

词汇 release


  • release
  • releases
  • releases
  • releasing
  • released
  • released


  • ① 1放开;投下(炸弹)2释放(←→capture)3免除,解除
    • release one's hold放开握着的手
    • He released my hand.他放开我的手。
    • They released bombs from the airplane.他们从飞机上投下炸弹。
    • release an arrow from a bow自弓放箭
    • They will release the last prisoners.他们将释放最后几个囚犯。
    • release a bird from a cage将鸟从笼中放出
    • I'll release you from your obligation.我会免除你的义务。
    • He was released from the army.他退伍了。
  • ② 1上映(新视频);发行(新唱片等)2发布(新闻);发表
    • release a new single发售新的单曲唱片
    • They'll release a statement at 9 a.m.他们将在上午九点发表一项声明。
  • ③ 【法律】放弃(权利、财产等);让与


  • ①[或作a release]放开;发射;(炸弹等的)投掷
  • ② 1[或作a release]释放;解除,免除<from>2释放令
    • His release from prison took place this morning.他今天早上出狱。
    • The release of the hostages took place yesterday.那些人质昨天获得释放。
    • She had a great feeling of release when she got home safely.她平安回到家时,感到大大地松了一口气。
  • ③ 1(电影的)发行上映,首轮上映的视频2(唱片等的)发售;新发售的唱片(等)3(新闻等的)发布;发布的消息等
    • on general release(视频)同时在某地的各电影院首轮放映
  • ④ 1(手煞车等的)解除钮2(照相机的)快门的拉动


free: 为表「使自由」之意的一般用语,指除去束缚、抑压或负担而使进入继续的自由状态

free a prisoner

release: 指解除监禁、拘束或精神负担等

release a hostage

liberate: 强调由束缚等之中所获得的自由状态,为正式用语

discharge: 指解除并不强烈的束缚

discharge a patient

emancipate: 指由社会的隶属状态中加以释放

Lincoln emancipated the slaves.


  • emancipatevt.解放
  • freevt.释放
  • liberatevt.使自由
  • ax
  • boot
  • bounce
  • can
  • cashier
  • clear
  • disburden
  • discharge
  • disembarrass
  • disencumber
  • dismiss
  • drop
  • emit
  • fire
  • give
  • give forth
  • give off
  • give out
  • issue
  • let off
  • let out
  • loose
  • manumit
  • pink-slip
  • relieve
  • rid
  • sack
  • send forth
  • shake
  • shake off
  • spring
  • terminate
  • throw off
  • unburden
  • vent
  • acquittance
  • bring out
  • button
  • departure
  • dismissal
  • dismission
  • eject
  • exhaust
  • exit
  • expel
  • expiration
  • firing
  • freeing
  • give up
  • going
  • handout
  • let go
  • let go of
  • liberation
  • loss
  • outlet
  • passing
  • press release
  • publish
  • put out
  • relinquish
  • resign
  • sacking
  • secrete
  • spill
  • spillage
  • tone ending
  • turn
  • unblock
  • unfreeze
  • unloose
  • unloosen
  • waiver


  • concealvt.隐瞒
  • detainvt.拘留
  • fastenvt.固定
  • hidevt.隐藏
  • holdvt.握住
  • imprisonvt.囚禁
  • keepvt.留下
  • withholdvt.抑制
  • block
  • confine
  • freeze


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • commodity
  • trade good
  • good
  • merchandise
  • ware
  • product
  • release


  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • action
  • activity
  • announcement
  • conclusion
  • death
  • decease
  • device
  • ending
  • expiry
  • flow
  • instrument
  • legal document
  • legal instrument
  • merchandise
  • natural action
  • natural process
  • official document
  • product
  • promulgation
  • relinquishing
  • relinquishment
  • stream
  • termination
  • ware


  • Section Eight
  • clearing
  • conge
  • congee
  • deactivation
  • deregulating
  • deregulation
  • disentanglement
  • dishonorable discharge
  • emancipation
  • emission
  • exemption
  • explosion
  • extrication
  • granting immunity
  • honorable discharge
  • immunity
  • inactivation
  • jail delivery
  • manumission
  • parole
  • plosion
  • probation
  • relief
  • removal
  • superannuation
  • unsnarling
  • untangling




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