

词汇 bird


  • bird
  • birds


  • ① 鸟;禽
    • Most birds can fly.大部分的鸟都会飞。
    • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.【谚】一鸟在手胜于两鸟在林(喻到手的东西才是可靠的)(★a bird in the hand表示「现实的利益」)。
    • The bird is [has] flown.对方(即所欲擒捕的对象)逃掉了。
  • ② 猎人喜爱猎捕的鸟(如鹧鸪、松鸡、雉等)
  • ③[通常附有修饰语]【口】人;家伙;【英俚】少女
    • my bird可爱的人儿
    • an old bird.细心老练的人。
    • He's an old [a queer] bird.他是个怪人。
  • ④ 【口】飞弹;(载人)太空船;直升机;飞机
  • ⑤[the bird]【俚】(观众、听众的)嘲笑声,嘘声(=jeer)
    • They started to give the singer the bird when they found that she sang badly.当他们发现那位歌手唱得不好时,就开始对她发出嘘声。
    • get the bird受到嘲笑;得到嘘声
  • ⑥ 【英俚】刑期
    • do bird服刑


  • A little bird told me.
    • ① 【口】我风闻此事;消息灵通人士告诉了我。
    • A little bird told me that me that today is your birthday.听人说今天是你的生日。
  • bird of ill omen
    • ① 不祥之鸟;带来不祥之兆或消息的人
  • bird of paradise
    • ① 极乐鸟(产于新几内亚,全身羽毛色泽极美)
  • bird of passage
    • ① 候鸟
    • ② 【口】流浪者
  • bird of prey
    • ① 猛禽(捕食其他鸟类及动物者,如枭、鹰等)
  • eat like a bird
    • ① 吃得很少
  • for the birds
    • ① 【美口】无聊;没什么价值
    • That's for the birds.那多无聊。
  • kill two birds with one stone
    • ① 【口】一石两鸟,一箭双雕,一举两得
    • She killed two birds with one stone by shopping and visiting the museum on the same trip.她出去一趟,既购物又参观了博物馆,真是一举两得。
  • like a bird
    • ① 【口】小鸟般嘹亮地(歌唱);小鸟般勤快地(工作)
  • the bird of freedom
    • ① 自由之鸟(美国国徽秃鹰(bald eagle))
  • the bird of Jove [Juno, Minerva]
    • ① 鹰[孔雀、猫头鹰]
  • the bird of night
    • ① 猫头鹰,枭
  • the bird of peace
    • ① 鸽子
  • the bird of wonder
    • ① 不死鸟,凤凰(=phoenix)
  • the birds and bees
    • ① 【口】有关性的初步知识,性教育的基本知识


  • Bronx cheer
  • boo
  • catcall
  • hiss
  • hoot
  • raspberry
  • razz
  • birdie
  • birdwatch
  • chick
  • dame
  • doll
  • fowl
  • razzing
  • shuttle
  • shuttlecock
  • skirt
  • snort
  • wench


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • living thing
  • animate thing
  • organism
  • being
  • animal
  • animate being
  • beast
  • brute
  • creature
  • fauna
  • chordate
  • vertebrate
  • craniate
  • bird


  • badminton equipment
  • call
  • craniate
  • cry
  • fille
  • girl
  • meat
  • miss
  • missy
  • outcry
  • shout
  • vertebrate
  • vociferation
  • yell
  • young lady
  • young woman


  • Archaeopteryx lithographica
  • Ibero-mesornis
  • Sinornis
  • apodiform bird
  • aquatic bird
  • archaeopteryx
  • archaeornis
  • archeopteryx
  • bird of passage
  • bird of prey
  • caprimulgiform bird
  • carinate
  • carinate bird
  • cock
  • coraciiform bird
  • cuculiform bird
  • dickey-bird
  • dickeybird
  • dicky-bird
  • dickybird
  • flightless bird
  • flying bird
  • gallinacean
  • gallinaceous bird
  • hen
  • nester
  • night bird
  • nonpasserine bird
  • parrot
  • passeriform bird
  • passerine
  • piciform bird
  • poultry
  • protoavis
  • raptor
  • raptorial bird
  • ratite
  • ratite bird
  • trogon
  • twitterer
  • wildfowl




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