

词汇 ease


  • eases
  • easing
  • eased
  • eased


  • ① (身体的)舒适;(痛苦的)减轻
  • ② 安心;轻松
  • ③ (态度、样子等的)从容,自在
  • ④ (生活的)安乐,安逸
    • They lead [live] a life of ease.他们过着安乐的生活。
  • ⑤ (衣服、鞋子等的)宽松
  • ⑥ 容易(←→difficulty)
    • ease of use容易使用


  • ① 缓和(痛苦、紧张等);减轻
    • The powder eased her pain.那药粉减轻了她的痛苦。
    • The apartments were built to ease the housing shortage.那些公寓被建造,以舒房荒。
    • ease one's leg宽舒一下腿部
  • ② 使释(重负等);使安心
    • He eased me of my anxiety.他除去了我的焦虑。
    • ease a person's mind使某人安心
    • It eased her to tell him the truth.把实话告诉他,使她宽了心。
  • ③ 放松;减低(速度等)
    • He eased his belt a little.他把带子放松一点。
    • She eased (down) the car.她把车子减慢。
  • ④ 缓慢地移动
    • He eased the desk through the door.他慢慢地把桌子搬过那扇门。
    • He eased his way toward the door.他慢慢地向门走去。
    • He eased the bus to a stop.他使公车慢慢地停下来。
    • He eased himself out of the unpleasant situation.他慢慢地摆脱那不愉快的场面。
    • He eased himself into a seat.他缓慢地坐到座位上。
    • She eased the door open.她轻轻地把门打开。


  • ① (痛苦、紧张)缓和
    • Tensions have eased.紧张缓和下来了。
  • ② 轻缓地动
    • He eased into a chair.他慢慢地就座。


ease: 指免因于困难的工作、痛苦、烦恼和其他压迫的一种安逸轻松的状态

a life of ease in the country

comfort: 指没有紧张、痛苦、困难与不幸的一种快适满足的状态

I want to have comfort in my old age.


  • easyadj.轻易的,容易的


  • at ease
    • ① 自由自在;轻松
    • ②[当感叹词用]
    • At ease!【美】【军】【号令】稍息!(=【英】Stand by!)
  • ease up [off]
    • ① 【口】(痛苦、紧张等)缓和下来
    • ② 【口】放轻松
    • ③ 【口】(对人)宽一点<on>
    • ④ 【口】松开,放松<on>
    • She eased off on the accelerator.她松开油门。
  • ill at ease
    • ① 局促不安;不自在
    • I feel ill at ease.我感到不自在。
  • stand at ease
    • ① 【军】稍息
  • take one's ease
    • ① 休息;宽舒宽舒
    • One generation plants the trees under whose cool shade another generation takes its ease.前人种树,后人歇[乘]凉。
  • with ease
    • ① 轻易地,容易地(=easily)
    • She won the prize with ease.她轻易地赢得该奖。


  • alleviatev.使舒缓
  • diminishv.减少
  • easinessn.容易
  • handle with carev.小心处理
  • leisuren.自在
  • lessenv.减轻
  • move carefullyv.小心移动
  • relaxationn.轻松
  • reliefn.舒缓
  • abate
  • allay
  • alleviation
  • assuage
  • assuagement
  • bate
  • casualness
  • comfort
  • die
  • easy street
  • ebb
  • edge
  • effortlessness
  • expedite
  • facileness
  • facilitate
  • facility
  • fall
  • fall off
  • glide
  • informality
  • lapse
  • let up
  • lighten
  • loose
  • loosen
  • mitigate
  • mitigation
  • moderate
  • naturalness
  • palliate
  • palliation
  • poise
  • prosperity
  • prosperousness
  • readiness
  • relax
  • relent
  • relieve
  • remit
  • repose
  • rest
  • sidle
  • slack
  • slack off
  • slacken
  • slide
  • slip
  • soften
  • spontaneity
  • subside
  • unceremoniousness
  • unrestraint
  • untighten
  • wane
  • weaken
  • yield
  • simpleness
  • simplicity
  • still


  • difficultyn.困境,困难
  • effortn.费力
  • formalityn.正式
  • hardshipn.困苦
  • miseryn.痛苦
  • painn.痛苦
  • povertyn.贫困
  • aggravatev.恶化
  • irritatev.使不悦
  • make uneasyv.使不安
  • worsenv.使恶化


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • quality
  • ease
  • easiness
  • simplicity
  • simpleness


  • affluence
  • comfort
  • comfortableness
  • inactivity
  • naturalness
  • quality
  • richness


  • bed rest
  • bedrest
  • dormancy
  • effortlessness
  • lap of luxury
  • laziness
  • leisure
  • lie-in
  • quiescence
  • quiescency
  • reprieve
  • respite
  • sleeping




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