

词汇 title


  • title
  • titles
  • titles
  • titling
  • titled
  • titled


  • ① (书、电影、画等的)标题,题目;书名;片名
    • What's the title of the book?那本书的书名叫什么?
    • I gave my poem the title "Last Night".我给我的诗的标题为「昨夜」。
  • ② 称号,官衔,敬称,爵位
    • She has a title.她有贵族的头衔。
    • a man of title有官衔的人,贵族
  • ③[或用单数形](正当的)权利,资格<to>
    • the title to the crown [throne]继承王位的权利
    • You have no title to come here.你没有资格到这里来。
  • ④[或用单数形]【法律】(尤指不动产的)财产所有权<to>
    • He has no title to this property.他对这笔财产没有所有权。
    • one's title to a house房屋的所有权
  • ⑤ 【竞赛】冠军(=championship)
    • He won the world title for the high jump.他赢得跳高的世界冠军。
    • defend [lose] one's title卫冕成功[失败]


  • ① 加以标题
  • ② 称(…)(为…)




Pride and Prejudice

David Copperfield

Moby Dick


a passage from "The Dead" of James Joyce


the New York Times


  • under the title of ...
    • ① 在…标题之下


  • conditionn.条件
  • designationn.称呼
  • namen.名字
  • positionn.地位
  • rankn.官阶
  • statusn.地位
  • appellation
  • appellative
  • baptize
  • call
  • christen
  • claim
  • cognomen
  • denominate
  • denomination
  • designate
  • dibs
  • dominion
  • dub
  • entitle
  • epithet
  • handle
  • interest
  • moniker
  • nickname
  • opus
  • ownership
  • portion
  • possession
  • pretense
  • pretension
  • proprietorship
  • publication
  • stake
  • style
  • tag
  • term
  • volume
  • work
  • championship
  • deed
  • deed of conveyance
  • form of address
  • rubric
  • statute title
  • title of respect


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • written communication
  • written language
  • black and white
  • writing
  • written material
  • piece of writing
  • matter
  • text
  • textual matter
  • line
  • heading
  • header
  • head
  • title
  • statute title
  • rubric


  • appellation
  • appellative
  • denomination
  • designation
  • head
  • header
  • heading
  • high status
  • instrument
  • legal document
  • legal instrument
  • legal right
  • name
  • official document
  • piece of writing
  • right
  • subhead
  • subheading
  • writing
  • written material


  • Aga
  • Agha
  • Defender of the Faith
  • Don
  • Dona
  • Father
  • Frau
  • Fraulein
  • Hakham
  • Herr
  • Ladyship
  • Lordship
  • Miss
  • Mister
  • Mr
  • Mr.
  • Mrs
  • Mrs.
  • Ms
  • Ms.
  • Padre
  • Rabbi
  • Reverend
  • Senor
  • Senora
  • Senorita
  • Signora
  • Signorina
  • Very Reverend
  • baronetcy
  • bill of sale
  • caption
  • credit
  • deed poll
  • enfeoffment
  • entitlement
  • legend
  • masthead
  • mortgage deed
  • own right
  • rubric
  • subtitle
  • title deed
  • triple crown
  • viscountcy




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