

词汇 fancy


  • fancy
  • fancies
  • fancies
  • fancying
  • fancied
  • fancied
  • fancy
  • fancier
  • fanciest


  • ① 精美的;精致的
    • a fancy necktie精致的领带
    • This dress is too fancy for the occasion.这件衣服对那个场合来说过于精致。
    • I don't like fancy food.我不喜欢精致的食物。
  • ② (价格等)过度的
    • at a fancy price以高昂的价格
    • He charges fancy fees.他索取高昂的费用。
  • ③ 想像的;空想的
    • a fancy picture想像画
  • ④ (花等)杂色的;(动物等)变种的;品种珍奇的
    • fancy pansies杂色的三色紫罗兰
    • fancy pigeons品种珍奇的鸽子
  • ⑤ 上等的;特选的
    • fancy fruits特选[上等]水果


  • ① 想像,假想
    • We cannot fancy a life without electricity.我们无法想像没有电的生活。
    • Fancy that, now!想想看,真奇怪!
    • She fancied that she was being followed.她想像被人跟踪。
    • She fancies herself famous.她幻想自己成名。
    • He fancied himself (as) a writer.他把自己想像为一名作家。
    • Fancy yourself (to be) Columbus.把你自己假想为哥伦布。
    • Fancy his [him] telling a lie!想想看,他竟说了谎!
  • ② 以为;认为
    • I fancy she's about forty.我认为她年约四十。
    • "Do you fancy it's all right?"-"Yes, I fancy so [No, I fancy not]."「你认为这一切都没问题?」「是的,我认为如此[不,我不以为然]。」
  • ③ 自以为
    • fancy oneself自以为了不起,自负
    • fancy one's game in bridge自以为打桥牌必胜
  • ④ 【口】喜爱,喜欢
    • Do you fancy a cup of tea?你喜欢来杯茶吗?
    • He fancied Betty a lot.他很喜爱蓓蒂。
    • I don't fancy going alone.我不喜欢单独去。


  • ① 想像力
    • The child lived in a world of fancy.那个小孩生活在幻想世界中。
  • ② 一时的念头;奇想;幻想之事
    • Her decision to become a singer was just a passing fancy.她想成为歌星的这项决定只是一时的念头。
    • Did I really hear a dog bark, or was it just a fancy?我真的听到狗叫吗,还是只是个幻觉?
    • I have a fancy that she will be late.我仿佛觉得她会晚到。
  • ③ 喜爱(=liking)<for, to>
    • He has a fancy for detective stories.他喜欢侦探故事。
    • We took a great fancy to each other.我们彼此极为投合。
    • catch [take] the fancy of ...投合…的心意;讨…的喜欢
    • The car took [caught] her fancy.那部汽车合她的意。
    • She just walks on as the fancy takes [catches] her.她只是随兴之所至而走动。
  • ④ =fancy cake


  • ①[用祈使法;表轻微的惊讶等]想想看(★一般用think或imagine)
    • Just fancy!多奇怪啊!真想不到!


imagination: 为表想像(力)的意义最广的用语;暗示高尚的创造性的精神活动

Poets have much imagination.

fancy: 与imagination相比的话,指较悠然自得而自由地脱离现实的幻想

a product of a child's fancy

fantasy: 指表现于幻想或空想的艺术等,而与现实完全脱离的奔放恣意的fancy

reverie: 指忘却现实而沉湎于空想、想像、回想等的状态

daydream: 指对将来的事物或不存在[不可能]的事物,做模糊(而快乐)的梦想,即作白日梦

vision: 指凭直觉,对未来等伴有明确具体内容的想像


  • fancinessn.花俏;昂贵;特选


  • decorativeadj.装饰的
  • elaborateadj.繁复的
  • expensiveadj.昂贵的
  • likev.喜爱
  • long forv.想要
  • ornamentaladj.装饰的
  • picturev.想像
  • showyadj.俗丽的
  • suspectv.怀疑
  • take tov.喜爱
  • thinkv.认为
  • amorousness
  • bee
  • boutade
  • caprice
  • complicated
  • conceit
  • conceive
  • daydream
  • dream
  • envisage
  • envision
  • exclusive
  • fanciful
  • fantasize
  • fantastic
  • fantastical
  • fantasy
  • feature
  • fiction
  • figment
  • freak
  • humor
  • illusion
  • image
  • imagination
  • imaginative
  • imaginativeness
  • imagine
  • impulse
  • intricate
  • liking
  • love
  • megrim
  • mind
  • notion
  • passion
  • phantasm
  • phantasma
  • pleasure
  • posh
  • reverie
  • ritzy
  • romance
  • see
  • swank
  • swanky
  • vagary
  • vision
  • visualize
  • whim
  • whimsical
  • whimsy
  • will
  • figure
  • fondness
  • go for
  • partiality
  • phantasy
  • project
  • visualise


  • cheapadj.便宜的
  • inexpensiveadj.不贵的
  • ordinaryadj.平常的
  • plainadj.朴素的


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • content
  • cognitive content
  • mental object
  • idea
  • thought
  • misconception
  • illusion
  • fantasy
  • phantasy
  • fancy


  • imagination
  • imaginativeness
  • liking
  • misconception
  • vision


  • bubble
  • ignis fatuus
  • will-o'-the-wisp
  • wishful thinking


  • like




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