

词汇 hole


  • hole
  • holes
  • holes
  • holing
  • holed
  • holed


  • ① 穴;孔;裂缝;洞;坑;(凹处、流水等的)深处;(袜子等的)破洞
    • He dug a hole in the ground.他在地上掘一个洞。
  • ② 1[常用于复合语](兔、狐狸等的)窟,巢穴2【口】粗陋狭窄的住所
    • that wretched hole of a house那粗陋狭窄如洞穴的小房子
  • ③ 【口】困境;窘境;(尤指)经济的困境
    • be in a hole陷于困境;经济拮据
  • ④ 缺陷,缺点;错误
    • Can you find any holes in his theory?你能在他的理论中找出任何漏洞[缺陷]吗?
    • The police discovered several holes in the suspect's alibi.警察在嫌疑犯的不在现场答辩中发现了几处漏洞。
  • ⑤ 【高球】洞;(把球打进洞而)得分
    • an eighteen-hole golf course十八洞的高尔夫球场


  • ① 钻;掘(洞);凿(隧道)
    • We holed a tunnel through the mountain.我们在那山里凿了一条隧道。
  • ② 驱…入穴;打(高尔夫球)入洞<out>


hole: 为表示凹处或洞的最普通的字

a hole in the ground

hollow: 指固体内的空间,不论其是否穿透物体表面

a hollow in a tall tree

cavity: 与hollow意义相当,但前者为专门性的字

the cavity in a tooth



cavern: 指天然或人工的洞穴

cave dwellers

excavation: 指为了特别的目的而挖掘,以除去异物所作成的大穴


  • every hole and corner
    • ① 各个角落
    • The police searched every hole and corner for the murderer.警察到处搜索那名凶手。
  • hole out
    • ① 【高球】打高尔夫球入洞
    • hole out in one打一杆就进洞
  • hole up
    • ① (动物)入洞过冬
    • ② 【美俚】(罪犯等)藏匿<in>
  • in holes
    • ① (袜子等)有破洞的
  • in the hole
    • ① 【美口】欠债;有赤字
    • I'm $1,000 in the hole this month.我这个月欠了一千美元的债。
  • make a hole in ...
    • ① 在…挖洞;用掉一大部分…
  • pick holes in ...
    • ① 对…吹毛求疵;指摘


  • breachn.
  • gapn.
  • leakn.
  • nookn.
  • omissionn.漏洞
  • orificen.
  • pitn.
  • ventn.洞口
  • Dutch
  • aperture
  • bind
  • box
  • break
  • burrow
  • cavity
  • corner
  • deep water
  • den
  • difficulty
  • dilemma
  • fix
  • hide out
  • hollow
  • hot spot
  • hot water
  • hovel
  • hut
  • jam
  • lair
  • mouth
  • opening
  • outlet
  • perforate
  • perforation
  • pickle
  • pierce
  • plight
  • pocket
  • predicament
  • puncture
  • quagmire
  • rupture
  • scrape
  • shack
  • shanty
  • soup
  • spot
  • trouble
  • vacuity
  • void
  • cakehole
  • gob
  • golf hole
  • hole out
  • kettle of fish
  • maw
  • mess
  • muddle
  • trap
  • yap


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • shape
  • form
  • amorphous shape
  • space
  • opening
  • gap
  • hole


  • defect
  • depression
  • difficulty
  • fault
  • flaw
  • gap
  • mouth
  • natural depression
  • opening
  • oral cavity
  • oral fissure
  • period of play
  • play
  • playing period
  • rima oris
  • space


  • air hole
  • aperture
  • armhole
  • blowhole
  • bolt-hole
  • bullet hole
  • bunghole
  • burrow
  • button hole
  • buttonhole
  • cavity
  • chuckhole
  • countersink
  • cranny
  • cup
  • dog's breakfast
  • dog's dinner
  • dogleg
  • ear hole
  • eye
  • eyehole
  • eyelet
  • finger hole
  • gopher hole
  • hawse
  • hawsehole
  • hawsepipe
  • kettle
  • kettle hole
  • keyhole
  • knothole
  • leak
  • loophole
  • lubber's hole
  • manhole
  • mortice
  • mortise
  • mouth hole
  • nail hole
  • ozone hole
  • peephole
  • perforation
  • pit
  • plughole
  • pore
  • post hole
  • posthole
  • pothole
  • puncture
  • rabbit burrow
  • rabbit hole
  • rathole
  • sound hole
  • spyhole
  • thumbhole
  • tunnel
  • vent
  • vent-hole
  • venthole
  • wormhole




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