

词汇 send


  • sends
  • sending
  • sent
  • sent


  • ① 送;送达;寄
    • send a letter寄信
    • send a telegram打电报
    • send word传话
    • They sent an invitation ticket.他们送来一张招待券。
    • I sent letters to all my friends.我寄信给所有的朋友。
    • She sent me a letter of thanks.=She sent a letter of thanks to me.她寄给我一封谢函。
    • You should send that suit to be cleaned.你应该把那套西装送去(干)洗。
    • They sent the gift back.他们把礼物送回来。
    • I will send him home [back] in my car.我会用我的车送他回家[回去](★被动式为: Letters were sent to all my friends./He was sent a note.)。
  • ② 使往;派遣;差(人)
    • The president sent troops (to Africa).总统派遣部队(到非洲)。
    • They sent their son to school [college].他们送儿子上学[大学]。
    • send a child to bed叫孩子去睡觉
    • I sent him to the information desk.我派他到询问处去一趟。
    • send a boy on an errand派男孩去办一件差事
    • He was sent into the world.他被送到这个世界来;他出生。
    • I sent them a messenger.我派一名使者到他们那里。
    • send a representative abroad派遣代表到国外
    • I sent her to meet him.我派她去见他。
  • ③ 把(酒、碗盘)传过去
    • send the wine round [around]将葡萄酒传一圈
    • Send your plates up for a second helping.请将盘子传过来再盛一盘。
  • ④ 发出(球、箭等);射;投
    • send an arrow射箭
    • The sun sends out light and heat.太阳发出光和热。
    • send a rocket to Mars发射火箭到火星
    • The volcano is sending steam into the air.那座火山正向空中喷出水蒸汽。
    • send a bullet through a person's head用子弹射穿某人头部
  • ⑤ 强使前往;促使;迫使
    • They sent the enemy flying.他们使敌军溃散。
    • Long imprisonment sent him mad.长期的监禁使他发疯。
  • ⑥ (神)赐与(人);施与
    • May God send us peace!=May God send peace to us!愿上帝赐给我们平安[和平]!
    • God send you good health!上帝赐你健康!
    • Heaven send (that) they all come back safely.苍天让他们全都平安回来吧。
    • Send her [him] victorious!上帝赐予她(女王)[他(国王)]胜利!(★英国国歌中的句子)
  • ⑦ 【口】(音乐、艺术等)使(听众、演奏者)兴奋狂热
    • His trumpet never fails to send his listeners.他的小喇叭总是使听众兴奋狂热。
  • ⑧ 发出(信号等)


  • ① 派人;差使;传消息;寄信
    • If you want me, please send.如果需要我效劳,请派人叫我。
    • We sent to her to come.我们差人去叫她来。
    • We sent to say that we were all safe.我们传出消息,说我们都平安。
  • ② 发出信号


  • sendern.送者;发货人;发信人


  • send ... flying
    • ① 赶走(某人);驱逐;乱抛(东西);驱散
    • ② 使(火花、碎片等)飞散;使(鸟等)惊飞;使(敌军)溃散;使(对手)人仰马翻
    • The report of the rifles sent the birds flying round the place.枪声使那些小鸟惊吓而从附近飞起。
  • send away
    • ① 赶出;解雇
    • ② 送到远方
    • ③ 派人到远方拿;自远方供应
    • We have to send away for our groceries.我们不得不由远方取得食品杂货。
  • send down
    • ① (使)下降
    • ② 【英大学】勒令退学;开除(学生)
  • send for ...
    • ① 派人去叫;派人去拿;延请;召唤
    • ② 订(货);取得供应
    • I'll send for the dictionary.我要去订那本辞典。
  • send forth
    • ① (植物)生出(芽、叶)
    • ② 发散(香气、蒸汽等)(=emit)
    • ③ 发行(=issue)
    • ④ 输出,出口;送出
  • send forward
    • ① 推向前方;摆出
  • send in
    • ① 叫(人)进来
    • ② 提交;提出(辞呈等);递(名片等);通报;送出(绘画等)参加展览
    • send in one's card递名片(给接待人员);报名参加(比赛)
    • He has sent three paintings in for the exhibition.他已送出三幅画参加展览。
  • send off
    • ① 送别;差遣;撵走;发出(货品、信件等)
    • go to a station to send a person off到车站给某人送行
    • We have sent off all the invitations.我们已经把全部的请帖发出去。
  • send on
    • ① 转送或转寄(行李、信件等)
  • send out
    • ① 发出;派遣;长出(新芽等);放出(光、香气等)
    • She sent out three hundred invitations.她发出三百张请帖。
    • We sent out questionnaires to 3,000 teachers.我们发出问卷给三千名教师。
    • In spring the trees begin to send out new leaves.春天树木开始长出新叶。
  • send over
    • ① 播送
  • send round
    • ① 传一圈;转送;转寄
  • send to ...
    • ① 派人;差使;传消息;寄信
    • If you want me, please send.如果需要我效劳,请派人叫我。
    • We sent to her to come.我们差人去叫她来。
    • We sent to say that we were all safe.我们传出消息,说我们都平安。
  • send up
    • ① 提高;使(火箭等)上升
    • ② 提出(文档等);传递(球等);发送(餐桌上的碗碟等)
    • ③ 【美口】判刑;把(某人)送入监狱
    • ④ 【英口】戏拟,嘲弄地模仿


  • propelvt.发出
  • transmitv.发送
  • transportvt.运送
  • address
  • call
  • carry away
  • commit
  • consign
  • convene
  • convoke
  • dismiss
  • dispatch
  • electrify
  • emit
  • enrapture
  • forward
  • give
  • give forth
  • give off
  • give out
  • institutionalize
  • issue
  • let off
  • let out
  • muster
  • refer
  • release
  • route
  • ship
  • summon
  • thrill
  • throw off
  • transfer
  • turn over
  • vent
  • air
  • beam
  • broadcast
  • charge
  • direct
  • get off
  • institutionalise
  • mail
  • place
  • post
  • send off
  • send out
  • station




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