

词汇 passage


  • passage
  • passages


  • ① 1[或用单数形]通行,经过,通过<of>2(鸟等的)移徙
    • The passage of motorcycles is forbidden.禁止机车通行。
    • He tried to force a passage through the crowd.他试图由群众中挤过去[强行通过]。
    • block (a person's) passage阻止(某人的)通行
    • a bird of passage候鸟
  • ② 【文】输送,运输;移动
    • the passage from one state to the next由一个状态到下一个状态的移动
  • ③[或作a passage](海、空的)旅行;航行,航海
    • They had a rough passage across the English Channel.他们横越英吉利海峡的航行艰难。
    • make a passage航海
    • book [engage] one's passage订船[机]票<to>
  • ④ 通行权;通行费
    • passage money运费,船费,车费
    • He worked his passage to India.他到印度去时,在船上工作以抵船费。
  • ⑤ (时间的)流逝,推移,变迁
    • With the passage of time they will be forgotten.随着时间的过去,他们会被遗忘。
    • after the passage of six months经过六个月之后
  • ⑥ 1通路;水路,航路2信道,走廊
    • At the end of the passage is a bathroom.在走廊的尽头有一间浴室。
  • ⑦ (引用文句等的)一节
    • a passage from Lao-tzu老子中的一节
  • ⑧ 1(议案的)通过2(议案的)通过期间
  • ⑨ 【医】通便
  • ⑩ 【乐】乐节
    • play a passage演奏一个乐节


  • a passage of [at] arms
    • ① (二人的)互殴,打斗


  • accessn.入口
  • aislen.走道
  • approachn.通入
  • columnn.一栏
  • excursionn.旅行;远足
  • halln.大厅
  • hallwayn.走廊
  • movementn.行动
  • paragraphn.一段
  • passn.经过
  • passingn.通过
  • portionn.一部分
  • sectionn.一节
  • tourn.旅行
  • tripn.旅行
  • wayn.
  • change
  • part
  • segment
  • shift
  • transit
  • transition
  • enactment
  • handing over
  • musical passage
  • passageway


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • action
  • change
  • change of state
  • passage
  • transition


  • anatomical structure
  • bodily structure
  • body structure
  • bringing
  • change of state
  • complex body part
  • composition
  • delivery
  • journey
  • journeying
  • lawmaking
  • legislating
  • legislation
  • motion
  • movement
  • musical composition
  • opus
  • piece
  • piece of music
  • reaction
  • response
  • section
  • structure
  • subdivision
  • way


  • adagio
  • adit
  • aisle
  • allegretto
  • allegro
  • andante
  • birth canal
  • cadence
  • cadenza
  • canal
  • carpal tunnel
  • channel
  • conduit
  • cul
  • cul de sac
  • dead end
  • duct
  • epicardia
  • epithelial duct
  • esophagus
  • excerpt
  • excerption
  • extract
  • fauces
  • fish ladder
  • fistula
  • fossilisation
  • fossilization
  • gorge
  • gullet
  • impromptu
  • intro
  • largo
  • lockage
  • locus classicus
  • meatus
  • modulation
  • musical phrase
  • oesophagus
  • opening
  • orifice
  • passageway
  • phrase
  • place
  • porta
  • purple passage
  • recitative
  • relay
  • right of way
  • root canal
  • segue
  • selection
  • shaft
  • shunt
  • sinus
  • sinusoid
  • text
  • throat
  • transition




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