

词汇 trial


  • trial
  • trials


  • ① 审判,审理
    • He will get a fair trial.他将得到公平的审判。
    • She's awaiting trial for murder.她因谋杀罪在等候审判。
    • The trial lasted a month.那项审判持续了一个月。
    • trial by jury陪审审判
    • a criminal trial刑事审判
    • a preliminary trial初审
    • a public trial公开审判,公审
    • He will stand trial next week.他将在下星期受审。
  • ② (好坏、性能等的)试验,尝试,试用
    • Don't buy that car without giving it a trial first.没有先试用,可别买那部车。
    • I'm prepared to give him a trial.我准备试用他。
    • The new drug will undergo [go through] extensive medical trials.那种新药将接受广泛的医学试验。
    • put ... to trial对…加以试验
  • ③ 1考验;灾难,磨难,艰苦2麻烦的人[物],讨厌的人[物]<to>
    • the trials of pregnancy怀孕的磨难
    • That child was a trial to his teachers.那小孩对他的老师们而言是个麻烦。


  • ① 试验的,为了试验的;预审的;预赛的
    • a trial flight试飞
    • a trial judge初审法官
    • a trial lawyer【美】(与事物律师相对,专门出庭辩护的)法院律师
    • a trial match(板球、足球等的)选拔赛,预赛


trial: 指人或物在使用之前,对其价值、能力、性能等实际上加以试验

experiment: 指为了发现某物,测知某物的性能,或为了实地证明已知之物而做的试验

test: 指在某种条件下,按一定的标准,为了确定某人[物]的能力、性能等所做的试验


  • bring a person to trial
    • ① 将某人付诸审判,审讯某人
  • bring a person up for trial
    • ① 将某人付诸审判,审讯某人
  • on trial
    • ① 试验中
    • ② 受审讯,审讯中
    • ③ 试验的结果
    • ④ 试用
    • Take it on trial before buying it.在购买之前要先试用。
  • trial and error
    • ① 尝试错误
    • He found the solution by a process of trial and error.他经由尝试错误的过程,找到了解决办法。
    • learn by trial and error以尝试错误法学习
  • trial by battle [combat]
    • ① 【英史】以决斗裁判(当事者彼此决斗做为裁判的依据)


  • attemptn.尝试
  • burdenn.负担
  • distressn.痛苦
  • gon.尝试
  • hearingn.审判
  • shotn.一试
  • tormentn.折磨
  • troublen.麻烦
  • tryn.尝试
  • affliction
  • assay
  • crack
  • cross
  • crucible
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • essay
  • experiment
  • experimental
  • experimentation
  • offer
  • ordeal
  • pain
  • pilot
  • proof
  • stab
  • take
  • test
  • thorn
  • tribulation
  • tryout
  • visitation
  • run
  • trial run


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • attempt
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • endeavour
  • try
  • test
  • trial
  • run


  • affliction
  • attempt
  • competition
  • contest
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • endeavour
  • experiment
  • experimentation
  • legal proceeding
  • proceeding
  • proceedings
  • try


  • MOT
  • MOT test
  • Ministry of Transportation test
  • Scopes trial
  • Snellen test
  • alpha test
  • assay
  • audition
  • beta test
  • clinical test
  • clinical trial
  • court-martial
  • double blind
  • field test
  • field trial
  • fire
  • fitting
  • mistrial
  • ordeal
  • pilot program
  • pilot project
  • preclinical phase
  • preclinical test
  • preclinical trial
  • retrial
  • road test
  • show trial
  • trial balloon
  • trial by ordeal
  • try-on
  • trying on
  • tryout




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