

词汇 flood


  • flood
  • floods
  • floods
  • flooding
  • flooded
  • flooded


  • ① 1[常用复数形]洪水,水灾,大水2[the Flood]【圣】诺亚的洪水(=Noah's flood)
    • Heavy rain caused floods in the south.豪雨在南部引起了水灾。
    • Devastating floods have again hit Bangladesh.肆虐的洪水再度袭击孟加拉。
  • ②[a flood或用复数形]泛滥;横溢;奔放
    • She was in floods of tears.她泪汪汪。
    • There was a flood of complaints about the traffic.对于交通,大家怨声载道。
    • A flood of light entered the room as he opened the door.他开门时,亮光涌进了房间。
  • ③ 涨潮,满潮(←→ebb)
    • The fish enter the tide by the flood.鱼随涨潮游进来。
  • ④ 【口】[通常用复数形]强力照明;泛光


  • ① 使泛滥;淹没(★常用被动式,介词用with或by)
    • The river has flooded its banks.水淹没两岸。
    • The river was flooded by heavy rains [with rainwater].那条河因豪雨而泛滥。
  • ② 灌溉(牧草地等);注以大量的水
  • ③ 涌到;溢满
    • Applications flooded the office.应征函涌到办公室。
    • Sunshine flooded the room.阳光照满那个房间。
    • flood the stage with light以灯光照满舞台
    • The office was flooded with requests for information.该办公室收到一大堆要求信息的信函[电话]。


  • ① 泛滥;(潮)涨(←→ebb)
  • ② 涌到涌入
    • Applications flooded in.应征函潮涌而来。
    • A powerful light flooded into the room.一道强光涌入房间。
    • People flooded from the suburbs to the city.人们由郊区涌到该市。


  • at the flood
    • ① 正当高潮
    • ② 在恰好时机
    • take the tide at the flood利用有利时机
  • before the Flood
    • ① 【口】在太古时代(★原意为「在诺亚的洪水以前」)
  • flood out
    • ① 被洪水迫使离家(★通常用被动式)
    • Thousands of people were flooded out.成千上万的人被洪水逼迫离家。
  • in flood
    • ① 漫溢;泛滥
    • The river was in flood.河水泛滥。


  • flow overvt./vi.泛滥
  • overflowvt./vi.泛滥
  • wash overvt./vi.淹没
  • Niagara
  • alluvion
  • cataclysm
  • cataract
  • current
  • deluge
  • downpour
  • drift
  • drown
  • engulf
  • flow
  • flush
  • flux
  • freshet
  • inundate
  • inundation
  • overwhelm
  • pour
  • rush
  • spate
  • stream
  • submerge
  • surge
  • swamp
  • swarm
  • throng
  • tide
  • torrent
  • troop
  • whelm
  • flood lamp
  • flood tide
  • floodlight
  • flowage
  • glut
  • outpouring
  • oversupply
  • photoflood
  • rising tide


  • droughtn.旱灾
  • lackn.缺少
  • scarcityn.缺少
  • shortagen.短少
  • ebbtide


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • process
  • physical process
  • phenomenon
  • natural phenomenon
  • geological phenomenon
  • flood
  • inundation
  • deluge
  • alluvion


  • batch
  • deal
  • filling
  • flock
  • flow
  • geological phenomenon
  • good deal
  • great deal
  • hatful
  • heap
  • light
  • light source
  • lot
  • mass
  • mess
  • mickle
  • mint
  • mountain
  • muckle
  • passel
  • peck
  • pile
  • plenty
  • pot
  • quite a little
  • raft
  • sight
  • slew
  • spate
  • stack
  • stream
  • tide
  • tidy sum
  • wad


  • Noachian deluge
  • Noah's flood
  • Noah and the Flood
  • debacle
  • effusion
  • flash flood
  • flashflood
  • the Flood




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