

词汇 hold


  • hold
  • holds
  • holds
  • holding
  • held
  • held


  • ① 拿住,握住;支持
    • She held his hand.她握住他的手。
    • They were holding hands.他们握着手。
    • He held a gun in his hand.他手里握着一枝枪。
    • She held the baby in her arms.她抱着婴儿。
    • He held the vase in his hands.他以双手捧着那个花瓶。
    • He was holding a pipe between his teeth.他正叼着一根烟斗。
    • He held me by the arm.他抓住我的手臂。
    • I held him by the sleeve.我抓住他的袖子。
  • ② 1保留(在某地方、位置);保持…状态2使(东西)对着…,使固定<to, on>
    • He held the door open (for her).他(为她)让门开着。
    • She held erect.她保持身体挺直。
    • Hold your head straight, please.请把你的头抬直。
    • Don't hold us in suspense.不要让我们悬疑不安。
    • These screws hold the shelf in place.这些螺丝钉使这个架子固定。
    • Her words held me dumb.她的话使我哑然。
    • He held a pair of binoculars to his eyes.他把一副双筒望远镜贴着自己的眼睛。
  • ③ 1(容器等)可装(液体等)(★不用进行式)2(房间等)可容纳(人)3含有
    • How much does this bottle hold?这个瓶子可装多少?
    • This bottle holds a quart.此瓶可装一夸脱。
    • This box holds all my books.这箱子可装下我的全部书籍。
    • This car can hold five people.这部车子可以容纳五人。
    • Her tone held reproach (in it).她的语调含有谴责之意。
  • ④ (★不用进行式)1拥有(金钱、土地等),保有;保管2占有(职位、地位等);持有3占据(阵地);防守
    • hold shares拥有股份,成为股东
    • She holds a British passport.她持有英国护照。
    • He held a Ph.D.他持有哲学博士学位。
    • He held office for fifty years.他供职五十年。
    • hold a fortress坚守堡垒
  • ⑤ (心中)怀着;留在(记忆中);认为,相信,想;(法官)判决
    • We hold this belief [view].我们抱持这项信念[看法]。
    • hold a person dear爱[惦念]某人
    • You must hold yourself responsible for what you did.你一定要对自己所做的事负起责任。
    • We should hold the event in our memory.我们应该记住那个事件。
    • They all held him in respect [esteem].他们都尊敬他。
    • We hold him (to be) guilty.我们认为他有罪。
    • Don't hold his opinions lightly.不要轻视他的意见。
    • I hold that it is wrong to do so.我认为这样做是错的。
  • ⑥ 抑制;止住
    • She held her breath.她屏住呼吸。
    • hold one's temper控制脾气,自制
    • We should hold price increases to a minimum.我们应该把价格的上涨限制在最少的程度。
    • Hold your noise [jaw, tongue]!住口!别吵!
  • ⑦ 引起(注意等);使守(信等);使负(义务、责任等)
    • He couldn't hold his audience any longer.他再也引不起听众的兴趣。
    • Her new hat held his attention.她的新帽子引起他的注意。
    • hold a person to his word使某人守信
  • ⑧ 召开,举行(★常用被动式)
    • We are going to hold a meeting next Saturday.下星期六我们将召开一次会议。
    • An election for the president of the society is to be held tomorrow.明天要选会长。
  • ⑨ 持续,维持,保持
    • hold silence保持沉默
    • hold the course(船、飞机等)保持航道前进
  • ⑩ 1支撑(★常用被动式)2不醉于(酒)
    • The roof is held by four pillars.这屋顶是由四根柱子支撑的。
    • This boat will not hold much weight.这小船撑不了多少重量。
    • hold one's liquor [drink]饮酒而不乱
  • ⑪ (事物)备有<for>
    • This competition holds a scholarship for the winner.这项比赛备有奖学金给优胜者。
    • We'll have to see what the future holds for us.我们得看看我们的前途如何。


  • ① (绳子、船锚等)吃得住,耐用,支撑
    • I'm afraid this rope won't hold.恐怕这条绳子支撑不了。
  • ② 持续;(天气等)不变;(某种姿态)保持
    • I hope this warm weather will hold.我希望这种暖和的天气会持续下去。
    • His luck continues to hold.他的运气仍然持续不变。
    • The weather held warm.天气继续暖和。
    • Please hold still while I take your picture.我在为你们拍照的时候,请静止不动。
    • Hold tight!抓紧!
  • ③ 有效;可适用
    • This rule no longer holds.这规则不再适用。
    • My offer [promise] still holds good [true].我的提议[诺言]仍然适用[有效]。


  • ① 1握住2【摔角】(将对手)压住;擒拿法
  • ②[或作a hold]掌握;支配力;影响<on, over>;把持力;理解力<on, upon, of>
    • a legitimate hold on the property对该笔财产的合法所有权
    • leave hold of a rope放开绳子
  • ③ (尤指登山时等的)攀抓[踏脚]处
    • The cliff afforded no hold for us to take.悬崖上没有我们可以攀抓的地方。
  • ④ 暂停
    • announce a hold on ...声明暂停…。
  • ⑤ (发射飞弹或火射时的)停止读秒


contain: 表示其中包含有某成分或部分

The building contains two restaurants and twenty offices.

hold: 指能够容纳、盛、装,或有足够的容量;常可与contain互用

This elevator holds nine persons.

accommodate: 指建筑物、设施等舒适地容纳

The hotel accommodates sixty people.


have: 为表「持有、拥有」之意的最普通用语

hold: 比have更直接地支配某物,或指握于手中

Please hold the bag for me.

own: 指持有某物的所有权

own lands

possess: 比own更进一步,指独占某物;亦可用以指拥有能力、性质等

possess great charm


  • catch [get, seize] hold of ...
    • ① 抓住,握住;控制;把握;获得
    • catch hold of a dog by its collar抓住一条狗的项圈
    • The monkey caught hold of a twig.那只猴子抓住一根树枝。
  • have a hold on [over] ...
    • ① 对…持有支配力[权力、威力];掌握…的要害
  • hold back
    • ① 取消;制止;止住;抵挡;缩进
    • ② 扣留;隐藏
    • ③ 秘而不宣;克制<from>;犹豫不决
  • hold by ...
    • ① 固守;坚持;固执
    • ② =hold with ...
  • hold down
    • ① 压制;压住;抑制
    • ② 保有(职位)
    • ③ 对…附从
  • hold forth
    • ① 发表;提供;提议;【轻蔑】长篇大论地讲
  • hold in
    • ① 压抑;忍耐;抑住
    • hold in one's temper抑住怒气
  • Hold it!
    • ① 【口】(不要挂断电话)等着!(照相时)不要动!
  • hold off
    • ① 使不接近;延缓;抵挡;(雨等)下不来
    • The rain is holding off for the moment.雨暂时不会下。
    • Hold off for a minute, please.请稍等片刻。
  • hold on
    • ① 【口】继续,持续;攀住;死守;不挂断(电话);【命令】慢着!停止!
    • He held on his way [course].他继续前进。
    • He held on to the rope.他紧抓着那条绳子。
    • Hold on, please.请等一下(不要挂断电话)。
  • hold one's own
    • ① (受到攻击、批评等)维持自己的立场,固守立场<against>;坚守自己的立场;不屈服;不让步
    • ② (生病时)支撑下去
  • hold oneself
    • ① 保持(…)姿势
    • ② 认为(自己应要…)
    • hold oneself responsible for ...(心中)怀着;留在(记忆中);认为,相信,想;(法官)判决
  • hold out
    • ① 伸出(手等);提出;提供;给与;【口】扣押(该交出的东西);保留
    • ② 继续;抵抗;坚持到最后;拚到底
    • How long will our supply of fuel hold out?我们的燃料供应可以持续多久?
    • They held out bravely against the attacks.他们勇敢地抵抗攻击。
    • The workers held out for higher wages.那些工人坚持提高工资。
  • hold out on ...
    • ① 【口】隐瞒
    • ② 拒交(应交出的东西)
  • hold over
    • ① 将(议题等)延期;(逾期)延续(戏剧、电影等)(★常用被动式)
    • ② 加以(恐吓等),以…威胁
    • They held the threat of a strike over the employers.他们以罢工威胁雇主。
  • hold to ...
    • ① 攀住不放;抓牢;固守;坚持
    • Hold to your resolution.坚守你的决心。
  • hold together
    • ① 结合在一起;使结合;(衣服等不破裂而)勉强可穿用;使团结
    • Their mutual interest held them together.他们的共同利益使他们团结。
  • hold up
    • ① 举起;举出;支持;扶住(以免…倒下);暴露于(嘲笑等)
    • ② 妨碍;阻止;停住;为交通事故所阻;(以手抢等瞄准而)命令停止,拦路抢劫(某人),【命令】举手!
    • ③ 站稳(常为马蹒跚时对其喝令的用语);坚持;不放慢步伐;(好天气)继续;站得住脚
    • This theory still holds up.这理论仍然站得住脚[有效]。
  • hold up one's head
    • ① 抬头,昂首;泰然处之
  • hold with ...
    • ①[通常用于否定句]赞成,同意;和…持同样见解
    • I don't hold with the proposal.我不赞成该提案。
  • keep hold on ...
    • ① (好好)抓住;握紧
  • lay hold of [on, upon] ...
    • ① 将…抓住;掌握;理解
    • Some ideas in this book are hard to lay hold of.这本书里某些观念难于理解。
  • let go one's hold
    • ① 将抓住(…)的手放开;放掉
    • Don't let go your hold (of the rope).不要把抓住(绳子)的手放开。
  • lose hold of ...
    • ① 失去…的把柄;放手
    • She lost hold of the rope and fell to her death.她抓不紧绳子而松手摔死。
  • no holds barred
    • ① (尤指打斗、摔角等)不禁止擒拿的,自由式的
    • ② (竞争等)无任何规则的;无限制的
  • take hold of ...
    • ① 抓住(人心等);控制
    • Terror took hold of him [his heart].恐怖抓住了他(的心)。


  • accommodatev.容纳
  • claspn.握住
  • clutchn.抓住
  • commandn.支配
  • enjoyv.享有
  • ownv.拥有
  • powern.权力
  • standn.站立处


  • let gov.放开
  • let loosev.放松


  • hold
  • holds


  • ① 【海】船舱
    • stow the hold装舱
  • ② (飞机的)货物室,货舱




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