

词汇 evidence


  • evidence
  • evidences
  • evidences
  • evidencing
  • evidenced
  • evidenced


  • ① 证据;证词
    • The evidence is somewhat scant.证据有点儿不足。
    • circumstantial evidence情况[间接]证据
    • The evidence against her was purely circumstantial.对她不利的那项证据纯粹是间接的。
    • verbal evidence口头证据,证词
    • a piece of evidence一件证据
    • They had enough evidence for conviction.他们有足够的证据作有罪的判决。
    • There was evidence of someone having opened the box.有证据显示有人打开过那个箱子。
    • There isn't enough [sufficient] evidence that she is guilty.没有足够的证据证明她有罪。
    • What evidence do you have to support your theory?你有什么证据来支持你的理论?
  • ②[偶用复数形]形迹,迹象
    • The land showed [bore, gave] evidence of cultivation.那块地有耕作过的痕迹。
    • There are evidences that somebody has been living in this house.这个房子有某人住过的迹象。


  • ① 证明;作为…的证据
    • He evidenced his approval by promising his full support.他答应充分支持,以证明他是赞成的。
  • ② 显示;明白指出
    • You evidenced no talent for music.你显示没有音乐天份。


proof, evidence: 都指证明某项结论或判断所用的证据,但evidence不像proof那样周全确凿

testimony: 指证明某事的真伪对错所提供的证据或证言


  • call a person in evidence
    • ① 传某人作证
    • Mr. Dick was called in evidence.迪克先生被传唤作证。
  • give [offer] evidence
    • ① 作证
    • There are two men who can give evidence of the matter.能对此事作证的有两人。
  • in evidence
    • ① 显而易见的,显著的
    • ② 作为证据的
    • The U.S. president was very much in evidence at the peace conference.美国总统在和会上出尽风头。
    • The letter was introduced [received] in evidence against him.那封信被提出来[受理]作为不利于他的证据。
  • on evidence
    • ① 有证据的
    • He was released on insufficient evidence.他以罪证不足获释。
  • take evidence
    • ① 审问证人
  • turn King's [Queen's, State's] evidence
    • ① 供出对共犯不利的证词


  • indicationn.证据
  • manifestationn.证据
  • proofn.证明
  • signn.证据
  • testimonyn.证据
  • tracen.证据
  • attest
  • attestation
  • authenticate
  • authentication
  • back
  • badge
  • bear out
  • confirm
  • confirmation
  • corroborate
  • corroboration
  • demonstrate
  • demonstration
  • display
  • endorse
  • establish
  • evince
  • exhibit
  • index
  • indicator
  • justify
  • manifest
  • mark
  • note
  • proclaim
  • prove
  • reveal
  • show
  • signification
  • stamp
  • substantiate
  • substantiation
  • symptom
  • testament
  • testify
  • testimonial
  • token
  • validate
  • validation
  • verification
  • verify
  • warrant
  • witness
  • bear witness
  • certify
  • grounds
  • tell


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • information
  • evidence
  • grounds


  • indicant
  • indication
  • info
  • information


  • argument
  • attestation
  • circumstantial evidence
  • clew
  • clue
  • cogent evidence
  • corpus delicti
  • corroborating evidence
  • cue
  • direct evidence
  • disproof
  • exhibit
  • falsification
  • footprint evidence
  • hearsay evidence
  • identification
  • indirect evidence
  • lead
  • probable cause
  • proof
  • record
  • refutation
  • sign
  • smoking gun
  • state's evidence
  • statement
  • symptom
  • testimonial
  • testimony
  • track
  • trail




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