

词汇 eat


  • eat
  • eats
  • eats
  • eating
  • ate
  • eaten


  • ① 1吃,食;喝(汤)2常吃(★不用进行式)3(以…状态)吃4[eat oneself]吃到陷于(某种状态)
    • He began to eat his sandwich.他开始吃他的三明治。
    • Do you have something to eat?你有什么吃的吗?
    • We ate lunch together many times.我们有很多次一起吃午餐。
    • These oysters are not good to eat.这些牡蛎不好吃[不适于食用]。
    • eat soup喝汤(★不用汤匙而直接用口喝时,用drink)
    • Tigers eat meat.老虎吃肉。
    • They eat fish raw.他们生吃鱼。
    • He ate himself ill [sick].他吃到生起病来。
  • ② 1(害虫等)蛀(蚀木材、衣服等);蛀成洞<away, up>2(酸等)腐蚀(金属等)<away, up>3(火)烧光(森林等)<away, up>4(波浪等)侵蚀(土地、岩石等)<away, up>
    • Moths have eaten holes in the curtains.蠹把窗帘蛀了一些洞。
    • The acid has eaten (up) the metal.此酸腐蚀了金属。
    • The forests were eaten (up) by the fire.那些森林被火烧光了。
    • The waves are eating away the cliff.波浪正在侵蚀那峭壁。
  • ③[be eating]【口】使苦恼
    • What's eating you?什么使你苦恼?


  • ① 吃,食;用餐
    • Have you eaten yet?你吃过饭了吗?
    • eat and drink吃喝
    • eat slowly慢慢地吃
    • eat in=eat at home在家里吃饭
    • eat out在外边吃饭
    • He eats well.他吃得好。
    • He eats like a horse.他食量很大。
    • Let's go out to eat.我们出去吃饭吧。
    • Where shall we eat tonight?今晚我们在哪里吃饭?
  • ② (食物)可吃;有…的味道
    • eat well好吃
    • It eats like fish.这吃起来像鱼。
    • This meat eats tender.这肉吃起来很嫩。
  • ③ 腐蚀<into, through>


  • ① 【口】食物
    • Have you brought the eats?你把食物带来了吗?


  • eatableadj., n.可吃的,好吃的(常用于否定句);食物
  • eatern.吃的人


  • eat a person out of house and home
    • ① 【口】吃得使某人大破费,把某人吃穷
    • Billy has a huge appetite. He almost eats us out of house and home.比利胃口很大,他几乎把我们吃穷了。
  • eat into ...
    • ① 蛀坏;腐蚀;消耗(财产)
    • Rust has eaten into the metal.锈锈腐蚀了那金属。
  • eat of ...
    • ① 【文】参加(宴会);吃…的一部分(★of为some of之意)
  • eat off
    • ① 咬掉;吃穷
    • I'd rather eat off my tongue than say it in words.我宁愿咬下舌头,也不愿讲出这件事。
  • eat one's words
    • ① 自认失言,坦承所言有误,承认说错了话;收回前言(★非「食言」)
    • John was wrong about the election and had to eat his words.约翰对选举预测有误,他只好自承失言。
  • eat out of a person's hand
    • ① 顺从某人,听某人的命令,完全听命于某人
    • She has her boss eating out of her hand.她使她的老板完全听命于她。
  • eat up
    • ① 吃光
    • ②[be eaten up]满怀<with>
    • ③ 欣然接受;完全相信
    • ④ 吃掉


  • corrodevt./vi.侵蚀
  • rustvt./vi.锈蚀
  • adore
  • bite
  • chow
  • consume
  • delight
  • devour
  • dispatch
  • dote on
  • drain
  • draw down
  • erode
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • fare
  • feast on
  • finish
  • gnaw
  • groove on
  • ingest
  • love
  • partake
  • play out
  • polish off
  • put away
  • relish
  • run through
  • spend
  • swallow
  • use up
  • waste
  • wear
  • wear away
  • deplete
  • eat on
  • eat up
  • feed
  • wipe out


  • abstainvt./vi.禁食
  • fastvt./vi.禁食
  • starvevt./vi.挨饿


  • chew
  • get down
  • jaw
  • manducate
  • masticate
  • swallow




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