

词汇 iron


  • iron
  • irons
  • irons
  • ironing
  • ironed
  • ironed


  • ① 1铁(金属元素;符号Fe)2如铁一般的坚固或强壮
    • a pot made of cast iron铸铁制的壶
    • pig [wrought] iron铣[锻]铁
    • Its made of iron.它是铁做的。
    • Strike while the iron is hot.打铁趁热。
    • a man of iron意志坚强的人;冷酷的人
    • muscles of iron钢铁般的肌肉
    • He had a will of iron.他有钢铁般的意志。
  • ② 铁制的器具[工具]1熨斗;火钳2烙铁,烙印3【高球】铁头球杆(参照wood)4[通常用复数形]马镫铁(=stirrup)5[用复数形]镣铐6[用复数形](铁制的)下肢矫正器,铁制支架7【俚】手枪
    • a steam iron蒸汽熨斗
    • He was (put) in irons.他带上了手铐[脚镣]。
  • ③ 【医】铁分
    • too much iron in the diet饮食中过多的铁质
  • ④ 【药】铁剂


  • ① 铁的;铁制的
    • an iron bar铁棒
    • The iron gate was locked.铁门锁着。
  • ② 似铁的,坚强的,坚固的
    • He had an iron will他有坚强的意志
    • an iron constitution铁一般强壮的体格
  • ③ 冷酷的
    • an iron hand铁腕;压制的手段


  • ① 以熨斗熨烫
    • She cant iron shirts.她不会烫衬衫。
    • Please iron me this shirt.=Please iron this shirt for me.请为我烫这件衬衫。
    • She ironed the creases from [out of] the clothes.她用熨斗把那些衣服的折痕烫平。
  • ② 使戴上镣铐
    • iron a prisoner给犯人上镣铐
  • ③ 包以铁,覆以铁,装甲于
    • The gate was ironed within and without.那扇大门里外都包铁。


  • ① (人)熨烫
    • She has been ironing all morning.她一早上都在烫衣服。
  • ②[与样态副词连用](布料等)烫起来
    • This material irons easily.这料子容易烫。


  • ironingn.烫衣服


  • hard as iron
    • ① 铁一般的坚强;严厉的;冷酷的
  • have many irons in the fire
    • ① 同时办理太多的事务;揽事过多
  • iron out
    • ① 以熨斗烫平;以压路机压平(道路等);使(皱纹等)平直
    • ② 使圆滑;消除(困难等)
    • She tried to iron out their misunderstandings.她设法消除他们的误解。
    • They held a meeting to iron out the difficulties [their differences].他们举行一次会议,以解决那些困难[消除他们的歧见]。
  • rule with a rod of iron
    • ① 施行高压政策,实行苛政,施行暴政(★出自圣经「诗篇」)


  • able-bodied
  • adamant
  • adamantine
  • bond
  • brassbound
  • chain
  • die-hard
  • fetter
  • grim
  • gyve
  • handcuff
  • hobble
  • implacable
  • incompliant
  • inexorable
  • inflexible
  • intransigent
  • lusty
  • manacle
  • mangle
  • obdurate
  • press
  • red-blooded
  • relentless
  • remorseless
  • restraint
  • rigid
  • robust
  • shackle
  • strapping
  • stubborn
  • sturdy
  • unbendable
  • unbending
  • uncompliant
  • uncompromising
  • unrelenting
  • unyielding
  • vigorous
  • vital
  • Fe
  • atomic number 26
  • branding iron
  • cast-iron
  • iron out
  • smoothing iron


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • matter
  • substance
  • chemical element
  • element
  • metallic element
  • metal
  • iron
  • Fe
  • atomic number 26


  • club
  • golf-club
  • golf club
  • home appliance
  • household appliance
  • implement
  • metal
  • metallic element


  • alpha iron
  • beta iron
  • cast iron
  • delta iron
  • driving iron
  • five iron
  • flatiron
  • galvanized iron
  • gamma iron
  • gauffer
  • gauffering iron
  • goffer
  • goffering iron
  • ingot iron
  • long iron
  • mashie
  • mashie niblick
  • midiron
  • niblick
  • nine iron
  • one iron
  • pig iron
  • putter
  • putting iron
  • scrap iron
  • seven iron
  • short iron
  • steam iron
  • structural iron
  • travel iron
  • two iron
  • wedge
  • wrought iron


  • heat
  • heat up




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