

词汇 drain


  • drain
  • drains
  • drains
  • draining
  • drained
  • drained


  • ① 排(水)
    • They dug a trench to drain water away [off].他们挖沟排水。
    • A ditch drains water from the swamp.一条沟排出沼泽中的水。
    • They built a tunnel to drain water out of the mines.他们造了一条隧道以排出矿坑的水。
  • ② 排出…的水;施以水设备
    • They worked together to drain flooded land.他们一起工作,以排干淹水的土地。
    • drain a swamp of water排干沼泽地的水
    • The farmers drained the land dry.农夫们将该地的水排干。
  • ③ 1喝干(酒),干(杯)2[以dry为补语]将(酒、一杯)喝干3滤干(洗过的蔬菜、器皿等)
    • He drained his cup in one draft.他一口喝干他那杯酒。
    • drain the last of the whiskey dry将最后一滴威士忌酒喝干
    • drain those plates on the rack泸干盘架上的那些盘子
  • ④ 使(货币、财宝等)外流;使(财富、力等)渐渐消耗
    • Military spending drained the country of its resources.军费使那个国家的资源逐渐耗尽。
    • He was drained of his strength [energy].他筋疲力竭。
    • She felt drained dry of energy [strength].她觉得精力已耗尽。
    • drain away the best brains to the United States使最优秀的人才外流到美国


  • ① (水)细流,徐徐流出
    • The floods have drained away.洪水渐渐退了。
    • The sewage drains off into the sea.下水道的污水流到海里。
  • ② (土地)排水;(沼泽等)干涸;(濡湿的海绵、布、盘碟等)晾干
    • She left the plates to drain.她让碟子晾干。
    • This plain drains into the river.这个平原的水流入该河。
  • ③ 1(体力等)逐渐耗竭2(血气等由脸部等)消退<from, out of>
    • His energy is slowly draining away.他的精力慢慢枯竭。
    • The color [blood] drained from her face.血气由她的脸上消退。
  • ④ (财富、人才等)外流
    • Most of their best brains have drained away to America.他们最优秀的人才大部分都外流到美国。


  • ① 1排水渠,下水道,阴沟2[用复数形]排水设施
  • ②[或作a drain]排水
  • ③[货币等的]外流,枯竭,消耗,消费
    • a drain on natural resources天然资源的消耗
    • the drain of capital from a country资本的外流


  • go [be] down the drain
    • ① 【口】付诸东流;白费
    • His plan failed. All his effort went down the drain.他的计划失败了,他的一切努力都白费了。
  • laugh like a drain
    • ① 【英俚】大声地笑


  • empty outv.使空
  • flow awayv.流走
  • flow offv.流走
  • pump offv.抽干
  • sapv.耗尽
  • use upv.耗尽
  • abate
  • abatement
  • consume
  • curtailment
  • cut
  • cutback
  • decrease
  • decrement
  • deplete
  • diminish
  • diminishment
  • diminution
  • draw
  • draw down
  • dwindle
  • eat up
  • ebb
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • fatigue
  • finish
  • impoverish
  • jade
  • lessen
  • let out
  • let up
  • peter
  • play out
  • polish off
  • pump
  • rebate
  • reduce
  • reduction
  • run through
  • slash
  • slowdown
  • spend
  • tail away
  • tap
  • taper
  • tire
  • wear
  • wear down
  • wear out
  • weary
  • debilitate
  • drainage
  • drainpipe
  • enfeeble
  • run out
  • waste pipe


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • action
  • change
  • change of integrity
  • separation
  • removal
  • remotion
  • emptying
  • voidance
  • evacuation
  • drain
  • drainage


  • depletion
  • emptying
  • evacuation
  • pipage
  • pipe
  • piping
  • tube
  • tubing
  • voidance


  • brain drain
  • cloaca
  • culvert
  • drawing
  • drawing off
  • scupper
  • sewer
  • sewerage
  • soil pipe
  • trap




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