

词汇 come


  • comes
  • coming
  • came
  • come


  • ① 1(向说话者移近而)来;来到(说话者或听话者所在的地方)(参照go)2到达;抵达3(物)到,伸及
    • Come in, please.请进来。
    • Come here [this way].到这里[往这边]。
    • I will come to you.我会来找你。
    • I'm coming with you.我要跟你一起走。
    • He came to see me.他来看我。
    • Some boys came running.有些男孩跑着过来。
    • She hasn't come yet.她还没到达。
    • They came to a hill.他们到达一座小山。
    • First come, first [best] served.【谚】先到先招待(come为过去分词)。
    • She doesn't even come up to my shoulder.她身高还不到我的肩膀。
    • The skirt comes to her ankles.那条裙子长到她的足踝。
  • ② (时间等)到来;(依顺序)出现;在
    • Summer has come.夏天来了(★Summer is come.为【文】)。
    • Dusk came at seven.暮色在七点来临。
    • Her hour has come.她的死期已到。
    • The time has come when I must say good-bye.我必须说再见的时刻已来到。
    • There's good time coming.好时光即将来临。
    • My turn has come.轮到我了。
    • After Anne comes George I.安女王之后(出现的)就是乔治一世。
    • "Where did you come in the race?"-"I came in third."「你赛跑得第几名?」「我得第三」
    • August comes between July and September.八月在七与九月之间。
  • ③ 1发生;降临2(商品等以某种尺寸或包装)供售,存装
    • We are ready for whatever comes.我们随时准备迎接任何可能发生的事。
    • How did it come that you failed?你怎么失败了?(★此种问句中常见不用do而以comes代替的旧习惯用法:How comes it that you failed?; How come ...?)
    • No harm will come to her.她不会受到任何伤害。
    • Good luck came to him.幸运降临他身上。
    • Everything comes [All things come] to those who wait.【谚】耐心等待者必须有后福。
    • Easy come, easy go.【谚】轻易得来之物容易失去(come, go俱为祈使用法)。
    • Toothpaste comes in a tube.牙膏是用管装的。
    • This book comes in two kinds of binding.这本书以两种装订出售。
  • ④ (感情、思想、眼泪等)出现,产生
    • A smile came to her lips.她的嘴上露出微笑。
    • A wonderful idea just came to me.一个妙主意刚刚浮现在我心上。
    • It suddenly came to me that I was wrong.我突然发现我错了。
    • Tears came into her eyes.她的眼里流泪。
  • ⑤ 起自;起因(于);为(…的)结果,出身(于…);籍隶(某地)
    • The civilization of the Chinese people has come from the Yellow river.中国人的文明源于黄河。
    • Superstition usually comes from ignorance.迷信通常起因于无知。
    • That comes of carelessness.那件事起因于粗心大意。
    • Where do you come from (in France)?你是(法国)哪里人?
    • I come from Paris.我是巴黎人。
    • She comes from a rich family.她出身于有钱人家。
    • All the riches of the world come out of the earth.世上的一切财富来自大地。
  • ⑥ (感情)发生;(东西)生产
    • The butter came quickly today.今天奶油很快便生产了。
  • ⑦ 变成(某种状态或结果)
    • come into use逐渐被使用起来
    • come into action开始活动[发生作用]
    • The peach trees have come into flower.那些桃树开花了。
    • come to a conclusion得到某种结论
    • Has it come to this?变成这种情形了吗?
  • ⑧ 总计,共达
    • Your bill comes to $60.你的帐共计六十美元。
    • If it comes to that, ...如果事情到达那种地步;那样的话…
    • My income now comes to $300 a week.我的所得现在计达每周三百美元。
  • ⑨ (事情)演变到,终至于
    • I came to realize that she doesn't hate me.我发觉她并不恨我。
    • I have come to like John quite a lot.我变得十分喜欢约翰。
    • How did you come to hear of it?你如何听到这件事?
  • ⑩ 变成
    • come true(梦)成真;(预言、预感)实现
    • That sort of thing comes natural(ly) to her.那种事对她来是自然[不难]的。
    • Things [Everything] will come right in the end.一切终会顺利。
    • His shoes [shoelaces] came untied.他的鞋子[鞋带]松开了。
  • ⑪[用作感叹词表示诱使、催促、诘问等意]得啦,好啦
    • Come, that will do!好啦,那就行了!
    • Come, come, you should not speak like that!得啦,得啦,你不该那样说话!
  • ⑫[作假设法的现在式]【口】一到…的时候
    • He will be sixty come July.到七月他将满六十岁。
    • Come fifty (and) you'll think differently.到了五十岁,你会有不同的想法。
  • ⑬[当过去分词用]
    • A Daniel come to judgement!名法官丹尼尔再世(★出自 Shakespeare的「威尼斯商人」)
  • ⑭[作不定词形式]未来的
    • the world to come未来的世界,来世
    • in time(s) to come在将来,在未来
    • in the years to come在未来几年,在将来
  • ⑮ 【口】达到性高潮


  • ① 【口】摆[装]出(某种样子)
    • come the moralist装有道学家的样子


  • as ... as ... come
    • ① (人、物)极为…[无出其上]
    • As a teacher she's as good as they come.做为一位老师,她实在太好了。
  • come about
    • ① 发生
    • ② (风向)起变化
    • The wind has come about to the north.风向已经转北。
    • We came about and sailed on the port tack.我们调转帆向,左舷抢风行驶。
  • come across ...
    • ① 越过;掠过(脑际)
    • ② 偶然发现或遇见
    • ③ 【口】被理解;(演员等)受欢迎
    • ④ 【俚】答应要求;付钱<with>
    • The robber gave the old man's arm a twist, and he at once came across with all the money he had.强盗将老人的胳臂扭了一下,老人赶紧把所有的钱都给了他。
  • come after
    • ① 跟随(…),继(…之)后,续来
    • ② 追
    • He came after me with a knife.他拿着一把刀追我。
  • come along
    • ① 来;随同而至;[祈使句]快点,赶快
    • ② 同意,赞同<with>
    • ③ 顺利进行;进步;成功
    • ④ (随着)来;(从这里)经过
    • Come along (with me).(跟我)来吧。
  • come and go
    • ① 来来去去;忽来忽去;忽隐忽现;变化不定
    • Money will come and go.钱财是来去自如的(喻钱财之得失全凭运气,人无法勉强)。
  • come and V
    • ① 来做(某事)
    • Come and see me tomorrow.明天来看我吧(★尤其在【美口】中常在come, go, run, send, try等动词之后接不定原形:Come tell me. 来告诉我)。
  • come around
    • ① 迂回而至;随兴来访
    • ② (季节等)再来临,轮到
    • ③ 苏醒;恢复意识或精力
    • ④ (风)转变方向;(人)改变见解,同意,接受;讨(人)欢心
    • He will come around to my way of thinking in the end.到后来他会同意[接受]我的想法。
  • come at ...
    • ① 达到;得知;获得;接近
    • ② 向…接近;攻击,袭击
    • The dog came at the stranger.那条狗攻击那个陌生人。
  • come away
    • ① 离开;脱落;掉下
    • The branch came away.树枝掉落了。
  • come back
    • ① 回来;重现于记忆中
    • ② 【口】(时尚等)再度流行
    • ③ 反驳,还嘴
    • He came back at me with angry words.他以怒言反驳我。
  • come before ...
    • ① 比…重要
    • ② 被提出讨论
    • The issue came before the committee.该问题被提到委员会上讨论。
  • come between ...
    • ① 位于(两者)之间;介入(两者)之间;成为(两者之间的)阻碍;妨碍
    • After the quarrel hostility came between her and me.那次争吵之后她跟我之间有些敌意。
  • come by
    • ① 获得,获有
    • ② 偶然受(伤等)
    • ③ 从…的旁边经过
    • ④ 偶然想起[发现]…
    • ⑤ 经过,走过去
    • ⑥ 【美口】(顺路)造访
  • come close to V-ing
    • ① 几近;差一点就…
    • He came close to achieving his aim.他差一点就达到目的。
  • come down
    • ① 下来;降下;走下(楼梯);(沿街道)走过来;垂下;垂及;(物价等)跌落
    • ② (声望、地位等)衰落,失势,沦落,败落
    • ③ (故事、习俗等)世代相传
    • ④ 【英口】出钱;付钱
    • He came down handsomely.他出手大方[付钱慷慨]。
  • come down on [upon] ...
    • ① 突击,袭击
    • ② 【口】责罚;严厉斥责(=scold; reprimand)
    • ③ 向…索取(钱财等)
    • The swindler came down on him for 10,000 dollars.那骗子向他索取一万美元。
  • come down with ...
    • ① 罹患(疾病)
    • ② 【英】出(钱)
    • She came down with some money for the organization.她捐了一些钱给那个机构。
  • come for ...
    • ① 为(某目的)而来;来取(某物);来接(某人)
    • What have you come for?你来干什么?
  • come forth
    • ① 出现;显现
    • Black smoke came forth at every crevice.黑烟从每条缝隙中冒出来。
  • come forth with ...
    • ① 拿出(某物)来
  • come forward
    • ① 走出来,出现
    • ② 提出;自愿效劳
    • ③ 能得到,可获得;可销售
  • come in
    • ① 进来,进入;(潮水)涨;(火车)进站;(船)入港
    • ② (在竞赛中)入选;(政党)当权,取得政权,上台
    • ③ 正当时令;开始流行
    • ④ 作为收入而被收到
    • ⑤ 取得某种地位或处于某种立场
    • Where do I come in?把我安排在什么立场[我的职务是什么、对我有何益处]?
    • Where does the joke come in?这笑话可笑处在哪里?
  • come in for ...
    • ① 得到(一份、遗产等)
    • ② 受到(责备等)
    • You'll come in for criticism if you do so.如果你这么做,会受到批评。
  • come in on ...
    • ① 【口】加入,参加
    • Let him come in on the plan.让他参与这项计划吧。
  • come in useful [handy]
    • ① 可能有用,派上用场
    • This will come in useful to us for storing things.这也许有一天可以当做装东西的容器用。
  • come into ...
    • ① 进入(某种状态);变成(某种结果);继承(财产、权利等)
    • He came into a large fortune when his father died.他父亲去世时,他继承了一大笔财产。
    • come into one's own获得应享的权利
  • come near V-ing
    • ① 差点儿,几乎要(做)(=come close to V-ing)
    • He came near being killed.他差点儿被杀死。
  • come of ...
    • ① 起自;起因(于);为(…的)结果,出身(于…);籍隶(某地)
  • come off
    • ① (人)自…离开[下来、跌下];废弃
    • ② 脱落,掉落;剥落
    • ③ (事件)发生,举行;(计划等)实现,成功
    • ④ (人)尽责,表现;(在竞赛中)得胜;结果(证实为)
    • The movie came off well [badly].那部电影拍得成功[失败]。
    • He came off best in the competition.他在比赛中表现最佳(得了第一名)。
    • She came off (a [the]) winner [victorious].她结果成为胜利者。
  • Come off it!
    • ① 【口】别装蒜了;别扯了
  • come on
    • ① 跟随;[用于祈使句]赶快;(作挑战语)来吧;(作怂恿语)好啦,请啦
    • ② (季节、夜晚等)接近,来临;(雨)开始降落;(疾病)侵袭
    • ③ (电灯等)亮起来
    • ④ 进步;进展;发展;发育
    • ⑤ (问题、讼案)被提出讨论
    • ⑥ (演员)登场,上台;(剧本)上演;(电视节目)播出
    • ⑦[come on]【板球】开始投球
    • ⑧ =come upon
  • come out
    • ① 出现;显现;(消息)传出;(真相)大白;出版,登刊
    • ② 初入社交场合;初次登场
    • ③ (选手等)出场
    • ④ (相片上的细部、人的性格等)显出,表露
    • ⑤ (算术题)被解决;(总数、平均数等)达到
    • ⑥ (在考试中)得名次或成绩
    • ⑦ 结果变得
    • ⑧ (工人)罢工
    • ⑨ (污迹)被洗掉;(颜料等)消失,消退,褪色
    • The stain won't come out.这污迹洗不掉。
  • come out with ...
    • ① 说出,透露
    • He suddenly came out with a very strange story.他突然说出一个非常奇怪的故事。
  • come over
    • ① 过来;从远处来
    • ② 改变立场;变节
    • ③ 【英口】突然感觉到
    • ④ (感情、暮色等)侵占,占据
    • ⑤ 发生于…,影响
    • What's come over her?她发生什么事啦?她怎么啦?
  • come through
    • ① 经过;经历;经过(种种艰险)而仍然活着;顺利地经过
    • ② 【俚】交出;支付<with>
    • John needed money for college and his father came through with $5,000.约翰要钱上大学,他父亲给了他五千美元。
  • come to
    • ① (昏厥后)恢复知觉,复苏,苏醒
    • ② 【海】把船转向迎风
  • come to oneself
    • ① 苏醒,恢复知觉(=come to ones senses);醒悟;恢复明智或正常
  • come under ...
    • ① 归入(类别、属下等)
    • ② 受到(注意或影响)
    • come under a person's notice [influence]受到某人注意[影响]
  • come up
    • ① 上升;前来;走近;【英】升上大学
    • ② (植物)长出地面,萌芽
    • ③ 发生;开始流行
    • ④ 被提出讨论;出现
    • The question came up at the meeting.那个问题在会议席上被提出来讨论。
  • come up against ...
    • ① 面对,对付(困难、反对)
    • We came up against a lot of opposition to the project.我们对付了对那项计划的许多反对。
  • come up to ...
    • ① 走到…跟前;到达
    • ② 达到或符合(期望、标准)
    • The performance did not come up to their expectations.那场表演没有达到他们的期望。
    • His work does not come up to his usual standard.他的作品[工作]没有达到他平常的标准。
  • come up with ...
    • ① 追及,赶上;【美】报复
    • ② 【口】取出(必要之物);提出(计划、答案等)
    • He came up with the family photograph album.他拿出家庭相片簿。
    • The company will come up with the money.该公司将拿出那笔钱。
    • He came up with a new idea.他提出一个新主意。
  • come upon ...
    • ① 偶然发现或遇见;忽然想到
    • ② 突袭;突临
    • ③ 向(人)要求
    • ④ 成为…的一项负担
    • In those days they came upon the landowner.当时他们有赖地主的接济。
  • come what may [will]
    • ① 不论发生什么事;在任何情况下
    • Jones has decided to get a college education, come what may.琼斯决定无论如何也要读大学。
    • Come what may, he will not change his mind.无论如何,他决不会改变心意。
  • when it comes to V-ing
    • ① 谈到…
    • When it comes to (playing) tennis, she is next to none.谈到(打)网球,她不亚于任何人。


  • acquire
  • advance
  • alight on
  • arise
  • arrive at
  • attain
  • become
  • befall
  • betide
  • break
  • bump into
  • call
  • chance on
  • chip in
  • click
  • come about
  • come across
  • come by
  • come off
  • come on
  • come over
  • contribute
  • convalesce
  • debut
  • derive
  • develop
  • donate
  • drop by
  • drop in
  • emanate
  • enter
  • fall
  • find
  • finish
  • flow
  • gain
  • get
  • get along
  • get out
  • get to
  • go
  • go back
  • go in
  • go over
  • grow
  • hail
  • hap
  • happen
  • happen on
  • hit on
  • improve
  • inherit
  • issue
  • kick in
  • land
  • last
  • leak
  • light on
  • look in
  • look up
  • march
  • mend
  • move
  • obtain
  • occur
  • originate
  • out
  • pan out
  • pass
  • penetrate
  • perk up
  • persist
  • pick up
  • place
  • pop in
  • proceed
  • procure
  • progress
  • pull through
  • put in
  • rally
  • recover
  • recuperate
  • return
  • revisit
  • ride out
  • rise
  • run
  • run across
  • run in
  • run into
  • secure
  • see
  • spring
  • stem
  • stop
  • stumble on
  • subscribe
  • succeed
  • survive
  • transpire
  • tumble on
  • turn
  • upspring
  • visit
  • wax
  • weather
  • win
  • work
  • work out
  • add up
  • amount
  • arrive
  • come in
  • come up
  • cum
  • descend
  • do
  • ejaculate
  • fare
  • follow
  • issue forth
  • make out
  • number
  • seed
  • semen
  • seminal fluid
  • total


  • go
  • leave


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • matter
  • substance
  • body substance
  • liquid body substance
  • bodily fluid
  • body fluid
  • humor
  • humour
  • semen
  • seed
  • seminal fluid
  • ejaculate
  • cum
  • come


  • bodily fluid
  • body fluid
  • humor
  • humour
  • liquid body substance


  • milt




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