

词汇 action


  • action
  • actions


  • ① 行动,动作;活动
    • You must take action at once.你必须立刻采取行动。
    • He is a man of action.他是个行动家(尤指政治家、军人、探险家等,与学者相对)。
  • ② 作用(←→reaction)
    • chemical action化学作用
  • ③ 行为;行动
    • a kind [noble] action亲切的[高贵的]行为
    • Actions speak louder than words.【谚】行动胜于空谈。
  • ④ 1(演员的)演技2[常用单数形](运动家、马等的)动作姿态3(机器的)运转;(机械或仪器设备的)机能4(钢琴或仪器的)机械设备
    • Actions!【摄】动作开始!
  • ⑤ 步骤,措施
  • ⑥ 1【军】交战;战斗2战斗行动
  • ⑦ (小说、剧本的)情节
    • This is a love story with little action.这是没有什么情节的爱情故事。
  • ⑧ 【法律】诉讼
    • Will you bring [file, have, take] an action against him?你会提出诉讼控告他吗?
  • ⑨ 【美】判决;决议


act: 指短时间的单一行动

action: 指较长时间内多次的举动所成者;即许多act集合而成的复杂行动

mental action

deed: 通常指带有理智与决心所表现出的英勇动人或了不起的行动,如:

a heroic deed



  • a line of action
    • ① 作业线;操作系统;行动方针;【物理】作用线
  • action of the bowels
    • ① 【医】通便(=movement of the bowels)
  • bring [come] into action
    • ① (使)开始活动;发挥;实施;(使)参加战斗
  • in action
    • ① 在活动中,在动
    • ② 在战斗中
  • put ... in [into] action
    • ① 实行;开动
    • We will put the new system into action next week.我们将在下星期实行新的制度。
  • put ... out of action
    • ① 使(机器等)停止活动;使(军舰等)失去战斗力
    • The typhoon put the telephones out of action.台风使电话不通。
  • rouse ... to action
    • ① 激发…行动;使奋起
  • see action
    • ① 参加战斗;体验实际战争行动
    • He saw action in many campaigns.他参加过多次战役。


  • coursen.作为
  • motionn.行动
  • policyn.行动
  • practicen.行动
  • act
  • battle
  • behavior
  • case
  • cause
  • combat
  • comportment
  • conduct
  • deed
  • deportment
  • doing
  • engagement
  • instance
  • lawsuit
  • suit
  • thing
  • way
  • work
  • accomplish
  • action at law
  • action mechanism
  • activeness
  • activity
  • carry out
  • carry through
  • execute
  • fulfil
  • fulfill
  • legal action
  • litigate
  • military action
  • natural action
  • natural process
  • process
  • sue


  • reactionn.反作用
  • inaction
  • inactiveness
  • inactivity


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • action


  • act
  • deed
  • drive
  • group action
  • human action
  • human activity
  • legal proceeding
  • mechanism
  • physical process
  • plot
  • proceeding
  • proceedings
  • process
  • state
  • work


  • EW
  • absorption
  • accenting
  • accentuation
  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • acidification
  • adiabatic process
  • aeration
  • agency
  • aggression
  • alienation
  • amphibious landing
  • antiredeposition
  • antitrust case
  • application
  • arrival
  • battle
  • beatification
  • behavior
  • behaviour
  • benignity
  • blockade
  • bruxism
  • busyness
  • capture
  • carrying into action
  • carrying out
  • cataphoresis
  • centrifugation
  • change
  • chemical action
  • chemical change
  • chemical process
  • choice
  • chromatography
  • civil action
  • civility
  • clotting
  • coagulation
  • concretion
  • condensation
  • conflict
  • consultation
  • convection
  • counterclaim
  • course
  • course of action
  • criminal prosecution
  • curdling
  • curing
  • custody case
  • decay
  • defence
  • defense
  • defensive measure
  • demagnetisation
  • demagnetization
  • desorption
  • destabilisation
  • destabilization
  • dielectrolysis
  • diffusion
  • disintegration
  • dissolution
  • distillation
  • distillment
  • drift
  • ecesis
  • ecological succession
  • economy
  • effervescence
  • electronic warfare
  • electrophoresis
  • emphasizing
  • employment
  • encirclement
  • engagement
  • eructation
  • eruption
  • establishment
  • execution
  • extinction
  • extraction
  • extravasation
  • feedback
  • fetch
  • fight
  • filtration
  • firing mechanism
  • flocculation
  • flow
  • forbiddance
  • formation
  • fossilisation
  • fossilization
  • geologic process
  • geological process
  • gunlock
  • hardening
  • hostility
  • hum
  • inactivation
  • inhibition
  • interaction
  • ion exchange
  • ionisation
  • ionization
  • ionophoresis
  • jump-start
  • jumpstart
  • kindness
  • leach
  • leaching
  • lis pendens
  • magnetic induction
  • magnetisation
  • magnetization
  • materialisation
  • materialization
  • movement
  • natural selection
  • nuclear reaction
  • opacification
  • operation
  • opposition
  • option
  • oscillation
  • overdrive
  • oxygenation
  • pair creation
  • pair formation
  • pair production
  • performance
  • phase change
  • phase transition
  • physical change
  • piano action
  • pick
  • pickings
  • play
  • playing
  • police action
  • politeness
  • precession of the equinoxes
  • prohibition
  • prosecution
  • pump action
  • radiation
  • reference
  • release
  • res gestae
  • resistance
  • reverence
  • rigidification
  • rigidifying
  • saber rattling
  • sabre rattling
  • sally
  • saltation
  • saving
  • scattering
  • selection
  • sericulture
  • set
  • sink
  • slide action
  • soak
  • soakage
  • soaking
  • softening
  • solidification
  • solidifying
  • sorption
  • sortie
  • source
  • state change
  • stiffening
  • stimulation
  • stupefaction
  • succession
  • survival
  • survival of the fittest
  • swing
  • swordplay
  • synergism
  • synergy
  • taking
  • temperature change
  • test case
  • test suit
  • thing
  • transduction
  • transfusion
  • transgression
  • transpiration
  • vampirism
  • vitrification
  • war
  • warfare




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