

词汇 strain


  • strain
  • strains
  • strains
  • straining
  • strained
  • strained


  • ① 拉紧;紧张(状态);张力
    • The rope broke under the strain.那条绳子在拉紧时断了。
    • Keep a strain on the rope.将绳子拉紧。
  • ② 1(身心的)紧张,压力;辛苦2重的负担<on>
    • the strain of modern life现代生活的紧张
    • under the strain of ...在…的精神压力之下
    • He is under a lot of strain at the moment.他目前受到很大的精神压力。
    • without strain没有勉强地,轻松地
    • "Can you fix the chair? "-"No strain."【口】「你会修理这把椅子吗?」「简单得很。」
    • Paying the bills was a great strain on his resources.支付那些帐单对他的经济是一大负担。
  • ③ (脚等的)扭伤


  • ① 拉紧,用力拉
    • strain a rope把绳子拉紧
  • ② 使紧张;尽量使用;竭尽(目力);倾(耳);竭力喊出(声音)
    • strain one's eyes竭尽目力
    • strain one's voice to shout竭力大喊
    • strain one's ears to catch a sound侧耳谛听某声音
    • He strained himself to finish the task.他尽全力去完成那件工作。
  • ③ 过分使用而损伤
    • He has strained his eyes by reading in a bad light.他因在不良的光线下阅读而伤了眼睛。
    • He strained himself by overwork.他因过劳而伤身。
  • ④ 1扭伤(筋等)(参照sprain)2(外力)扭歪(东西),损伤
    • I slipped and strained my ankle.我滑倒扭伤了踝部。
  • ⑤ 曲解(法律、意义、事实);歪曲;滥用(权力等)
    • strain the meaning of a word曲解某字的意义
    • He strained the truth for his own purposes.他为了自己的目的而歪曲事实。
  • ⑥ 过滤,滤去
    • strain the soup滤汤
    • The tea hasn't been strained.这茶还没有滤过。
    • He strained out the coffee grounds.他滤去咖啡渣。
  • ⑦ 紧抱<to>
    • She strained her child to her [her breast].她将她的孩子紧抱于怀中。


  • ① 用力拉
    • strain at a rope用力拉绳
    • The rowers strained at the oars.那些划船者拚命划桨。
  • ② 竭力而为;拚命努力<after, for; under>
    • He strained to understand what she meant.他竭力去了解她的意思。
    • strain after effects [an effect]极力讲究效果
    • He was straining under the load.他吃力地扛货物。
  • ③ 奋力(抗拒…)<against>


  • effortn.努力
  • exertionn.尽力
  • forcen.力量
  • overworkv.过度使用
  • pressuren.压力
  • sievev.
  • siftv.用筛子筛
  • sprainv.扭伤
  • sprainn.扭伤
  • stressn.压力
  • strugglen.奋力
  • tensionn.紧张
  • tightenv.拉紧
  • twistn.
  • wrenchv.扭伤


  • loosenv.松开
  • relaxv.使放松
  • slackenv.使松散


  • strain
  • strains


  • ① 1种族,血统;家系,门第2【生物】系统
    • a new strain of wheat新品种的小麦
    • of a good strain血统优良的
  • ②[a strain](性格的)特征,倾向;气质;素质<of>
    • There was a strain of insanity [madness] in his family.他的家族带有疯狂的倾向。
  • ③[用单数形;附有修饰语]语调,口气,笔调
    • He spoke in a solemn strain.他以严肃的语气说话。
    • in the same strain以同样的调子
  • ④[常用复数形]【文】曲,旋律;诗歌,歌
    • strains of a song一首歌的旋律




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