

词汇 less


  • little
  • less
  • least


  • ①[修饰形容词、副词]较不
    • the less developed countries较未开发的国家
    • She's less happy than she was.她比以前不快乐。
  • ②[修饰动词]较少;不如
    • Fires occur less frequently in this city.在本市火灾较不常发生。
    • She slept less than before.她比以前睡得少。
    • The less said the better.【谚】话说得越少越好,少开口为妙。


  • ①[修饰[U]的名词](量、程度)更少的,较少的(←→more)
    • She made less money than he did.她赚的钱比他少。
    • You had better eat less meat.你最好少吃点肉。
  • ②[修饰集合名词或[C]的复数名词]【口】(数)较少的(★一般用fewer)
    • Less people go to the concert than to the movies.去听音乐会的人比去看电影的少。
  • ③ 较小的(★现在一般用smaller)


  • ① 较少量[量、额]
    • Some took more, others less.有些人拿的比较多,有些人则较少。
    • You should eat less.你应该少吃些。
    • Less than 30 of them survived.他们之中存活下来的不到三十人[个]。
  • ②[less of;用祈使法]少…
    • Less of your nonsense!少废话!


  • ① 减去…(=minus)
    • a year less five days一年差五天
    • Six less two is four.六减二等于四。
    • He earns $150 a week, less tax.他每周赚150美元,要扣除税款。


  • in less than no time
    • ① 立即,立刻,马上
    • Using a computer, he solved the problem in (less than) no time.利用电脑,他马上就解决了那个问题。
  • less and less
    • ① 越来越不[少、小](…)
    • He worked less and less.他越来越少工作。
  • little less than
    • ① 几乎与…同量的,不比…差多少
  • much [still] less
    • ①[用于否定词句之后]更何况;更不用说;更不
    • I do not say that she's a liar, much [still] less that she's a thief.我没有说她是个说谎者,更没有说她是个小偷。
  • no less
    • ① (数量、程度)同样地;等于(★常用以表示对数量之大感到惊奇)
    • ② 不折不扣地,确实
    • He won $10,000, no less, at the casino.他在那家赌场整整赢了一万美元。
    • It's the President himself, no less.那确实是总统本人。
    • She gave me $5,000. And in cash, no less.她给了我五千美元,而且是不折不扣的现金。
  • no less ... than ...
    • ① 不比…差地;同样地
    • ② 不外是…
    • He is no less a person than the king.他正是国王。
  • no less than ...
    • ① 不比…少;与…同样地
    • No less than 3,000 people came.来的人不下三千人。
    • She gave me no less than $1,000.她给我一千美元之多(参照She gave me no more than $10.她只给我十元)。
    • He has no less than five thousand books.他的藏书多达五千本(★与no fewer than 同义,但后者仅用于「计数」而不用于「计量」)。
    • She likes poetry no less than I.她跟我同样地喜欢诗。
  • none the less
    • ① 尽管如此,然而,仍然,一点也不减少(=nevertheless)
    • The situation is none the less difficult for that.情势一点也不因此而减少困难。
  • not less than ...
    • ① 有过之而无不及
    • ② 至少
    • This camera did not cost less than $100.这照相机至少值一百美元。
  • nothing less than ...
    • ① 与…同样地;至少在…以上
    • ② 不外是…;简直是…
    • It is nothing less than extortion.这简直是勒索。


  • LE
  • lupus erythematosus
  • to a lesser extent


  • moreadj.(量、程度)更多的,较多的,额外的


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • condition
  • status
  • physical condition
  • physiological state
  • physiological condition
  • pathological state
  • ill health
  • unhealthiness
  • health problem
  • illness
  • unwellness
  • malady
  • sickness
  • disease
  • autoimmune disease
  • autoimmune disorder
  • lupus erythematosus
  • LE


  • autoimmune disease
  • autoimmune disorder
  • lupus




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