

词汇 court


  • court
  • courts
  • courts
  • courting
  • courted
  • courted


  • ① 1庭院(=courtyard)2【英】(一端通大街的)死巷(★常以大写开头当地名用,如Ivebury Court)
  • ② (网球等的)场地
    • a grass court草坪网球场
    • The ball was on court.球入场内(★on court无冠词)。
    • The players are due on court at two o'clock.选手们预定在两点钟时进(网球)场比赛(★on court无冠词)。
    • The ball was off [out of] court.球出场外(★off [out of] court无冠词)。
  • ③ 1[在at, in, to之后为[U]][常作Court]宫庭,朝廷,王室2[the court, one's court;集合用法]廷臣3[常作Court]觐见(礼)
    • the king and his [the] whole court国王与廷臣
  • ④ 1[在from, in, into, out of, to之后为[U]]法院,法庭2[the court;集合用法]法官
    • evidence for possible use in court在法庭可能用及的证据
    • the divorce courts离婚法庭
    • a civil [criminal] court民事[刑事]法庭
    • a court of appeal上诉法庭
    • a court of first instance初审法庭
    • You can try to clear your name before a court of justice [law].你可以设法在法院洗清罪名。
    • the High Court (of Justice)【英】高等法院
    • the Supreme Court (of Judicature)【英】最高法院
    • She took him to court for libeling her.她因他诽谤而将他告到法院。
    • The prisoner was brought to court for trial.那名犯人被提到法庭受审。
    • The court dismissed the charges.法官不受理那些指控。
  • ⑤ 求宠;献慇懃;(尤指向女人)求爱
    • pay court to the king向国王献慇懃
    • pay court to a woman向女人求爱


  • ① 向(女人)求爱;向…献慇懃;寻求(某人的支持、赞赏等)
    • court a person's approval寻求某人的许可
    • He has been courting her for more than three years.他一直追求她三年多了。
  • ② 招惹;招致(灾祸、失败等);遭遇(不愉快的事)
    • You are courting disaster [danger, defeat, ruin].你在招惹灾祸[危险、失败、毁灭]。


  • ① 求爱;相恋
    • a courting couple相爱的一对男女
    • He and she have been courting for three years.他和她已相恋三年。


  • at court
    • ① 在宫廷
    • be received at court受帝王接见,入朝觐见帝王
    • present ... at court(尤指将初入社交界的女子等)引见给君主
    • be presented at Court(新到任的外国使节等)受帝王接见
  • go to court
    • ① 入朝觐见
    • ② 上法院
    • I'm prepared to go to court.我准备上法院。
  • hold court
    • ① 举行觐见礼;开御前会议
  • in court
    • ① 在法庭
    • He had to appear in court to give evidence.他不得不出庭作证。
  • out of court
    • ① 在法庭外,不经审判而私下和解地;(诉讼地)遭驳回,不被受理;(提案等)不值一顾的
    • The case was settled out of court.那个案件在庭外私下和解。
    • laugh ... out of court对…置之一笑「一笑了之、不当一回事」
  • put [rule] ... out of court
    • ① 不受理;不理睬;蔑视
  • take ... into court
    • ① 将…提出法庭审判
    • take a case into court将案件交付法庭审判
  • the Court of St. James's
    • ① 英国宫廷
    • an ambassador accredited to the Court of St. James's驻英大使
    • the American ambassador to the Court of St. James's美国驻英大使


  • court of justicen.法庭
  • court of lawn.法院
  • palacen.宫廷
  • pursuev.追求
  • royal householdn.王室
  • run afterv.追求
  • atrium
  • bar
  • close
  • courtyard
  • enclosure
  • invite
  • provoke
  • quad
  • quadrangle
  • romance
  • spark
  • tempt
  • tribunal
  • woo
  • yard
  • Court
  • Margaret Court
  • courtroom
  • homage
  • judicature
  • lawcourt
  • motor hotel
  • motor inn
  • motor lodge
  • royal court
  • solicit
  • tourist court


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • gathering
  • assemblage
  • assembly
  • court
  • tribunal
  • judicature


  • area
  • assembly
  • athletic field
  • authorities
  • cortege
  • court
  • deference
  • entourage
  • field
  • government
  • hotel
  • judicature
  • playing area
  • playing field
  • regime
  • residence
  • respect
  • retinue
  • room
  • suite
  • tribunal


  • Court of Saint James's
  • F.I.S.C.
  • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
  • Inquisition
  • International Court of Justice
  • Porte
  • Rota
  • Star Chamber
  • Sublime Porte
  • World Court
  • appeals court
  • appellate court
  • assizes
  • atrium
  • badminton court
  • bailey
  • basketball court
  • chancery
  • cloister
  • consistory
  • court
  • court of appeals
  • court of assize
  • court of assize and nisi prius
  • court of chancery
  • court of domestic relations
  • court of justice
  • court of law
  • criminal court
  • divorce court
  • domestic relations court
  • family court
  • federal court
  • food court
  • forecourt
  • handball court
  • high court
  • inferior court
  • juvenile court
  • kangaroo court
  • lawcourt
  • lower court
  • military court
  • moot court
  • motel
  • parvis
  • piste
  • police court
  • probate court
  • quarter sessions
  • squash court
  • state supreme court
  • superior court
  • supreme court
  • tennis court
  • traffic court
  • trial court
  • volleyball court




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