

词汇 father


  • father
  • fathers
  • fathers
  • fathering
  • fathered
  • fathered


  • ① 1父,父亲2[the father]父性,父爱
    • He's the father of three children.他是三个孩子的父亲。
    • Like father, like son.【谚】有其父必有其子。
    • The child is father of [to] the man.儿童为成人之父,童年决定成年。
    • The father in him was awakened.他的父性被唤醒了。
  • ② 被敬仰如父者
    • He was a father of [to] the poor.他是穷人之父[保护者]。
  • ③[常作Fathers](早期基督教的)教会之父
  • ④[常作the Father]天父,上帝(=God)
    • Heavenly Father, hear our prayers.天父啊,请听我们的祷告。
  • ⑤[通常用复数形]祖先
    • the land of our fathers祖国
    • be gathered to one's fathers=sleep with one's fathers长眠;葬在祖坟;死亡(★出自圣经「士师记」等)
  • ⑥ 1[the father]始祖,创始者2[通常无冠词]根源3[the Fathers]【美】=Pilgrim Fathers; Founding Fathers
    • the father of modern medicine现代医学之父
    • The wish is father to the thought.【谚】愿望为思想之父[本]。
  • ⑦[尊称]神父;修道院长;师傅
    • I'll ask Father Deeney for his advice.我将请教迪尼神父。
    • the Holy Father.罗马教皇,教宗。
    • Most Reverend Father in God对(英国国教)大主教(archbishop)的尊称
    • Right Reverend Father in God对(英国国教)主教(bishop)的尊称
  • ⑧[用复数形](市议会等的)最年长者,元老,资深者
    • the Fathers of the House最资深的议员
    • fathers of a city一市的元老
  • ⑨ 1[对老人的尊称]…老2[可敬畏之物的拟人化]…老父
    • Father Thames泰晤士河老父


  • ① 为…之父;(父亲)生(孩子)(=beget);像父亲一样照顾(某人);扶养
    • He fathered five children.他生了五个孩子。
    • He fathered three children by two women.他由两个女人生了三个孩子。
  • ② 承认是(某个孩子的)父亲;承认是(某书的)作者
  • ③ 创始,创立(计划等)
    • Who fathered the idea?这个构想是谁创始的?
  • ④ 归给;认(某人)为…之父;认(某文)为…所作<on, upon>
    • The plan has been fathered on [upon] him.那项计划被认为是他想出来的。



Father is reading a newspaper.



  • the Early Fathers
    • ① 早期基督教的教会之父(即最初五世纪教会的著述者)
  • the Father of the Faithful
    • ① 信徒之父(【圣】指Abraham;【回教】为caliph的称号)


  • ancestorn.祖先
  • authorn.作者
  • begetv.生产
  • createv.创造
  • creatorn.创造者
  • dadn.爸爸
  • daddyn.爸爸
  • forefathern.祖先
  • foundv.创立
  • inventorn.发明者
  • antecedent
  • archetype
  • architect
  • ascendant
  • breed
  • engender
  • entrepreneur
  • forebear
  • foremother
  • founder
  • get
  • hatch
  • make
  • maker
  • master
  • mother
  • old man
  • original
  • originate
  • originator
  • pa
  • papa
  • pappy
  • parent
  • patriarch
  • pop
  • predecessor
  • procreate
  • produce
  • progenitor
  • protoplast
  • prototype
  • sire
  • spawn
  • Church Father
  • Father
  • Father-God
  • Father of the Church
  • Fatherhood
  • Padre
  • begetter
  • beginner
  • bring forth
  • don
  • founding father
  • generate
  • male parent


  • female parent
  • mother


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • causal agent
  • cause
  • causal agency
  • person
  • individual
  • someone
  • somebody
  • mortal
  • soul
  • relative
  • relation
  • ancestor
  • ascendant
  • ascendent
  • antecedent
  • root
  • progenitor
  • primogenitor
  • genitor
  • parent
  • father
  • male parent
  • begetter


  • ancestor
  • antecedent
  • ascendant
  • ascendent
  • chief
  • conceiver
  • form of address
  • head
  • leader
  • mastermind
  • originator
  • parent
  • priest
  • root
  • theologian
  • theologiser
  • theologist
  • theologizer
  • title
  • title of respect
  • top dog


  • cofounder
  • coloniser
  • colonizer
  • dad
  • dada
  • daddy
  • father-in-law
  • foundress
  • old man
  • pa
  • papa
  • pappa
  • pater
  • patriarch
  • pop




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