

词汇 fat


  • fat
  • fats
  • fat
  • fatter
  • fattest


  • ① 肥肉(←→lean)
  • ②[指种类时为[C]]1脂肪2(烹饪用的)油(由牛脂等制成)
    • put on fat长肥、发胖
    • Deep fry in fat油炸
    • Don't consume too many animal fats.不要消耗太多的动物性脂肪。
  • ③[the fat]最好[最富滋养]的部分
    • live on [off] the fat of the land过奢华的生活(★出自圣经「创世纪」)


  • ① 肥胖的,肥满的(←→thin)
    • a fat woman胖女人
    • get fat长胖,发福
    • This kind of food will make you fat.这种食物会使你发胖。
    • Laugh and grow fat.【谚】心广体胖。
  • ② (肉用动物)养肥了的
    • a fat ox [chicken](屠宰用的)肥牛[鸡]
  • ③ (肉)多脂肪的,肥的(←→lean)
    • I don't like fat meat.我不喜欢肥肉。
  • ④ (菜肴等)油腻的
    • fat soup油汤
    • a fat diet油腻的伙食
  • ⑤ (手指等)粗短的;(铅字等)笔画粗的,黑体的
  • ⑥ 丰富的,充实的
    • We have a fat supply of food.我们有丰富的粮食供应。
    • a fat wallet装了很多钱的钱袋
  • ⑦ 肥沃的(=fertile)
    • The trees will grow well in this fat soil.那些树在这肥沃的土壤中将长得很好。
  • ⑧ 收益多的;待遇好的
    • a fat job待遇好的工作,肥缺
  • ⑨ 成分高的(←→poor)
    • fat lime纯质石灰
  • ⑩ 迟钝的


  • chew the fat
    • ① 闲聊
    • ② 【俚】喋喋不休地唠叨;发牢骚
  • fat chance
    • ① 渺小的机会
    • Fat chance!机会渺茫!毫无;一点儿也不(=not at all)
  • The fat is in the fire.
    • ① 已经做了会引起大麻烦的事;闯了大祸。
    • The fat's in the fire! There's $30,000 missing from the office safe.这下子麻烦大了!办公室的保险箱里遗失了三千美元。


  • animal fatn.脂肪
  • fruitfuladj.收益多的
  • fulladj.满的
  • greasen.油脂
  • plentifuladj.丰富的
  • rewardingadj.有报酬的
  • thickadj.厚的
  • adipose
  • advantageous
  • corpulent
  • excess
  • fatty
  • fleshy
  • glut
  • greasy
  • gross
  • lucrative
  • moneymaking
  • obese
  • oily
  • oleaginous
  • overage
  • overblown
  • overflow
  • overmuch
  • overrun
  • overstock
  • oversupply
  • overweight
  • porcine
  • portly
  • profitable
  • remunerative
  • stout
  • suet
  • superfluity
  • surplus
  • surplusage
  • unctuous
  • weighty
  • adipose tissue
  • avoirdupois
  • blubber
  • fatness
  • fatten
  • fatten out
  • fatten up
  • fatty tissue
  • fertile
  • fill out
  • flesh out
  • juicy
  • plump
  • plump out
  • productive
  • rich


  • emptyadj.空的
  • leanadj.瘦的
  • pooradj.不好的
  • scarceadj.稀少的
  • leanness
  • nonfat
  • thin


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • thing
  • unit
  • building block
  • molecule
  • macromolecule
  • supermolecule
  • lipid
  • lipide
  • lipoid
  • fat


  • animal tissue
  • bodily property
  • lipid
  • lipide
  • lipoid


  • abdominousness
  • adiposeness
  • adiposity
  • animal fat
  • atheroma
  • belly
  • cellulite
  • cocoa butter
  • corpulency
  • edible fat
  • fattiness
  • flab
  • fleshiness
  • greasiness
  • leaf fat
  • leaf lard
  • love handle
  • medulla
  • mons
  • mons pubis
  • mons veneris
  • myelin
  • myeline
  • obesity
  • oiliness
  • oleaginousness
  • paunch
  • paunchiness
  • polyunsaturated fat
  • puppy fat
  • spare tire
  • steatopygia


  • feed
  • give




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