

词汇 from


/frəm], strong form [frɒm//frəm/


  • ①[表分离、脱离、出发点、起点]从;自
    • He fell from the tree.他从树上掉下来。
    • How long has she been away from home?她离家多久了?
    • from childhood [a child]自幼,自童年起
    • I'll be on vacation [【英】holiday] from May 15 [【英】15 May].我将从五月十五日起度假。
  • ②[表变化、状态、推移等]从;自;由
    • awake from a dream从梦中醒过来
    • recover from illness由病中恢复,康复
    • The patient's condition has gone from bad to worse.那个病人的病情每下愈况。
    • This novel has been translated from English into Chinese.这本小说已从英文译成中文。
  • ③[表出处、由来]从;自;由
    • quotations from Confucius引自孔子的话
    • He drew a conclusion from the facts.他从那些事实引出一个结论。
    • They obtained rock samples from the river.他们从那条河取得岩石的样品。
    • A strange sound was heard from within.从里面传来一声奇怪的声音。
    • I met a man from across the street.我遇到一个住在街对面的人。
    • "Where are you from?"-"I'm from Tainan."「你是哪里人?」「我是台南人。」
    • Where did you come from?「你府上哪里?」(★Where did you come from?为「你从哪里来的?」之意)
    • These apples come [are] from New Zealand.这些苹果是新西兰产的。
    • This is Mr. Smith from the office.我是办公室的史密斯先生(电话中用语)。
  • ④[表原料、材料]从;自;由;以
    • Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿造的。
  • ⑤[表原因、动机、理由、根据]因;由
    • suffer from gout患痛风;因痛风而受苦
    • He died from a wound.他受伤而死亡。
    • She's fat from eating too much.她因吃得太多而肥胖。
    • from what I hear就我所听到的
    • negotiations from strength凭实力交涉
    • act from a sense of duty由于责任感而行动
    • Judging from [From a] the look on her face, she seemed to be bored.由她的样子来看,她似乎厌倦了。
    • From what she said, she didn't know anything about it.由她所说的话来看,她对那件事一无所知。
  • ⑥[表区别、差异]与,和
    • differ [be different] from ...与…不同
    • know [tell] black from white能辨别黑白
    • Can you tell a poisonous mushroom from an edible one?你能分辨有毒的蕈和食用的蕈吗?
  • ⑦[表抽出、除外、免除、制止]自;从;以免
    • If you take [subtract] 3 from 9, 6 remains.=3 from 9 is [leaves] 6.九减三等于六。
    • He was expelled from school.他被勒令退学。
    • refrain from laughing忍住笑
  • ⑧[表观点]从…(来看)
    • From a foreigner's point of view, this custom is strange.由外国人的观点来看,这种风俗是奇怪的。
    • From the top of the mountain [From where we stood] we could see the sea.从山顶[从我们所站的地方],我们可以看到海。
    • The view from his hotel is beautiful.从他的旅馆所看的景色很美。


  • from off ...
    • ① 【文】从,自,由(=from)
  • from out ...
    • ① 从;自;由(★out of的强调形)




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