

词汇 effort


  • effort
  • efforts


  • ① 努力;力气
    • It's a waste of effort.那是浪费力气。
    • The patient spoke with (great) effort.那个病人(非常)费力地说话。
    • He lifted the heavy box without effort.他不费力地举起那个重箱子。
    • She was so weak that even breathing was an effort for her.她这么衰弱,以致连呼吸对她来说都很吃力。
    • You must put more effort into your work.你必须更努力工作。
    • He frowned in an effort of memory.他皱起眉头,努力回想。
    • He made efforts [an effort] toward [at] realizing his lifelong dream.他努力去实现他毕生的梦想。
    • That didn't need much effort.那不需要多大的力气。
    • Learning a foreign language requires considerable time and effort.学习一种外国语需要相当多的时间与努力。
    • in an effort to remember努力去回想
    • He made an [no] effort to learn English.他努力[没有努力]去学英文。
    • I'll make every effort to arrive on time.我将尽力准时到达。
  • ② 努力的成果;(文艺上的)力作;作品
    • his finest effort他最好的作品
    • That's a good effort.那是好的成果。


effort: 指为了达到某种目的所做的有意识的努力,通常为一次的行为或一连串的活动

an effort to be kind

endeavor: 指比effort更为长期的认真努力,为比effort更正式的用语

the endeavor to be a great artist


  • effortlessadj.不费力的,不尽力的


  • exertionn.努力
  • laborn.劳力
  • powern.力量
  • toiln.辛劳
  • workn.工作
  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • acquirement
  • acquisition
  • assay
  • attainment
  • attempt
  • chore
  • crack
  • elbow grease
  • endeavor
  • essay
  • feat
  • go
  • job
  • offer
  • pain
  • shot
  • stab
  • strain
  • striving
  • struggle
  • take
  • task
  • trial
  • trouble
  • try
  • while
  • campaign
  • cause
  • crusade
  • drive
  • endeavour
  • exploit
  • movement
  • sweat
  • travail


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • attempt
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • endeavour
  • try


  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • activity
  • labor
  • labour
  • toil
  • venture


  • ad blitz
  • ad campaign
  • advertising campaign
  • anti-war movement
  • application
  • batting
  • battle
  • best
  • bid
  • campaigning
  • candidacy
  • candidature
  • charm campaign
  • consumerism
  • contribution
  • crack
  • derring-do
  • detrition
  • difficulty
  • diligence
  • electioneering
  • essay
  • exercise
  • exercising
  • feminism
  • feminist movement
  • fling
  • foray
  • friction
  • fund-raising campaign
  • fund-raising drive
  • fund-raising effort
  • gay lib
  • gay liberation movement
  • go
  • hit
  • least effort
  • least resistance
  • liberation
  • lost cause
  • mug's game
  • nisus
  • offer
  • overexertion
  • overkill
  • pains
  • part
  • pass
  • physical exercise
  • physical exertion
  • play
  • political campaign
  • power play
  • pull
  • rally
  • rallying
  • reform
  • rubbing
  • run
  • seeking
  • share
  • shot
  • squeeze
  • squeeze play
  • stab
  • strain
  • straining
  • striving
  • struggle
  • stunt
  • supererogation
  • takeover attempt
  • test
  • tour de force
  • trial
  • trouble
  • war
  • whirl
  • women's lib
  • women's liberation movement
  • workout
  • worst
  • youth crusade
  • youth movement




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