

词汇 far


  • far
  • farther/further
  • farthest/furthest


  • ① 远,遥远;往远处
    • far above the clouds远在云的上方
    • far ahead远在前方
    • His ideas were far in advance of his time.他的思想远超越他的时代。
    • He wandered far.他漫游到远方。
    • It takes two days to go so far on foot.步行这么远要花两天的时间。
    • "How far is it to the station?"-"Not far."「到车站有多远?」「不远。」(★口语多用于疑问句及否定句;肯定句通常用a long way等)
    • The bank is on the corner, not far from the church.银行在街角,离教堂不远。
  • ② 久远
    • far into the night至深夜
  • ③[无比较级]大大地;极为;远为
    • far back远在后面;远在古代
    • far different大不相同
    • far distant【文】非常远
    • Iron is far heavier than wood.铁远比木头重;铁比木头重得多。(★与very不同,可修饰比较级)
  • ④[当名词用]远方
    • come from far来自远方
    • from far and near从各处(参照far and near)


  • ① 【文】【诗】1(距离)远的,远方的(←→near)2(时间)久远的3长距离[时间]的(=long)
    • She lives in a far country.她住在远方的一个国家。
    • the far future遥远的将来
    • a far journey长程旅行
  • ② (二者中)较远的
    • Their house is on the far side of the river.他们的房子在河的那一边。
  • ③ (政治上)极端的
    • the far right极右


fa: r笼统地指距离、时间、关系等相隔很远的

far regions

distant: 也可笼统地指间隔的遥远,但当前面有特定距离标出时则只用distant

The town is about a hundred miles distant from Boston.

remote: 指离话题所谈的地点、事物或人很远的

a remote village to us


  • as [so] far as
    • ① 远至;到(否定句通常用so far as);[conj.]就…的限度;尽
    • I went as far as the station.我走到了车站。
  • as [so] far as I know
    • ① 就我所知
  • by far
    • ① 非常地
    • ② 大大地,显然地(修饰最高级,有时修饰比较级)
    • better by far好得多
    • This is by far the best movie I've ever seen.这显然是我所看过的最好的一部电影。
    • She's by far the most popular singer.她显然是最受欢迎的歌手。
  • far and away
    • ① 非常地;无疑地(比单独使用far语意更强;通常用于强调比较级和最高级)
    • This bridge is far and away the longest among the five.这座桥无疑地是五座中最长的。
  • far and near
    • ① 远近,到处(参照far adv.)
    • People came from far and near to hear him speak.大家从各地来听他演说。
  • far and wide
    • ① 广布,普遍
    • My old school friends are scattered far and wide now.我旧日的同学如今四散各地。
  • far away
    • ① 遥远,深远(参照faraway)
    • He lives far away beyond the hill.他远住在山的那一边。
  • Far be it from me to-V ...
    • ① 我的确不愿…(★be为表愿望型的假设法)
    • Far be it from me to call him a hypocrite.我的确不愿称他为伪善者。
  • far between
    • ① 稀少
  • far from ...
    • ① 一点儿也不;…远非;绝非没有(参照so far from V-ing)
    • She's far from happy.她一点儿也不快乐。
  • far off
    • ① 遥远(far-off)
    • The day may not be too far off when world peace will come.世界和平来临的日子可能不会太遥远。
  • few and far between
    • ① 稀少
  • how far
    • ①[距离]多远(参照far adv.)
    • ②[程度]何种程度
    • I don't know how far it is true.我不知道它真实到何种程度。
  • so far
    • ① 到目前为止;到此,到此点[程度]
    • He has read many books so far.到目前为止他已读了很多书。
  • take ... too far
    • ① 使…过度[太过分]
    • Don't take your jokes too far.玩笑不要开得太过分。


  • deeplyadv.深入地
  • farawayadj.遥远的
  • greatlyadv.大大地
  • muchadv.
  • remoteadj.遥远的
  • considerably
  • distant
  • far-flung
  • far-off
  • quite
  • removed
  • well
  • ALIR
  • Army for the Liberation of Rwanda
  • FAR
  • Former Armed Forces
  • Interahamwe


  • closeadj.接近的
  • nearadj.靠近的
  • nearbyadj.接近的
  • closeadv.接近地
  • lessadv.较少
  • nearadv.靠近地


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • movement
  • social movement
  • front
  • political movement
  • terrorist organization
  • terrorist group
  • foreign terrorist organization
  • FTO
  • Army for the Liberation of Rwanda
  • ALIR
  • Former Armed Forces
  • FAR
  • Interahamwe




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