
    • ①[通常用进行式]【主英】接近,将近
    • It's going on for tea time.快到吃茶点的时候了。
    • She's going on for 60.她年近六十。
  • Go on!
    • ① 【口】别开玩笑!绝不可能!
  • go one better
    • ① 【口】胜过[超越](对方)
    • Father went one better and got a color TV.父亲脱颖而出,获得一部彩色电视机。
  • go out
    • ① 外出,出来<to, into>;(妇女)离家工作,走入社会,出去交际;出版
    • ② (火、灯)熄灭;(年、月)终了;(内阁)下台;【板球】(一局结束时)打者退出
    • ③ 不流行,过时
    • ④ (工人)罢工
    • ⑤ (爱情、同情等)贯注
    • ⑥[通常用going形]与(异性)交往
    • They've been going out (together) for three years.他们俩已交往了三年。
  • go out of ...
    • ① 由…出去
    • ② 失去
    • go out of business停业
    • go out of fashion失去流行
    • go out of print绝版
  • go over
    • ① 渡过,越过,横过
    • ② 察看,检查,视察;检讨;重读,反复,复习
    • ③ 投靠,变节
    • ④[常附有well, badly等样态副词](戏剧等)博得(好评等)
    • The film went over well [【口】big].那电影非常成功。
  • go over with ...
    • ① 收效,受好评
    • It goes over with engineers and architects.它颇受工程师和建筑师的好评。
  • go round
    • ① 巡回;绕道
    • ② (头)发昏
    • ③ 顺访
    • ④ 四处走动
    • ⑤ (谣言、疾病等)传播
    • ⑥ (饮食等)足够分配
    • ⑦ 绕行
    • ⑧ 参观(建筑物等)
    • ⑨ (文句、想法等)萦绕(头中)
    • ⑩ (谣言、疾病等)传播于
    • ⑪ (带子等)(长度)可以束
    • ⑫ (饮料、食物等)足够分配给(大家)
  • go so far as to-V ...
    • ① 甚至
    • She went so far as to permit me to kiss her.她甚至准我吻她。
  • go through
    • ① 穿过;耗尽
    • ② 做完(工作等)
    • ③ 经历
    • ④ 修毕(学业);举行(仪式等)
    • ⑤ 通过
    • ⑥ 细查
    • ⑦ 受(苦)
    • ⑧ (书刊)卖完(几版)
    • ⑨ (交易等)完成;(议案等)通过
    • ⑩ (疾病、谣言等)传播
    • Flu went through the entire school.流行性感冒传遍全校。
  • go through with ...
    • ① 完成,做完
    • He will go through with the undertaking.他会完成那件工作。
  • go together
    • ① 相伴,同行;相配,调和;【美口】相恋
    • This tie and your shirt don't go very well together.这条领带跟你的衬衫不很相配。
    • They've been going together for three years.他们成双成对有三年之久。
  • go too far
    • ① 夸张;太过分,走极端
    • That joke is going too far.那个玩笑太过分了。
    • He went a bit too far in his criticism.他的批评有点儿过分。
  • go under
    • ① 沉没;屈服;失败;破灭,败落,破产
    • The ship struck upon a rock and soon went under.船碰上一块礁石,很快就沉没了。
    • The firm has gone under.那家商号经营失败。
    • The fire is going under.火势正在减弱。
    • He deserves to go under.他活该失败。
  • go up
    • ① (气温、气压计)上升;上涨,涨价;(建筑物)创建;上大学;进城(尤指首都)
    • ② 爆炸,焚毁
    • ③ 攀登(扶梯、墙壁等)
    • She went up the ladder.她登上扶梯。
  • go with ...
    • ① 与…同行,陪伴;配合,适合;与…调和;同意;【口】与(异性)交往
    • He went with his parents to Canada.他跟父母一同到加拿大去。
    • Some land goes with the house.有的土地附带有房屋。
    • I want some notepaper and envelopes to go with it.我要一些便条纸和跟它相符合的信封。
    • That doesn't go with my view.那跟我的看法不合。
    • I go with you on this point.在这一点我同意你的看法。
    • Your new dress should go with your new shoes.你的新衣应该与你的新鞋相配。
  • go without ...
    • ① 没有;没有…也就算了
    • When I am in a hurry, I go without breakfast.我匆忙的时候就没吃早餐。
    • There's no more coffee left, so you'll have to go without.没有剩下咖啡,所以你只好不喝了。
  • Here goes!
    • ① 【口】开始了!开始吧!这就动手吧!
    • "Here goes!" said Charlie, as he jumped off the high diving board.「看我的!」查理从高处跳水板往下跳时说。
  • it's all go
    • ① 极为繁忙
    • It's all go in Taipei.台北极为繁忙。
  • on the go
    • ① 【口】不停地活动,忙碌,活跃
    • I've been on the go all day.我忙了一整天。
    • Mother is always on the go.母亲总是忙个不停。
  • so far as it goes
    • ① 就目前情形来说,就其适用范围而言(参照so far as ... be concerned)
  • to go
    • ①[通常用于(附有名词的)数词之后]剩下的
    • ②[通常用于(附有名词的)数词之后]【美】(餐厅等的食物)外带[外卖]的,带走的
    • I ordered two hamburgers to go.我叫了两个外带的汉堡。


  • attemptn.尝试
  • chancen.机会
  • departv.出发
  • driven.精力
  • quitv.离开
  • retirev.退去
  • vigorn.活力
  • withdrawv.撤退




  • ① 围棋(★亦称I-go)




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