释义 |
cure/kjʊə(r)//kjʊr/ ★★★★★v. vt- ① 1治疗;使痊愈2矫正,革除(恶习、弊害等)
- This medicine has cured thousands of people.此药治好了成千上万的人。
- Physiotherapy will cure your back trouble.物理疗法将治好你背部的病痛。
- The doctor cured him of cancer.医生治愈了他的癌症。
- I was cured of insomnia.我治好了失眠症。
- cure bad habits革除坏习惯
- What can't be cured must be endured.【谚】无能为力之事只得忍耐。
- It seems that nobody can cure me of smoking.似乎没有人能使我戒烟。
- The shock of losing my purse cured me of all my former absentmindedness.失去钱包的打击,使我一改过去心不在焉的恶习。
- ② (用盐腌、烟熏、干燥等法以)保藏
- After taking out the meat, they cured the hides.他们将肉切除,然后将皮加以腌制保藏。
vi- ① 治疗,医治;治疗,痊愈
- This wound cures easily.这种伤容易治好。
n- ① 治愈;痊愈
- In three weeks a perfect cure was obtained.三星期内完全治好了病。
- ② 1治疗;疗养2治疗的药物;治疗法
- He went to the country for a cure.他到乡下去疗养。
- He hoped to find an effective cure for AIDS.他希望找到爱滋病的有治疗法[药]。
- ③ (困难问题等的)解决办法;矫正方法
- a cure for unemployment解决失业的办法
字辨cure: 指治疗疾病、痛苦等或革除恶习、弊害等 I was cured of fever. heal: 是治愈伤口,尤指灼伤等,使恢复完整 This medicine will heal your burn. remedy: 暗示采用某种特殊方法或药品治疗疾病,矫正不健康情形 Her broken leg was remedied by an operation. 同义词- antidoten.矫正法
- drugn.药
- healv.治疗
- treatv.治疗
- corrective
- countermeasure
- curative
- elixir
- medicament
- medication
- medicine
- nostrum
- physic
- remedy
词路径- entity
- physical entity
- causal agent
- cause
- causal agency
- agent
- drug
- medicine
- medication
- medicament
- medicinal drug
- remedy
- curative
- cure
- therapeutic
上位词- medicament
- medication
- medicinal drug
- medicine
下位词- acoustic
- alleviant
- alleviator
- antidote
- application
- balm
- catholicon
- counterpoison
- cure-all
- emetic
- lenitive
- lotion
- magic bullet
- nauseant
- nostrum
- ointment
- palliative
- panacea
- preventative
- preventive
- prophylactic
- salve
- unction
- unguent
- vomit
- vomitive