

词汇 family


  • family
  • families


  • ①[集合用法]家属,家眷(夫妇及其子女,有时包括仆人等);家庭;家人
    • My family lives in Taipei.我的家人住在台北。
    • a French family on holiday在度假的一个法国家庭
    • a family of five五口之家
    • Almost every family in the village owns a car.在那个村子几乎每一个家庭都拥有一部汽车。
    • How is your family?你的家人都好吗?(★【英】亦有不用is,而用are者)
    • My family are well.我的家人都很安康。
    • All my family enjoy swimming.我的家人都喜欢游泳。
    • She comes from a poor family.她出身于贫穷的家庭。
  • ②[或作a family](一家的)孩子们,子女
    • Do they have any family?他们有子女吗?
    • He has a large family.他儿女很多。
  • ③ 1(有血缘关系的)家族2【英】家系;名门
    • the royal family王族
    • one's immediate family近亲
    • a man of (good) family出身名门的人
    • a man of no family家世低微的人
  • ④ 1(由于共同特质而产生关系的民族等的)一群2【美】(黑手党等的)暴力集团的一族
    • the family of free nations自由国家群
  • ⑤ 【言】语系
  • ⑥ 【生物】(动植物分类学上的)族,科
    • Tigers belong to the cat family.老虎属于猫科。


  • ① 家族的,家庭的;家庭用的
    • a family business家族企业
    • a family car私家车
    • a family council家族会议
    • family entertainment家庭娱乐
    • a family friend世交
    • family life家庭生活


  • familialadj.家族的


  • in a family way
    • ① 不拘礼节地;像家人一般地
    • ② 【口】怀孕的(=in the family way)
  • in the family way
    • ① 【口】怀孕的(=pregnant)
    • She's in the family way.她怀孕。
    • He put her in the family way.他使她怀了孕。
  • run in a [the, one's] family
    • ① (疾病、倾向等)遗传于家族中
    • Red hair runs in his family.红发在他的家族中遗传。
  • start a family
    • ① 生下第一个孩子
    • We're planning to start a family next year.我们打算明年生第一个孩子。


  • categoryn.类别
  • groupn.
  • housen.家族
  • offspringn.子女
  • parents and childrenn.父母和子女
  • ancestry
  • birth
  • blood
  • bloodline
  • clan
  • descent
  • domestic
  • extraction
  • familial
  • genealogy
  • home
  • homely
  • household
  • kin
  • kindred
  • kinfolk
  • line
  • lineage
  • mnage
  • origin
  • parentage
  • pedigree
  • seed
  • stock
  • tribe
  • class
  • crime syndicate
  • family line
  • family unit
  • fellowship
  • folk
  • kinsfolk
  • kinsperson
  • menage
  • mob
  • phratry
  • sept
  • syndicate


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • organization
  • organisation
  • unit
  • social unit
  • family
  • household
  • house
  • home
  • menage


  • accumulation
  • aggregation
  • ancestry
  • assemblage
  • association
  • blood
  • blood line
  • bloodline
  • clan
  • collection
  • descent
  • gangdom
  • gangland
  • kin
  • kin group
  • kindred
  • kinship group
  • line
  • line of descent
  • lineage
  • organized crime
  • origin
  • parentage
  • pedigree
  • relation
  • relative
  • social unit
  • stemma
  • stock
  • taxon
  • taxonomic category
  • taxonomic group
  • tribe
  • unit


  • Bittacidae
  • Cosa Nostra
  • Endamoebidae
  • Filoviridae
  • Maffia
  • Mafia
  • Panorpidae
  • affine
  • amphibian family
  • arthropod family
  • bacteria family
  • bird family
  • brass family
  • broken home
  • chordate family
  • coelenterate family
  • conjugal family
  • conjugation
  • couple
  • ctenophore family
  • declension
  • denomination
  • dicot family
  • dynasty
  • echinoderm family
  • extended family
  • family Bittacidae
  • family Endamoebidae
  • family Panorpidae
  • fern family
  • fish family
  • form family
  • foster family
  • foster home
  • fungus family
  • gens
  • grammatical category
  • histocompatibility complex
  • homefolk
  • house
  • koinonia
  • liliopsid family
  • magnoliopsid family
  • mammal family
  • man and wife
  • marriage
  • married couple
  • match
  • mates
  • menage a trois
  • mollusk family
  • monocot family
  • moss family
  • name
  • nuclear family
  • paradigm
  • people
  • plant family
  • protoctist family
  • reptile family
  • sex
  • stamp
  • substitution class
  • syntactic category
  • violin family
  • woodwind family
  • worm family




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