

词汇 laws




  • ① 【英】【俚】天哪;嗳呀


  • Laws
  • Pentateuch
  • Torah
  • constabulary
  • jurisprudence
  • law
  • law of nature
  • legal philosophy
  • natural law
  • police
  • police force
  • practice of law


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • written communication
  • written language
  • black and white
  • writing
  • written material
  • piece of writing
  • sacred text
  • sacred writing
  • religious writing
  • religious text
  • Torah
  • Pentateuch
  • Laws


  • accumulation
  • aggregation
  • assemblage
  • collection
  • concept
  • conception
  • construct
  • force
  • instrument
  • law enforcement agency
  • learned profession
  • legal document
  • legal instrument
  • official document
  • personnel
  • philosophy


  • Archimedes' principle
  • Avogadro's hypothesis
  • Avogadro's law
  • Benford's law
  • Bernoulli's law
  • Bose-Einstein statistics
  • Boyle's law
  • Charles's law
  • Coulomb's Law
  • Dalton's law
  • Dalton's law of partial pressures
  • European Law Enforcement Organisation
  • Europol
  • Fechner's law
  • Fermi-Dirac statistics
  • Gay-Lussac's law
  • Henry's law
  • Hooke's law
  • Hubble's law
  • Hubble law
  • Islamic law
  • Kepler's law
  • Kepler's law of planetary motion
  • Kirchhoff's laws
  • Law of Moses
  • Mariotte's law
  • Mendel's law
  • Mendeleev's law
  • Mosaic law
  • Mounties
  • Mutawa
  • Mutawa'een
  • New Scotland Yard
  • Newton's law
  • Newton's law of gravitation
  • Newton's law of motion
  • Ohm's law
  • Pascal's law
  • Pascal's law of fluid pressures
  • Pauli exclusion principle
  • Planck's law
  • Planck's radiation law
  • RCMP
  • RICO
  • RICO Act
  • Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
  • Riot Act
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • SS
  • Schutzstaffel
  • Scotland Yard
  • Stevens' law
  • Stevens' power law
  • Weber's law
  • Weber-Fechner law
  • administrative law
  • all-or-none law
  • anti-drug law
  • anti-racketeering law
  • antitrust law
  • antitrust legislation
  • blue law
  • blue sky law
  • canon law
  • case law
  • civil law
  • commercial law
  • common law
  • constitution
  • contract law
  • corporation law
  • distribution law
  • divine law
  • ecclesiastical law
  • equilibrium law
  • exclusion principle
  • fundamental law
  • gag law
  • gendarmerie
  • gendarmery
  • homestead law
  • international law
  • law merchant
  • law of Archimedes
  • law of averages
  • law of chemical equilibrium
  • law of constant proportion
  • law of definite proportions
  • law of diminishing returns
  • law of effect
  • law of equivalent proportions
  • law of gravitation
  • law of large numbers
  • law of mass action
  • law of motion
  • law of multiple proportions
  • law of nations
  • law of partial pressures
  • law of reciprocal proportions
  • law of the land
  • law of thermodynamics
  • law of volumes
  • martial law
  • matrimonial law
  • mercantile law
  • military law
  • organic law
  • patent law
  • periodic law
  • poor law
  • posse
  • posse comitatus
  • power law
  • precedent
  • principle
  • principle of relativity
  • prohibition
  • public law
  • rule
  • secret police
  • securities law
  • sharia
  • sharia law
  • shariah
  • shariah law
  • sound law
  • statute of limitations
  • statutory law
  • tax law




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