

词汇 late


  • late
  • later/latter
  • latest/last


  • ① 1迟的,晚的,迟到的2比平常晚的;入夜以后的;晚于时令的(←→early)
    • He apologized for his late arrival.他为迟到而道歉。
    • a late arrival迟到者
    • He was very late for school this morning.今天早上他上学迟到了好久。
    • She was ten minutes late for her appointment.她约会迟到十分钟。
    • It is never too late to mend.【谚】知过能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。
    • It is never too late to learn.【谚】活到老,学到老。
    • a late breakfast [lunch]迟进的早餐[午餐]
    • a late show(电视的)深夜节目,午夜场
    • a late marriage晚婚
    • It's getting late.时候不早了。
    • She is always late in coming.她总是姗姗来迟。
    • Don't be late (in) getting home.不要晚回家(★【in+V-ing】句型中的in,在【口】中常省略)。
    • He is late of getting up in the morning.他早晨起得迟。
    • We were late with lunch today.我们今天午饭吃晚了。
  • ② 将近终了的,后期的,末期的(←→early)
    • late spring晚春,暮春
    • the late nineteenth century十九世纪末期
    • the late period of one's life晚年,暮年
    • She's in her late fifties.她的年龄在55至60岁之间。
    • He'll go abroad in late May.他将在五月下旬出国。
  • ③[无比较级]最近的,近来的(=recent)
    • in late years近年来
  • ④[无比较级]1以前的(=former)2[the late, one's late]最近逝世的,故…
    • the late chairman前任主席(★可能与b)混淆时应避免使用
    • his late wife他的亡妻
    • the late Mr. Smith故史密斯先生


  • ① 迟,晚,来不及地
    • The plane arrived an hour late.飞机晚一小时到达。
    • Better late than never.【谚】迟动胜于不动;不怕慢,只怕站;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。
  • ② 1(时间)晚,迟,晏;夜深(←→early)2(时期)晚3接近(时期)终了之际
    • He often works late.他常工作到很晚。
    • go to bed late晚睡
    • late in the morning于早上较晚的时候
    • Very late at night, he came to see me.晚上很晚的时候,他来看我。
    • These trees bloom late.这些树晚开花。
    • She married late.她晚婚。
    • late in the nineteenth century在十九世纪末
  • ③[无比较级]最近,近来(=lately)(★除以下情形之外,皆为【诗】)
    • as late as last month刚刚在上个月
  • ④ 【文】先前,以前(=formerly)
    • Mr. Brown, late of the UNESCO以前在联合国教科文组织服务的布朗先生


  • ① 用于词组of late; till late


late: 指人或物迟于适当的时候或指定的时候,无论原因如何

You'll be late for the train.

tardy: 指因动作缓慢或因疏忽、偷懒,而迟于适当的时候或指定的时候

a tardy payment


  • latenessn.晚;迟到


  • late in the day
    • ① 太晚地;坐失良机地
  • of late
    • ① 最近(=lately)
    • I have not seen Mary of late.我最近没看到玛丽。
  • of late years
    • ① 最近几年,近年来
  • till late
    • ① 到很晚
    • He used to sit [stay] up till late.他过去常常坐到深夜[熬夜]。


  • deceasedadj.死亡的
  • departedadj.已死的
  • modernadj.近世的
  • asleep
  • behind
  • behindhand
  • belated
  • belatedly
  • dead
  • defunct
  • erstwhile
  • extinct
  • former
  • gone
  • lately
  • latterly
  • lifeless
  • old
  • once
  • onetime
  • overdue
  • past
  • previous
  • quondam
  • recently
  • slow
  • sometime
  • tardily
  • tardy
  • whilom
  • deep
  • later
  • of late
  • recent


  • earlyadj.早的
  • promptadj.立即的
  • punctualadj.准时的
  • middle




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